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老友记第七季 剧照 NO.1老友记第七季 剧照 NO.2老友记第七季 剧照 NO.3老友记第七季 剧照 NO.4老友记第七季 剧照 NO.5老友记第七季 剧照 NO.6老友记第七季 剧照 NO.13老友记第七季 剧照 NO.14老友记第七季 剧照 NO.15老友记第七季 剧照 NO.16老友记第七季 剧照 NO.17老友记第七季 剧照 NO.18老友记第七季 剧照 NO.19老友记第七季 剧照 NO.20



菲比(莉莎·库卓 Lisa Kudrow 饰)和瑞秋(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)的公寓已经修复完毕,菲比搬回了公寓,瑞秋继续和乔伊(马特·理勃兰 Matt LeBlanc 饰)住在一起。乔伊在《Days of Our Lives》剧组里得到 了一个角色。就在钱德勒(马修·派瑞 Matthew Perry 饰)和摩妮卡(柯特妮·考克斯 Courteney Cox 饰)的婚礼前一夜,钱德勒突然临阵畏缩,逃走躲了起来。他走了之后,菲比在卫生间找了一支显示有孕的验孕棒,从而断定摩妮卡有了身孕。菲比和罗斯(大卫·休默 David Schwimmer 饰)在办公室找到了躲藏起来的钱德勒并说服他回来,回来后他听到了菲比与瑞秋的窃窃私语——摩妮卡怀孕了!最后钱德勒和摩妮卡顺利完婚,但摩妮卡却说自己并没有怀孕时。那么,怀孕的人难道是瑞秋吗...



 1 ) 老友



































 2 ) 概述













































乔伊和菲比的每月的约会 然后爽约


莫妮卡被抛弃 大闹婚礼











瑞秋的生日 30岁










































 3 ) S7E01 The One With Monica’s Thunder

Teleplay by: David Crane & Marta Kauffman Story by: Wil Calhoun Transcribed by: Eric Aasen


701 莫妮卡的风头被抢了!








The gang celebrates Monica's engagement night.

Rachel, feeling lonely, kisses Ross (and considers doing more).

Everyone thinks it's a big deal and Monica accuses Rachel of stealing her thunder.

Phoebe asks if she can play at the wedding, and won't let up(v.停止 中止) until she's convinced they'll really let her.

Joey prepares to audition to play the part of a 19-year-old.

Phoebe eats Joey's candy bar.

Chandler is unable to perform(v.完成任务) in the bedroom.

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Chandler, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe are standing around the table drinking champagne as Ross enters.]

Ross: Hey, what’s going on?

Chandler: Hey.

Ross: I found a note on my door, "Come to Monica’s quick, bring champagne and a Three Musketeers bar."

Joey: (grabbing the candy bar) Yeah I’ll take that.

candy bar n.单独包装的块状糖果

Ross: What’s up?

Chandler: Monica and I are engaged.

Ross: Oh my God. (Hugs Chandler.) Congratulations.

Chandler: Thanks.

Ross: Where is she?

[Cut to Monica out on the balcony.]

Monica: (yelling at the top of her lungs) I’m engaged!!!!!! I’m engaged!!!!

[Cut back inside.]

Joey: Yeah, she’s been out there for twenty minutes, I’m surprised you didn’t hear her on the way over.

Ross: Oh, I thought it was just a kid yelling, "I’m gay! I’m gay!"

Rachel:No, that guy moved.

Ross: Can I bring her in?

Phoebe: Oh no, let her stay out there. It’s sweet.

[Cut to Monica.]

Monica: I’m getting married!!!! I’m gonna be a bride!!!! (Someone else yells at her.) No, I will not shut up because I’m engaged! (He yells again.) Ohh, big talk! Huh, why don’t you come over here and say that to me?! Huh, buddy?! Yeah, my fiance will kick your ass! (Chandler starts to look worried.) Come on, apartment 20! Apartment 20!

fiance <法>未婚夫(和fiancee同音)

[Cut back inside.]

Chandler: (To Ross) Okay, you get her in here. (To Joey) You bolt the door. I’ll be in the closet.

blot vt.闩上 插上[eg: He bolted all the doors and windows before he left]

Opening Credits

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, continued from earlier, everyone is now in the living room drinking champagne.]

Monica: Okay! Wait-wait-wait! Shhh! (Bangs on her glass with a spoon to make a toast.) Okay, umm, I just wanna say that…I love you guys so-so much and-and thank you for being here on my special night. (Chandler clears his throat.) Our special night. I mean it just wouldn’t be my—our-our night, if you all weren’t here to celebrate with me—us—Damnit!

