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欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.1欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.2欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.3欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.4欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.5欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.6欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.13欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.14欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.15欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.16欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.17欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.18欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.19欢乐一家亲第三季 剧照 NO.20



  Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.



 1 ) Maris——剧本以上,镜头之外


E13 Niles与Daphne的红裙探戈



#E03 03'58 Niles: It's Maris' night to host her book club and they are more comfortable not having a man there.

#E04 11'35 Niles: "Take one tablet per hours or as needed until trembling subsides". I'm sorry, these are for Maris.

15'11 N: You know, Frasier, if you're serious about that whoopee cushion, I happen to have one at the house. Last year a disgruntled servant left one on Maris's dining room chair. Fortunately for all of us, embarrassment was averted when my little faun proved too light to activate it.

#E05 06'19 N: We're talking about a man who has satisfied Maris, something that's still regrettably on my to-do list!

08'02 N: Maris is quite keen on gutting my library to make more space for her hats.

10'36 -F: You have a bowling bag? -N: Yes. Maris and I have taken to giving each other gag gifts. I gave her a cook book.

12'07 N: You don't have to keep feeding these men. Actually, Maris finds they work faster if you keep them hungry.

20'25 Martin-: You carry seven hundred dollars in your wallet? -N: Well, Maris asked me to stop by the drugstore later.

#E08 04'14 N: The last two nights, I knocked on Maris's bedroom door to wish her goodnight and I was greeted with a chilly silence, so, naturally I assumed everything was status quo. -M: Uh, thin. Make that very thin. Caucasian. Very Caucasian. -F: Well, she left without so much as a note or a phone call! This is not the first time we've experienced Maris's selfish behavior! She always puts her needs above his! She never attends family functions! Oh, she's not being eccentric. She's being arrogant and selfish.

11'22 N: She wants a divorce.

16'05 N: Maris ordered me to get my stuff out of there by sundown, or else she'd turn it over to a church bazaar.

#E09 02'14 N: I'm calling her right now and demanding the restoration of my credit card and my bank accounts. And my phone service!

19'53 -Frederick: I hope aunt Maris comes out of her coma. -N: He asked where she was, I thought the truth would just upset him.

#E12 04'32 -F: This often happens in these cases when two people separate, their friends often choose one spouse over the other. I'm sure they just choose Maris because she's better connected and has more money than you do. -N: Exactly which part of that was meant to ease my pain?

#E13 03'42 -N: The gigolos are swarming around Maris like ants on a snickers bar! -M: If she's seeing a whole bunch of people, that means she's not serious about any one of them. They're probably just her escorts. You konw how she loves going to parties. -N: Yes, and she never liked going anywhere alone except bed.

06'49 N: I've taken Maris to dozens of these things, she's never once asked to dance. Of course, Maris dislikes public displays of rhythm.

#E15 00'51 -N: This morning, for the first time since our separation, Maris actually picked up the phone and called me! She needs a favour. This is my chance to show her how necessary I really am to her, and all I have to do is fix one small problem! -M: What's the problem? -N: Uh, she's wanted by the police. Apparently, she was driving past a shoe store last week, whe she spotted a stunning pair of Ferragamo pumps in the window. Well, I need not to remind you what effect a Ferragamo sighting can have on Maris's hand-eye coordination. She drove up on the sidewalk and when the police ran her name through the computer, they found quite a little backlog of unpaid parking tickets! -F: What else would you expect from a woman who thinks her chocolate allergy entitles her to park in a handicapped space?

02'52 -D: What a horrible thing to happen. Can you picture poor Mrs.Crane confined to a jail cell? -F: Only if they moved the bars close together.

04'58 -N: You don't understand what this means to me. When Maris asked me for this favour, do you konw what she said? She said,"Niles, will you be my Commodore?" -F: Her commodore? -N: That's what she used to call her father. Frasier, there was no problem so great that the man couldn't fix it. Remember that lovely jeweled crucifix Maris picked up on her first communion trip to Rome? Who do you think smoothed things over with the Vatican?

E15 Frasier和Niles看到黑帮出现在家中,好萌,像两只白熊

#E21 09'30 N: I know about addiction. It's the exact same look Maris used to get during the cough syrup years.

E21 婚礼上死了未婚夫 被Frasier抓到在阳台抽烟的Bebe

E24 11'04 -F: Oh, thanks again for dinner the other night with Maris. You two seem very happy. -N: Yes, it's love. Like the Arctic Puffin, we've mated for life. Honestly, I can't imagine even looking at another woman.


对巧克力过敏,热爱派对,交际广泛,瘦小,身体不好需要服药,曾对止咳糖浆上瘾,不擅烹饪,节奏感差,有时候会占小便宜,有一位无所不能的父亲,从不示弱,在婚姻中占据绝对领导地位,奢侈品狂热者,不爱出席家庭聚会,时常自私不考虑他人的感受,这是Maris,一位富有聪明的白种女人,她曾说"Niles, will you be my Commodore?"

 2 ) 美国黄金情景喜剧

版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。 作者:袁成伟(来自豆瓣) 来源://www.douban.com/doubanapp/dispatch?uri=/review/8889202/ 美国情景喜剧看的不多,老友记属于风趣幽默,马尔科姆的一家剑走偏锋,而这部剧,只能说优雅睿智。 很难想象一部情景喜剧能用“优雅睿智”形容但是这部剧做到了。剧中笑点几乎依靠精妙的台词和巧妙的情节推动的,一点也不俗套。更难得的是这些笑料一点也不低俗(破产姐妹就是低俗喜剧的代表),而且剧中人物性格鲜明却不怪咖(不像某大爆炸)。更可贵的是剧中对亲情爱情的一些情节,时而伤感,时而温馨幽默,显示就编剧强大的功力。 最后再次强烈推荐大家看这部剧,另外友情小贴士:可以先从最后一季看,看完咋会倒追第一季,有惊喜呦!



  • 夢裡花落
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  • Ann
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  • 阿蛮
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  • 冷冻室室长
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结尾又是一次升华 Frasier对爸爸的爱

  • 萨拉热窝的脚印
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  • 愛德華張
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  • PhotoniKaka
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  • Hi Friday
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  • mOco
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S3E18可搭配雙雪濤「平原上的摩西」之「大師」看。一篇太好哭,一集太好笑。都是通過「棋」講父子關係,講如何做人得以得體、瀟灑。磊落的底色,真的真的很重要,所以我更喜歡此集,帶著善意,帶著歡笑,帶著倔強。面對質疑,理解萬歲。/輸得起即是放得下,可是還是要努力,不輸。不輸就是贏/無災便是福。202005ben/ F has leaving the building~

  • ( ? )
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  • nikki
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EP13 Moon Dance 是Kelsey首次参与导演的,实在太精彩,Ballerina + Gay的组合,火花四射!只可怜Niles命太苦,明明是喜剧,还搞得那么悲情,看得人直揪心。

  • 马什么梅?
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  • 茱莉娅
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  • Ω
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E21 Bebe描述抽烟及老爸和Daphne的反应绝了

  • 我突然
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  • K
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  • 蚂蚁没问题
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老爹真的很帅啊 像de niro 好喜欢这剧!好多笑点都很高级hhh 这季开头颜色是绿色💚

  • Taekii
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  • 人间情感观察员
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