lennon 智慧宝宝,冷静,调皮
乔治 帅气,冷静,
节选自Dreaming the Beatles,Rob Sheffield著
能够在不同的情境下观看A Hard Day’s Night是件十分幸运的事。有时在朋友和爱人的陪伴下,有时深夜独自一人守在电视机旁,有时和观众一起坐在大银幕前。有个场景总会让人为之一振:披头士逃离了排练现场,来到一片绿草如茵的草坪上,随着“Can’t Buy Me Love”的旋律奔跑、玩耍、跳跃。有个刻薄的老家伙走出来说,我想你们应该意识到这是私人领地吧。男孩们离开的时候,George喊了句,很抱歉踩坏了你的草地,先生。
这句台词在电影中有着如此显著的影响是件很奇怪的事——这是情感宣泄和放声大笑所带来的后果。我的确喜欢幽默的George,但这并不是一句特别有趣或是精巧的台词——剧本里比这更值得拿来说道的例子不下六七十个。除了适合跑跳,“Can’t Buy Me Love”也不属于那种特别出类拔萃的歌。这一时刻所包含的都落到了这片草坪本身——这是这部由幽闭的录音室和火车场景构成的电影中为数不多的外景之一。在Scala剧院狭小的走廊里,他们从“保持安静”的标志旁跑开,推开门来到了防火梯上,“我们出来了!” Ringo叫道,这一瞬间,他们四个得到了属于自己的时刻。尽管这不是一块特别完美的草地——一块直升飞机的停机坪,周围是战后的活动板房,实在没什么特别之处。这个片段由两个不同场地:Isleworth’s Thornbury Fields和Gatwick机场的拍摄素材组成。但草地上有足够的空间供他们尽情地舞蹈,摔跤,赛跑,他们的头发在空旷的天地之间飞扬。(电影的法文名是Quatre Garcons Dans Le Vent,翻译过来就是《风中的少年》)。
我们在看电影的时候都知道,披头士再也不会踏上这片草坪,这是在那个穿泥靴的老头赶他们走之前就注定的事。他们走的时候都没有争辩,因为他们已经赢得了这个游戏。他们会毁坏这片草地的想法就是个笑话,他是唯一一个笑不出来的人,也是电影中另一位脾气暴躁的反派,跟那个在火车上让披头士把广播关掉的乘客(“给我们一个吻。” John回答道,Paul的回应则是“我们去喝咖啡吧,把狗窝留给这位小姐”),那个希望George代言他的衬衫的导演制片人是一类人。这种有权有势的人物从未离开,他们一直在侵占类似披头士的这种领地。即使到了现在,你也会听到人们争辩披头士已经成为了历史,从前的粉丝早已合上了尘封的书本,音乐已经没有争论的余地——它只属于过去。关于这音乐的回应永远是,很抱歉破坏了你的地盘,先生。
I’ve been lucky enough to see A Hard Day’s Night in a few different contexts—with friends and lovers, all alone on TV late at night, up on the big screen with audiences. There’s a scene that never fails to get a rise out of whoever’s watching: the Beatles escape from their rehearsals and find a grassy field to run around and play and jump to “Can’t Buy Me Love.” The mean old guy walks out to say, “I suppose you realize this is private property.” As the boys leave, George calls, “Sorry we hurt your field, mister.”