Chandler: It’s okay, I want this to be your night too. (Raises his class.) To Monica.

Monica: Awww, come on—wait—stop it. Okay, to Monica.

Chandler: To Monica!

(They all say to Monica, clink their glasses, and drink.)

clink glasses v.碰杯

Phoebe: So have you decided on a band for the wedding? Because, y’know, I’m kinda musical.

decide on v.对...作出决定/musical adj.喜爱音乐的 擅长音乐的[eg: a musical family]

Rachel: Yeah Pheebs, honey, she just got engaged a couple of hours ago. I doubt she’s even had time to…

Phoebe: Well speaking of chiming in, remember the time you burned down my apartment?

speaking of adv.谈及 说到/chime in 1)To interrupt the speech of others, especially with an unwanted opinion 2)To go together harmoniously agree v.插话 附和

Rachel: (To Monica) Yeah, you’re on your own.

on one’s own adv.独自地 靠自己地/you’re on your own要靠你自己了

Monica: Y’know what we should do? We should all get dressed up and go to have champagne at The Plaza.

The Plaza,Mai Thai:莫尼卡提议大家一起到“广场大饭店(The Plaza)”去喝点香槟,庆祝她和钱德勒的订婚。这是纽约著名的地标建筑,靠近第五大道,在巴黎剧院对面/ The Plaza Hotel in New York City is a landmark(n.地标) 19-story luxury hotel with a height of 250 feet (76 m) and length of 400 feet that (122 m) occupies the west side of Grand Army Plaza, from which it derives its name, and extends along Central Park South in Manhattan. Fifth Avenue extends along the east side of Grand Army Plaza.
The Plaza

(They all agree and start to go and get ready.)

Joey: But I-I-I can’t stay too long, I gotta get up early for a commercial audition tomorrow and I gotta look good. I’m supposed to be playing a 19-year-old. (Everyone stops in their tracks upon hearing this.) What?

Chandler: So when you said, "Get up early," did you mean 1986?

Joey: You guys don’t think I look 19?

(A brief silence ensues.)

Phoebe: Oh, 19! We thought you said 90!

(They all politely laugh and stop just as quickly.)

Monica: Okay everybody, let’s go! Let’s go!

Rachel: Okay.

Chandler: Okay.

(They all leave and Joey comes back in quickly.)

Joey: (To Phoebe) Hey, is uh the rest of my candy bar around here?

Phoebe: Oh honey no, you ate it all.

Joey: I was afraid of that.

(Walks out and after he closes the door Phoebe turns around and takes a bite out of what is left of his candy bar.)

[Scene: Monica and Chandler’s bedroom, they’re getting ready.]

Monica: (looking at her hand) Y’know what shoes would look great with this ring? Diamond shoes! (Sees Chandler sitting on the bed.) You’re not getting dressed. (Chandler quietly folds over the comforter on the bed making a spot for her.)

comforter <美>盖被 被子

Chandler: Know what I mean?

Monica: Yeah, but I don’t think we have time.

Chandler: There’s gonna be a wedding. You’re gonna be the bride. Two hundred people are going to be looking at you in a clean white dress.

Monica: (lustily) Let’s do it! (She kisses him and they fall back onto the bed.)

lust n.强烈的性欲/lustily adv.精力充沛地 强有力地

[Scene: Joey and Rachel’s, Joey is looking himself in the mirror]

Rachel: So are you the fairest one of all?

fair adj.美丽的

Joey: I can still pIay 19, right?

Rachel: Yeah Joey,but you gotta dress younger.I’m telling ya if you wear the right clothes, you can look any age.

Joey: ReaIIy?

Rachel: Yeah. I work in fashion and fashion is all about youth.

Joey: Fashion is about me?

Rachel: About youth. Youth! Listen up, grandpa.

listen up v.听清楚了

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, time lapse, Chandler is fully dressed and slowly walking out of the bedroom with a distressed look on his face.]

distressed adj.哀伤的

Monica: (chasing after him) Chandler! It happens to lots of guys! You-you-you were probably tired, you had a lot of champagne, don’t worry about it!

Chandler: (motioning with his hands) I’m not worried, I’m uh, I’m fascinated. Y’know it’s like uh, Biology! Which is funny because in high school I uh, I-I failed Biology and tonight Biology failed me. (Exits as Phoebe enters from her room with her guitar.)

fascinated a. (用作表语)着迷的/biology n.生物学 生物

Phoebe: Check it out. Okay, I can play this when the guests are coming in. Okay. (Singing)

Twelve years old and addicted to pork

No one thought Monica would marry

She knew her way Around a knife and a fork

pork n.猪肉/knife and fork n.(吃西餐时)刀和叉

Monica: OK,Phoebe, that's great, but--

Phoebe: So you're not convinced. That's all right because I got another one.

be convinced adj.信服的 相信的

First time I met Chandler, I thought he was gay. But here I am singing on his wedding day!

