不是因为对片子一开场的华丽宗教背景的好奇,"And the angel blew the sixth trumpet.." ... 一般很少会把明知是有一点恐怖嫌疑的片子看完。OK,看完以后,还是觉得,片头那段胃口吊的最好。
转网上的内容介绍: A young American diplomat in Rome is told his baby boy has not survived, but he can have a replacement, whose mother died at the same moment. The priest who arranges the swap says "There is no family". Meanwhile, the pope is given a Powerpoint presentation showing elements of the book of Revelation are coming to pass - a star-like comet, torture in Abu Graib, the South East Asian Tsunami. "And the angel blew the sixth trumpet.." Opera singers screech, lightning flashes. Desperate for a child, Robert Thorn keep's the boy's identity secret from his wife.
A remarkable but grizzly accident quickly dispatches his boss, and he's the US Ambassador to London...living in a gothic mansion, with a son who might be the Anti-Christ.
Very few changes have been made to David Setzler's script thirty years on from the original. Liev Schreiber (the Manchurian Candidate) and Julia Stiles (the daughter in Traffic) are very young to play a couple on their last chance to have a child. It suggests they're pitching at an audience that never saw the first one, or the dire sequels that diluted its impact.
Gus Van Sant remade Psycho shot for shot almost ten years ago, and it bombed. Director John Moore has already done a remake, Flight of the Phoenix, but this one's even more faithful to its source material. Low rumbles warn of danger, fast-cut dream sequences chill the audience, and Damien has the right mix of cuteness and menace. Nasty shocks are interspersed with a detective story as the Ambassador and a papparazzo (David Thewlis) who's taken some uncanny photos try to track down the boy's real mother.
Two things make it worth watching. First is the inspired casting of Mia Farrow as Mrs Baylock, who takes over after the first nanny hangs herself at Damien's fifth birthday party. The star of Rosemary's Baby (still the scariest movie I've seen) relishes the role, her face a mask of murderous devotion.
The second is that even though you know what's coming, it's still freaky. Farrow feeds Damien a plate of strawberries, he then rides a scooter around the creaking wooden corridors, while his mother waters the hanging pot plants, teetering on a stool, three stories up. All very unlikely but beautifully shot and edited, and unlike the Exorcist, nothing happens that's obviously supernatural. That's what I liked about the original too, but this one does a good job of drawing you in.
1.Jerry Goldsmith的交响乐极具末世气息,获奥斯卡最佳配乐奖。2.Gilbert Taylor的摄影功不可没,以视点镜头(无人称+上帝视角)、低机位与变焦推拉渲染惊悚氛围。3.骑三轮车儿童被[闪灵]致敬。4.照片显影死法、无处不在666及诡异意外(倒车玻璃断头)均为[死神来了]借鉴。5.击落避雷针插死。(8.5/10)
凶兆作为载入史册的恐怖片自然有其当之无愧的原因,除了气氛和悬念之外,对于人物情感的刻画更是让角色的转变变得尤其可怕。伴随着Jerry Goldsmith的诡异配乐,格利高里·派克的罗马不再是当年的邂逅之地,而是噩梦开始的地方。
7.8 在那个最自由最开放的年代,人类已经到达从宗教社会到现代社会的转折点,撒旦降临这种题材的电影反映出人们在面对“宗教将死”这种大趋势时所产生的信仰焦虑
Rosemary's Baby by Polanski is better than this one in terms of the twist of the plot