Rachel Row: Why do you want to die?
Jonathan: I don't want to die, I just don't want to be alive.
Jonathan: See, Dr Figure was a no-medication type of guy and all the hard core suicidals in his group - now including myself - had agreed not to kill or harm themselves before January 1st. I mean, can you imagine someone dead, hanging from the light fixture in their room, thinking, If my doctor finds out about this, I'm FUCKED."
Dr. Figure: What would you do if you were allowed home for the afternoon?
Jonathan: [inhales] Get a decent cup of coffee then I'd chop me head off with a chainsaw.
Dr. Figure: Okay. Uh - uh, just one thing. I wanted to propose something. It's like a pledge between doctor and patient. We nominate a day, like three weeks from now - like New Year's Day - and you mustn't harm yourself until that day. You have to stick to it. What do you think about that?
Jonathan: Yeah, I think it's a fuckin' ridiculous idea.
Dr. Figure: It's been known to work.
Jonathan: It won't work.
Dr. Figure: Might. Why don't you think about it?
Jonathan: Okay, hang on.
Jonathan: Um, I've thought about it. Fuck, you made a medical breakthrough. Well done, Doc.
Dr. Figure: Okay, well, we'll talk about it more after the session.
Jonathan: Well, you've given me the will to live and I want to thank you for that.
Dr. Figure: Then, after that, I will show you the benefits of being more sparing with your sarcasm. Okay? See ya.
Jonathan: Fuck you.
Jonathan: I know more about the business of suicide in my baby finger, than you do in all your years of training and Freud reading. I gurran-fuckin'-tee ya that.
[after Toby has killed himself]
Jonathan: You can never really know what was going through a person's mind at that exact moment. If they survive, they'll never tell you. If they succeed, all you can do is spend the rest of your life feeling guilty. You're only concern can be for the people they leave behind. They're the ones to look out for.
Rachel Row: It's beautiful here.
Jonathan: Can't take all this on your own.
Rachel Row: So you are all good now? Too many near death experiences you are beginning to think twice.
Jonathan: You wanna know the truth? If it's a matter of life and death between people like you and me, then I want to outlive you. And I want to see what happens to you. 'Cause I like ya.
Rachel Row: I don't know.
Jonathan: What if we are still together in a year?
Rachel Row: Would we be?
Jonathan: I can see it happening.
Rachel Row: I don't know. So do you think you love me?
Jonathan: I know I love you.
截至1700部,私人最爱的电影。不仅仅是因为Cillian Murphy,不仅仅是因为爱尔兰。少年开着偷来的车载着父亲的骨灰盒随着拉威尔的华尔兹冲下悬崖,只折伤了小指。他绝口不提为什么。|前几天重看,开场他从教堂出来后单车上路,远景的蓝色穹顶我现在每天都会经过。CM是我来爱尔兰的原因之一。
o o o....Cillian.......
对于那些很重的事,我不知道怎么去说。我不知如何告诉你,为什么这一部对我这么重要。不仅仅因为Cillian Murphy。那一年,在那一天之前的一个月,所有的事像一个铺垫,一个预告。然后事情发生了。三年后,回过头看,脉络清清楚楚,除你所经历过的,没有别的路可走。一次一次,反复看1979背景音那一段。
我不想死 只是不想活
没有字幕,看的云里雾里T T不过墨菲的演技真好,他的眼睛诉说着千言万语=3=
I wasn't want to die, I just doesn't want to live
Cillian Murphy美的发光了
空虚 也好神经 赞一个 爱死他了
you are not what people think you are,don't get fucking cornered by other people and what they expected you to do.【JJ太让我心碎了,模仿爱尔兰口音好惊奇,不过讲弟弟故事那里的口音好奇怪的感觉