Monica: Phoebe!Nah!

Phoebe: If you would’ve let me finish, it goes on to say that he’s probably not gay.

[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Chandler is looking at the foosball table.]

Chandler: Sure, you guys don’t have this problem, you’re made of wood. (Rachel comes out of the bathroom) Hey!

Rachel: Hey!

Chandler: You look great!

Rachel: (quietly) Oh, thanks.

Chandler: You okay over there?

Rachel: I don’t know, y’know? I feel a little umm… No, y’know what? Nevermind, I’m gonna be fine.

Chandler: Oh, don’t worry about it I mean you probably were tired, you had a lot of champagne, it happens to everybody.

[Rachel exits into the hallway just as Ross is coming up the stairs.]

Ross: Hey!

Rachel: Hi!

Ross: Wow! Happy Monica’s night!

Rachel: Well thank you, you too.

Ross: Thanks.

Rachel: Hey, do you believe this? Do you believe they are actually getting married?

Ross: Well sure. But I get married all the time so…

Rachel: Ohh…

Ross: You okay?

Rachel: Yeah, I guess. I-I… I mean, do-do you think we’re ever gonna have that?

Ross: You mean, we—you and me?

Rachel: Oh no-no-no-no-no, no, no! We, you with someone and me with someone.

Ross: Oh good, you scared me for a minute.

Rachel: Shake it off.

shake it off<俚>To forget about someone or something, to let go, to get over it, to move on.

Ross: I mean—no, it’s just‘cause, it’s just ’cause you and I were like a nightmare. (Screams.) No, but there was some good times.

Rachel: No, absolutely. Y’know like there was umm…

Ross: Surely you can think of something good.

Rachel: Yeah, just give me a minute! (Thinking) Oh well, yes, I can think of one good thing.

Ross: What?

Rachel: Well you uh, you were always really good at the uh, at the uh the stuff.

Ross: Yeah? I was good at the stuff huh?

Rachel: Uh-hmm, uh-hmm, yeah, yeah, I really liked your hands.

Ross: My hands?

Rachel: Yeah.

Ross: Yeah?

Rachel: Uh-huh.

Ross: (to his hands) Way to go guys. Y’know, you-you were really good at the stuff too.

Rachel: Oh, I know. What are you thinking about?

Ross: Just some stuff.

Rachel: Hey, y’know what we never did? (Ross looks at her.) Oh no, not that. (Ross nods okay.) We uh, we never had bonus night!

bonus n.奖金 红利/bonus night<俚>When two people break up and get back together just for one night.

Ross: A what?

Rachel: Y’know, bonus night. Y’know, when two people break up but they get back together for just one night.

Ross: One night, just-just sex. No strings attached?

No strings attached<俚>Doing something for someone without asking for anything in return.

Rachel: Yeah-yeah, we never had that,

Ross: No.


Ross: Okay, this is getting a little crazy. I mean, I’m-I’m sure it would be amazing but I…gotta say I really-really don’t think it would be a good idea. Y’know? I really, really…don’t.(shows his hands and makes a dirty eye)

[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Chandler is playing Playstation, Crash Team Racing to be exact (he’s in last on Hot Air Skyway to be more exact)]

Crash Team Racing, released in Japan as Crash Bandicoot[n.害鼠(产于亚洲)] Racing ,is a racing game for the PlayStation game console. The game was developed by Naughty Dog, creators of the cult classic Crash Bandicoot series of video games. The game was first released in North America in 1999, with a Japanese release following the same year. The English release came out at around Christmas time in 1999 and the Europe release didn't come out until two years later. This was the last Crash game made by Naughty Dog, who left Universal Interactive Studios (now Vivendi Games) and became an in-house developer for SCEA. 蛊惑狼赛车

Chandler: Well, at least I can still do some things.

(Joey enters from his room desperately trying to look like a 19-year-old. He’s got the wool cap, he’s got the cut-off Knicks jersey over the faded T-shirt, and he’s got the whole pants-around-the-knees-showing-off-the-boxers thing that rich, white, suburban kids have adopted in a desperate and extremely futile attempt to try to look like they’re from the inner-city)

wool cap n.绒线帽

cut-off adj.剪裁过的/jersey n.球衣/faded adj.已褪色的/pants-around-the-knees-showing-off-the-boxers 超低腰秀内裤/suburban adj.市郊的/futile adj.无用的 愚蠢的,没有出息的[eg:That futile young man does nothing but waste money]/inner-city n.市中心区

Knicks jersey

Joey:‘Sup? ‘Sup dude?

