看完了 不是 爱奇艺是什么垃圾啊??这电影就指着结尾得分呢你直接把结尾砍掉换了??要不是以前看过我就得给这片子打一颗星了 无语子
well, i saw the camera hidden behind the light which looks like a cross. i wonder, maybe people who made this was wondering, "will they pray? will they pray to the bright cross, pray for merci and forgiveness to the only thing that spreading lights in this room? wouldn't it be funny when it turns out the lights they thought they can obtain hope and faith from was actually also the reason they got imprisoned, wouldn't it be funny to see them cursing us, yelling at us and then go back to their room parying to us, parying for release and free to the same people who they hate?" well if i was the one who's watching the screen, i must be ammused by this sarcastic scene. through the camera i see people struggling, fighting, i see people being silly and vicious, i see people are killing each other, i see they finally give up after all of these meaningless attempt. i see it's a desperate purgatory.
the first time i watched this movie was almost ten years ago, i was young, and naive. and i didn't think too much like what i'm doing now, i just watched it, and shocked. and nothing else. now i have too much annoying thoughts and they are winding me. i can't watch it without any disturbance in my own heart.
i can see the winner is actually laughing when the first corpse occured,and laughed everytime when there's another one died. i can see and understand why people are acting like that, i can see more it's good for being a grown-up, it's good if there's only it, but what i saw was more than that.
i wish i could go back to the time when i was unconscious,,the time i didn't know much but literally have more power to do what i should.
英版七日死 模仿cube的痕迹过重而导致结局猜得到 还好没整出什么"死人"复活的梗
结局没辜负!!!!!!!结局太劲爆!!!!结局太给力!!!!!!结局没想到!!!!!!!如果没有这个结局只会评3星。p.s 结局有点儿像《1408》
kelly don`t show us your acting, please show your bust.