Girlfight is a female boxing movie released in the year 2000. Directed by Karyn Kusama, it is a movie about a high school girl named Diana who is an energy-overflowed and angry girl that often causes troubles. She soon she finds a way to unleash her anger and energy through boxing. However, boxing is not a sport for girls, and although her trainer promises to train her as long as she gets the due, the trainer doesn’t want to her to fight because “girls are not as strong as boys.” But later he changes his mind after watches Diana’s fight, and makes her a good fighter. In addition to her boxing, she wins her boyfriend to prove that she is a good fighter. It is a story about a female boxer, but underneath it is a movie about more than this. First, this is a movie about youth rather than boxing. Diana is a typical high school youth with typical youth problems such as uncountable energy and angers, which she doesn’t know how to unleash. I think most people have gone through this kind of experience at that age. When they feel angry, an efficient way of expressing their anger is to fight somebody, this applies to Diana as well, who has four fights in one semester. She finds a way to unleash her anger after she sees her brother in a boxing fight at a gym. She loves this sport because it helps her control and unleashes her anger. Another typical problem with youth is family problems. In this movie, Diana has a bad relationship with her father. This is also part of the reason that caused her anger. The scene shows her anger out of control in the fight between her and her father. For these reasons, I consider this as a movie about youth. Second, this movie challenges female traditional roles in society. In the Heterosexual Matrix, females do work that show their femininity and males do work that show their masculinity. This is the traditional way of social roles expressing gender. Females are supposed to work on light sports, but boxing is an extremely competitive and dangerous sport that could cause physical damage. Just like the trainer in this movie says “girls can’t box, because girls are not as strong as boys,” boxing is often considered as a male game. In this movie, the director is trying to challenge this rule by letting girls box. Moreover, the director sets up this boy versus girl boxing scene to reinforce this challenge and let the girl win in order to prove that females can play male sports. Overall, this movie shows a brand new point of view on boxing which is from the perspective of females. To reinforce this, the director uses many techniques. For instance, to show the girl as the central character of this movie, in most of her scenes, she is placed at the center of the frame. This method is called Mise en scene. It means use the arrangement of visual weights and movements within a given space. And other supporting actors and actresses are often placed at two sides of the frame. This gives viewers a sense of the character at the center is much more important than characters at other places.
阿凡达的女飞行员~ 打心眼里喜欢觉得姑娘好实在。最后和男朋友box很让人难以接受但是还是发生了,处理的不好但是我意淫很好~~ 打拳击的女生不是一般男人能收的~ (恶意五星下 分儿太低了。。喜欢女主和她男朋友~ for love
阿凡达的女飞行员~ 打心眼里喜欢觉得姑娘好实在。最后和男朋友box很让人难以接受但是还是发生了,处理的不好但是我意淫很好~~ 打拳击的女生不是一般男人能收的~ (恶意五星下 分儿太低了。。喜欢女主和她男朋友~ for love
米歇尔罗德里格斯的出道戏 只可惜这么有性格的女演员这么多年一直没有一个好角色 不过她的拳击水平真多不错滴
"you box with me like I was any other guy, you threw down and you showed me respect, don't you see what that means?"
據說是Michelle的處女座?好嫩啊,演技也並不是很好,總是強行裝逼。。。可是很可愛啊!!!我覺得片子還不錯,能看!!! 不過前面他忤逆教練那段實在看不下去。我活著麼多年,沒見過忤逆教練的,基本不乖的都直接打服,要不就直接決裂。
从最早的《洛奇》到三宅唱的《惠子,凝视》,“城市”在电影镜头中都像主角拳手潜藏的另一个伙伴一直伴随左右。好多年前第一次看《女生出拳》最直观的感觉也是如此:尽管它没多少外景。但整座城市环绕着普通人的质感和氛围却从中一丝丝渗透出来几乎成了片子的第二个主角。当然罗德里格兹依然是光芒四射当仁不让的核心,没有她影片无法成立。在此片之前和之后我们都不会在银幕上找到比她更酷更勇猛的少女形象。她也是出道即巅峰,在处女作里就把所有耀眼的光芒都一次射完。此后无论她在哪个大片和美剧里充当肌肉型花瓶,都无法回到《女生出拳》里那个外表刚硬内心温和的成长中少女的完美人物个性。影片有好多缺点结尾尤其塌软,但我还是会一次次返回去看影片开始不久罗德里格兹从牙缝里吐出“nice meeting you”时的神态,实在太酷了!
"Life is just a war, period." 看女生打男生真是一大快事~ Michelle真是帅到家了! the last kiss... you know...
流水账 没落点 所以在最后那一亲彻底打乱了竞技运动中的女性角色这个主题的时候 我就不该惊讶 毫无悬念的故事 毫无悬念的结尾
无差别拳击赛看起来很爽,Michelle Rodriguez 适合这种脾气火爆、战力满满的角色。去掉跟男友的感情线可以再加一星。
it's about everything I learn in sports media and culture.fantastic lol