‘Sup<俚>what’s up

Chandler: (putting his hands up) Take whatever you want, just please don’t hurt me.

Joey: So you’re playing a little Playstation, huh? That’s whack! Playstation is whack!‘Sup with the whack Playstation, ‘sup?! Huh? Come on, am I 19 or what?!

whack<Street slang>bad ridiculous 超烂 逊

Chandler: Yes, on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the dumbest a person can look, you are definitely 19.

Joey: Come on man, really how old?!

Chandler: Young! You’re a man-child okay?! Now go get changed because everybody’s ready and please, oh please, keep my underwear!

Joey: Wow thanks! (He goes into his bedroom and closes the door.)

Chandler: Joe?

Joey: Yeah!

Chandler: Uhh, you’ve had a lot of sex right?

Joey: When? Today? Some, not a lot.

Chandler: Well, it’s just the reason that I’m asking is because I kind of eh, uh, I was unable to—I mean I really wanted too, but I couldn’t…. I cannot believe I'm asking advice from somebody who's wearing that hat. I have an incident.

incident n.意外事件 插曲

Joey: Don’t worry about that man, that happens.

Chandler: It’s happened to you?

Joey: Yeah! Once.

Chandler: Well, what’d you do?

Joey: I did it anyway.

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Monica is in the living room and Phoebe is in her room.]

Monica: Phoebe! Come on! Let’s go! (Knocks on her door.) Come on! (Phoebe enters with guitar and not ready to go.) Why aren’t you dressed yet?!

Phoebe: I’m sorry, but I just wrote the best dance song for your wedding. Check this out. (Gets ready to play.)

dance song n.舞曲

Monica: (grabs the guitar away from her) No, Phoebe, I’ll tell you what, if you get ready now I’ll let you play it at the wedding.

Phoebe: Really?! Oh that’s so exciting! Thank you! Thanks Mon! Oh but Mon, if you touch my guitar again I’ll have to pound on you for a little bit.

pound vt.(连续)猛击 (猛烈)敲打

Monica: Fair enough, now go get ready!

Phoebe: Okay. (She goes to get ready.)

Monica: I’ll get everybody else (Does so), finally we can start celebrating my—(She gasps and is stopped by the sight of Ross and Rachel making out in the hall.) I’m sorry, uh apparently I’ve opened the door to the past.

Commercial Break

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, continued from before the commercial break. Monica is walking into the apartment followed by Ross and Rachel.]

Ross: Okay, Monica. Mon, uh what-what you just saw…

Monica: (interrupting) Can I ask you just a little question, huh? Why tonight?

Rachel: What?

Monica: See, I’ve been waiting my whole life to be engaged, and unlike some people I’m only planning on doing this once. So, uh y’know, maybe this is selfish and I’m sorry about it, but I was kinda hoping tonight could just be about that.

Rachel: Oh honey, but it is just about…

Ross: It is! It is!

Monica: No it’s not! No! No! Now it’s about you and Ross getting back together!

Rachel: What?!

Monica: See yeah umm, you kinda stole my thunder!

steal one's thunder 意思是抢先做某人要做的事,也有抢风头的意思

Ross: Okay! Ho-ho! We did not steal your thunder because we are not getting back together!

Rachel: Yeah. No. And you know what? Nobody even saw!

Ross: Yeah!

Monica: That’s true.

Rachel: Honey I swear it we just kissed.

Ross: It was just a kiss. (Phoebe enters and overhears this.)

Phoebe: You guys kissed!!!!! What does this mean?!! Are you, are you getting back together?! Can I sing at your wedding?

Monica: Thunder being stolen!!

Rachel: Okay come on Phoebe, it’s nothing! Monica, come on!

Ross: Look let’s not make a big deal out of this! It was a one time thing. It doesn’t even matter!

make a big deal out of v.小题大作

(Chandler and Joey enter and overhear that.)

Joey: Oh my God! I cannot believe you guys are talking about this! The problems in the bedroom are between the man and the woman!!! All right?!! Now Chandler is doing the best he can!!

Chandler: (angrily) I don’t think that’s what they were talking about Joe!!

Rachel: No, but Iet's talk about it.

Phoebe: What a great night, Chandler can’t do it, these guys kissed… (Points to Ross and Rachel.)

Joey: What?

Chandler: What?!

Joey: You guys kissed! Oh my—this is huge!

Rachel: No!

Ross: Oh no!

Rachel: No-no, it’s really not huge.