It’s odd what an impact this line has in the movie—it’s a payoff of emotional release and laughter that always seems bigger than it should. I do love Salty George, but this isn’t a glaringly funny or clever line—the screenplay has at least five or six dozen more quotable quotes. “Can’t Buy Me Love” isn’t one of the stronger songs; it’s just a good one for running and jumping. So much of this moment comes down to the field itself—one of the few outdoor scenes in a movie built around claustrophobic studios and trains. In the cramped hallways of the Scala Theatre, they turn away from the SILENCE sign, push through the door onto the fire escape, and Ringo yells “We’re out!” It’s the one scene where the four of them get a moment to themselves. Not a particularly lovely field—a helicopter launching pad, surrounded by postwar prefab houses, downright ordinary. The footage was cobbled together from two different places, Isleworth’s Thornbury Fields and Gatwick Airport. But it’s big, plenty of room on the grass for their joyful dancing and wrestling and footracing. Their hair flops around in the open air. (The film’s French title: Quatre Garcons Dans Le Vent, or “Four Boys in the Wind.”) We know when watching the movie the Beatles will never set foot in this field of grass again, even before the old man in the muddy boots orders them off. They don’t argue—they’ve already won whatever game he’s playing. The idea that they could hurt this field is a laugh. He’s the only person who isn’t smiling, just another of the movie’s grumpy old villains, the railroad passenger who orders the Beatles to shut their radio off (“Give us a kiss,” John responds; Paul’s retort is “Let’s have some coffee and leave the kennel to Lassie”), the director, the producer who wants George to endorse his shirts. This authority figure has never gone away, and he’s still around to get territorial about the Beatles. Even now you hear people argue that the Beatles are ancient history, that yesterday’s fans already closed the book, there’s no room left in this music, it belongs to the past. And the music’s reply is always, Sorry we hurt your field, mister.
When the Beatles stormed off the field and declared the game over at the end of the Sixties, they were mystified the grass was so green without them, and that so many people wanted to keep playing on it. The Beatles themselves went through phases where they played the role of the grouchy groundskeeper, as most of us do at some point, complaining the young people aren’t treating the field properly. But when someone tells you that the Beatles are used up, you don’t even need to bury that argument, because grass is already growing out of it. The field always wins. It grows over the lines we paint on it. That’s one of the things the Beatles keep forcing us to relearn. The field is forever.
#Prime Video# 剧情比较散,镜头剪辑水平飘忽,室内有些运镜很流畅,有些有些镜头很喜欢,感觉巴兹鲁赫曼的作品镜头感跟本作很像,但剪辑上的各种跳轴就有些不适了,歌曲好评而且很契合剧情但感觉英伦风格歌曲跟电影风格有些不契合。结尾几首歌转的太突然,不过用《I should have known better》收尾挺不错。
真是Beatles可爱的春天。联艺投资50万美元,根本没考虑票房收益,而是利用Beatles跟Capital唱片的合约漏洞,好在美国发行这部电影的原声。可没想到Richard Lester和Beatles瞎搞的《一夜狂欢》,首轮就卖了800万美元,成为当时投资回报最高的电影。联艺后来停止唱片业务,把这张专辑的版权卖回给Capital,又赚了一笔。
A Hard Day's Night的电影成为摇滚电影的经典,教给整整一代年轻人反叛的原则,而这张专辑标志着甲壳虫的创作进入了一个新的阶段,我们可以把它叫做“早期阶段的中期”吧
13801 - 在听了N遍 The Beatles 的专辑《A Hard Day's Night》后,终于机缘巧合地初次来观看这部《一夜狂欢》:在还没有一首歌配一支MV的年代,他们用编排的剧情将一些歌曲串联起来拍摄成了音乐录影带式长片电影。
#711 整个片的调调都好赞!粉嫩嫩的四个萌正太,截图截到我手酸了。搞怪卖萌唱歌泡妞就是本性啊,泡公主好水灵^ω^,江烈农真会恶作剧,george连拍无死角的帅,泡爷爷更能玩!演技最好的小ringo又被欺负了,中间还思考人生去了,你们太坏了又吐槽他身高还吐槽他鼻子。一遍一遍的看,太爱你们了!
今天很糟糕,辗转奔波一场徒劳,极度心灰意冷时还要欺骗父母一切ok,挂掉电话的我站在陌生的大街上,沮丧、困顿、饥肠辘辘,我开始听Beatles,没曾想会如此治愈,我竟然又振作起来,简单到不可思议。Beatles的伟大在于以不可磨灭的方式留住了那快乐的十年,那是最好的时光。快乐是会传染的,thank you
MV连连看,但四个人都好萌好萌好萌好萌好萌好萌好萌!看不够听不够!到结束时候大家都一起唱起来了~~~ Happy Birthday Ringo! =3= (今天来看了这个感觉真好)