Ross: And people thinking it’s huge has led Monica to believe that we are stealing her thunder. (To Monica) Which we are not!

Monica: Well, we’re still talking about it, aren’t we?

Phoebe: Well yeah, that and Chandler’s problem.

Joey: Monica-Monica-Monica-Monica, listen-listen, listen, listen, would-would it make you feel better if we all stop talking about Ross and Rachel.

Monica: Yeah that would be lovely.

Joey: You got it. Okay. Now, I can pass for 19 right?!

pass for vt.被看作

Chandler: Yes, you can pass for 19.

Joey: Really?

Chandler: Yes!

Joey: Seriously?

Chandler: Seriously? Seriously, no! You can play your own age which is 31!

Joey: (gasps) I’m 30!

Rachel: Joey, you are not! You’re 31.

Joey: (realizes) Aww crap!

Phoebe: Okay, so The Plaza! Okay, we’ll get us some Mai Thai’s, (To Chandler) maybe no more for you though.

Mai Thai:菲比觉得此行可以去吃点泰国菜(Mai Thai),这是一家非常有名的泰国餐厅

Monica: Y’know what? I-I think that umm, I don’t feel like going to The Plaza.

Phoebe: Why?!

Rachel: Honey, Monica, this is ridiculous! Look…

Monica: No-no, I-I really don’t want to talk about it! I don’t! (To Rachel) Especially with you. (Goes into her room.)

Joey: Psss, that is whack!

[Time lapse, Phoebe is playing the guitar for Joey.]

Phoebe: (she’s strumming something) Yeah? (Joey nods yes.) Okay, I think I’ll play it at the wedding.

strum vt.乱弹 乱奏

Joey: Yeah! Well, I think we’ll see if they actually let you play. Huh? I mean they tell you anything you want to hear like-like, "You look 19," and then they just take it away like-like, "No you don’t."

take it away<口>反悔

Phoebe: Well, I don’t think Monica is gonna take this away.

Joey: Wouldn’t she?

Phoebe: Would she?

Joey: Would she?

Phoebe: Would she? Would she? It's starting to sound like 'wood cheese.'

Wood Cheese Plates

Joey: Man, I could go for some wood cheese right now.

[Scene: Rachel’s bedroom, she’s pacing as Ross knocks on her door and opens it a little to stick his sexy hands in.]

Ross: Guess who? (Enters fully.)

Rachel: Hey.

Ross: Hey, I just realized we kinda let some stuff up in the air…

up in the air adv.悬而未决

Rachel: What do you think Monica meant when she said she didn’t want to talk, especially with me? I mean, why not especially you and me? We were both out there kissing.

Ross: Still thinking about it huh?

Rachel: Come on! Serious-ser-ser-seriously, what did she mean by that? (Mimicking Monica.) Especially you!

Ross: (loosening his tie) Oh, who cares?

Rachel: I care!

Ross: (tightening his tie) And so do I.

Rachel: Y’know what, I-I have to go talk to her, would you let me just get changed?

Ross: Okay. Sure. (Sits down on her bed.)

Rachel: Am I going to let you watch me undress?

undress v.脱衣服

Ross: (sitting up) No! (Exits.)

[Scene: Monica and Chandler’s bedroom, they are both getting undressed.]

Monica: I can’t believe her, y’know it’s just—it’s so typical只有她才会这样.

typical adj.特有的 独特的[eg: It was typical of him to be so merciless.只有他才会这么冷酷无情]

Chandler: Now Monica, I know you’re upset, but don’t forget. There is going to be a wedding, you are going to throw the bouquet, and then there’s going to be a honeymoon, maybe in Paris.

throw the bouquet

throw the bouquet

Monica: Paris?

Chandler: We will take a moonlit walk on the Rue de la (mumbles something).

moonlit adj.月光照耀的/Rue de la钱德勒告诉莫尼卡,他们可以去巴黎度蜜月,然后他说:我们可以在“Rue de la…”进行月光散步。这是因为巴黎很多街区的名字以“Rue de la”开头。

Monica: Keep talking.

Chandler: Then we will sprinkle rose petals on the bed and make love. Not just because it’s romantic, but because I can!

sprinkle v.撒(某物)于(某物之表面)/petal n.花瓣

Monica: I love you!

(They start making out and both start to feel something growing below the belt line.)

Monica: (in a French accent) Bonjour, monsieur.

Bonjour:法语里的“早上好”或者“上午好” 通常是白天第一次见面时说的,类似于英语里的Hello或Good morning/monsieur <法>先生 绅士

Chandler: Okay, don’t say anything, you might scare it away.

scare away v.吓跑

(There is a knock on the door.)

Chandler: It’s Paris, who knows we’re here!

Monica: (opening the door) Hi Pheebs, what’s up? (She enters.)

Phoebe: Okay, you said I could sing at your wedding so, I’m just gonna need a small deposit.

deposit n.保证金 押金

Monica: What?!

Phoebe: Y’know, just some good faith money to hold the date.

faith money n.信用货币/hold the date <口>定下日期(无特殊情况不改变)

Chandler: Pheebs, we’re not giving you a deposit for our wedding!

Phoebe: Oh, I see. (Exits angrily.)

[Cut to the living room, Joey is eating a sandwich.)

Joey: They break your heart, don’t they?

Phoebe: Y’know, I don’t really need their permission.

Joey: Yeah! If you wanna sing at their wedding, well you sing at their wedding!

Phoebe: Yeah! And if you wanna look 19, then you… You gotta do something about your eyes.

Joey: What?! What’s wrong with my eyes.

Phoebe: They give you away! There’s just-there’s just too much wisdom in there. (Joey nods in agreement.) Just put some tea bags on there for like 15 minutes.

give away v.出卖(真实身份)/tea bag n.茶叶袋

Joey: And that’ll get rid of my wisdom?

Phoebe: Maybe just 10 minutes for you.

[Cut back to Monica and Chandler’s room, they are making out again as there’s another knock on the door.]

Chandler: Oh, give her the deposit! Give her the ring! I don’t care!

(Monica opens the door to Ross and Rachel.)

Monica: Yes?

Rachel: Monica, what did you mean before when you said you didn’t want to talk to anyone, especially me?

Chandler: What a great apology! (To Monica) And you accept! Okay, bye-bye!

Rachel: No-no, seriously-seriously, what was the especially me part about?

Monica: Well, let’s just say it’s not the first time you’ve stolen my thunder.

Rachel: What?!

Ross: (To Rachel) Hey, here’s a thought.

(Rachel ignores him and follows Monica into the kitchen.)

Rachel: Monica, what are you talking about?

Monica: My Sweet Sixteen! Remember, you went to third base with my cousin Charlie.

1st base- making out, snogging, french kissing

2nd base- fingering/handjob

3rd base- licking out/blow job

Home run- full sex

Chandler: (entering) Ahh, third base.

Monica: It’s all everybody at the party could talk about!

Rachel: Monica, y’know what? The only reason I did that was because your party was so boring!

Monica: (gasps) We had a caricaturist!

Rachel: Oh!!

Phoebe: (singing, angrily)

"Whenever I get married, guess who won’t ask to sing? Somebody named Geller! And somebody else named Bing!"


Rachel: Monica, your Sweet Sixteen was like a million years ago.

A sweet sixteen is a traditional birthday party for girls to have when they turn sixteen years old. In parts of the United States and Canada, sixteen is the age at which one may obtain a driver's license. It is also the age of consent(n.同意 赞成) in many states, hence it is viewed by many adolescents as an important milestone. It is the American counterpart of the Spanish and Latin American tradition of a Quinceañera, with both parties having the same sense but in Spanish-speaking countries it is at the 15th birthday.The term can also be understood to mean turning 16 without having been kissed.

Monica: And yet, here we are doing it again.

Rachel: Ugh, Monica I don’t want to steal your stupid thunder!

Monica: Oh please! Why else would you have made out with Ross?!

Ross: Got me. (He shows of his hands.)

Rachel: All right, easy mimey, the moment has passed, it ain’t gonna happen!


Monica: I just thought it would be nice if I could have just this one night!

Rachel: I swear, I never wanted any part of your night! No one was supposed to see us.

Monica: Oh, is that why you did it in the secret hallway where nobody ever goes?!

Ross: Uh, Rachel, I’ve been thinking. I don’t think us getting together tonight is such a good idea. I’m calling it off.

call off v.放弃

Chandler: (To Ross) Way to save your dignity my man.

dignity n.尊严

Rachel: (ignoring them) Monica, why? Why would I ever want to take away from your night?

Monica: I don’t know! I don’t—maybe you’re feeling a little resentful. Maybe ah, maybe you thought you’d get married first! Maybe you can’t stand the fact that your formerlly fat friend is getting married before you!

resentfuly adj.愤慨的/formerlly adv.以前地

Rachel: Oh wow. That—y’know what? That is so unfair. Y’know what? Now I want to steal your thunder! Come on Ross, let’s go have sex!

(Ross tries to dismiss it by making that sound, but decides to go for it and follows Rachel.)

dismiss vt. (从头脑中)去除 不考虑 打消

Monica: (yelling after them) I can’t believe you’re gonna have sex on my engagement night!!

Chandler: Well, somebody should. (Monica glares at him.)

[Cut to Rachel’s bedroom.]

Ross: Look uh, if we’re gonna do this…

Rachel: We’re not gonna do this, all right? She’s just gonna think that we’re doin’it.

Ross: Oh, I see, so everybody wins.

(There’s a knock on the door.)

Rachel: Who is it?

Monica: (outside the door) It’s Monica, open up!

Rachel: Okay well Ross! Stop it please! Wait a minute! (Motions for him to follow her lead, but he angrily shakes his head no. So she pokes him.)

Ross: Oww!

Rachel: Yeah, you like that baby? (Monica bursts in followed by Chandler.) May we help you?

Monica: I just wanted to say that I hope you do have sex tonight and I hope that you guys get back together, but I must warn you, the night that you announce your engagement I’m going to announce that I’m pregnant!

Chandler: How is that ever going to happen?!

Rachel: All right Monica, do you want to know why I was with Ross tonight?!

Monica: I know why!

Rachel: No you don’t know why!

Monica: Okay! Why?!

Rachel: Because! Because I was sad.

Monica: What do you mean?

Rachel: Look, I am so…so happy for you guys, but you getting married just reminds me of the fact that I’m not. I’m not even close. And I don’t know, maybe I just wanted to make myself feel better. And I know that that’s dumb, but oh my God you were so depressed when Ross got married that you slept with Chandler!

(Ross looks at Chandler.)

Chandler: (To Ross) I don’t care, she slept with me.

Rachel: Anyway sweetie, I am, I’m so sorry I ruined your night.

Monica: (starting to cry) I’m sorry I almost made you sleep with Ross. (They hug.)

Ross: (deadpan) Well, I’m going to take off. (To Chandler) Congratulations man.

Chandler: Thanks.

Ross: (at the door) And uh, Rachel.

Rachel: Yeah.

Ross: What can I say, you missed your chance. From now on the only person who’s going to enjoy these bad boys (holds up his hands) is me. (Quickly realizes what he said and exits disgustedly.)

disgustedly adv.厌烦地

Ending Credits

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Phoebe is singing outside Monica and Chandler’s door.]

Phoebe: (singing)

"We thought Phoebe would leave, but she just stayed and stayed. That’s right, I’m here all night, and Chandler will never get l…"

Chandler: (interrupting her just in time) Hey! Here’s a dollar, consider it a deposit. Please sing at our wedding.

Phoebe: Oh thank you.

Chandler: Okay. (Goes back to bed.)

Phoebe: Now… (Starts singing again) "Who will perform the ceremony! Who will perform the cer—(Chandler enters and grabs her guitar and closes the door behind him)—Oh—oh! All right, I’ll pound on him in the morning.


 4 ) Friends S07 分集剧情记录


S07E01 Chandler和Monica订婚夜,六人准备出去玩。Chandler和Monica临时想爱爱,Chandler不举,非常纠结。Rachel和Ross想放纵一夜,亲热时被Monica撞见,Rachel和Monica争吵又和好。Phoebe想在婚礼上唱歌被敷衍。Joey第二天要试镜19岁角色,被大家嫌弃。

S07E02 Phoebe搬到Ross家,接待按摩客户让他不满。Ross误以为美女客户,假装按摩师,实际是个老头。Joey无意间发现Rachel小黄书,各种揶揄她。Monica得知爸妈把自己的婚礼基金花掉,Chandler表示自己有大额存款,二人为是否全部花在婚礼上发生争执,后又和好。

S07E03 Chandler跟Geller爸打球,汗蒸时出糗。Phoebe想把外婆的曲奇秘方送给Monica,结果火灾时烧毁,Monica试图摸索出配方但不成功,后来发现秘方其实是雀巢的。Rachel教Joey划船,Joey不认真,Rachel变得暴躁。

S07E04 Rachel升职,可聘助理,聘用了小帅哥Tag,被Phoebe发现。Chandler把Ross的糗事告诉Monica,三人互相揭底。Joey新剧播出被砍,恳求Days of Our Lives剧组,回归老角色。

S07E05 Phoebe和Ross分别跟一对正在离婚的夫妻约会,结果二人复合。Monica和Chandler拍双人照,Chandler做不出正常表情,Joey救场。Rachel让Joey带Tag出去玩,又改口让他劝他从良,Tag想跟前女友复合,Rachel失望。

S07E06 Monica偶遇Chandler前女友Julie,让他去道歉。Monica让Rachel和Phoebe自行决定谁当伴娘,Joey提出试镜,和Ross评分,Phoebe胜出又让给Rachel。Ross和Joey睡在一起很舒服。

S07E07 Rachel和Phoebe很喜欢Joey的一夜情对象,促成他们再次约会,结果对方不想恋爱。Monica偶遇Janice,不请自来不愿离开,Monica谎称Chandler对她还有感觉,终于让她离开。Ross去图书馆赶走在他论文书架前亲热的情侣,遇到仰慕者,亲热被抓现行。

S07E08 感恩节。Ross挑战Chandler发明的写出50州名游戏,结果失败。Tag跟女友分手,Rachel安慰,Joey说漏嘴暗恋的事,Tag竟然表白,二人拥吻。Phoebe偷养小狗,Chandler承认不喜欢狗,Monica送去Ross家但不舍,Chandler再去找没找到。

S07E09 Monica做糖送给邻居,结果反被道德绑架,Chandler赶走众人。Rachel给Tag写情话被当作考核表交上去,Tag谎称自己写的,上司没发现。Ross送给Phoebe一辆自行车弥补童年。

S07E10 圣诞节。Chandler和Monica去餐厅,人多要等位,Chandler试图塞钱给服务员但不成功。Ross办成犰狳跟Ben讲光明节但他不感兴趣,Chandler借到圣诞老人戏服并留下。Phoebe公寓修好,送给Joey架子鼓和蜘蛛想让Rachel离开,同去后发现两个房间合并成一个,只好独住,Rachel还和Joey同住。

S07E11 Monica和Ross的表姐妹结婚,Monica没有受邀,作为Ross的plus one前去,发现新郎时自己前男友。Chandler和Rachel沉迷送错的芝士蛋糕,后来分食掉在走廊里,还趴在地上吃。Joey为了约会取消跟Phoebe的约定,Phoebe又为了David提前从跟Joey的约定离开。

S07E12 Ross喊大家去天台看流星,久等不到大家离开。Joey拿走了堵门的管子,和Ross被困楼顶,爬消防梯下去。Phoebe家烟雾报警器坏了,一直响还关不掉。Rachel和Tag为了一份文件争执,回到办公室查证。Chandler睡不着吵醒Monica,二人爱爱。

S07E13 Rachel弄坏Joey的躺椅,Chandler误以为自己弄坏就拿了自己的换过来,Joey以为躺椅自动修复又弄坏。Phoebe去做电话销售,遇到想自杀的人,去找他劝他不要自杀。Monica和Ross回家拿小时候的东西,Monica的东西被泡坏,Geller把保时捷给她作为补偿。

S07E14 Rachel三十岁生日,不想接受自己三十岁,开始规划结婚生孩子,跟Tag分手。五人回忆自己的三十岁生日,都过得很难受。

S07E15 Ross想在Monica和Chandler婚礼上演奏苏格兰乐器,被二人拒绝。Rachel和Phoebe捡到帅哥的手机,都想等对方打电话回来,二人争执,结果来的是个大爷,Rachel让给Phoebe。Joey在Days of Our Lives里的角色会换脑回归,跟那个角色扮演者一夜情。

S07E16 Rachel照顾Ben,无意间让他学会恶作剧,Ross不高兴,联合Ben恶搞了Rachel。Moncia和Chandler找不到合适的牧师,Joey自告奋勇,Phoebe说漏嘴Monica在伦敦本想找Joey一夜情,Chandler伤心,Joey安慰。

S07E17 Joey和Ross跟同一个女生约会,二人争执,Joey突袭Ross的约会,女生离开。Monica去折扣店买婚纱时跟别人争抢,对方抢走Chandler想要的乐队,Monica只好用婚纱交换。

S07E18 Joey提名肥皂剧奖,Rachel陪去,Joey没拿奖,同组女演员拿奖。学生谎称爱上Ross所以不及格,Ross相信并给他及格。Phoebe热恋,Monica怀疑结婚是否正确,Chandler表示二人的感情真实深厚,Monica感动。

S07E19 Rachel和Phoebe匆忙给Monica准备单身派对,结果忘记通知她。Joey得到新电影角色,但谎称自己没割包皮,Monica帮忙做假包皮,但还是露馅。Monica和Ross的表妹来借住,Chandler看呆她的头发,后来Ross也是。

S07E20 Rachel偶遇大学好友Melissa,说出曾经亲热的事,Phoebe不相信,Melissa也不承认,后来Rachel又亲她,结果她说自己暗恋Rachel所以否认。Chandler去Rachel那里挑礼服,挑中名人高定,Ross也是。Monica安排婚礼座位,Joey让她邀请自己的父母。

S07E21 Chandler和Monica写婚礼誓词。其余均为闪回剧情。

S07E22 Monica带着Chandler去C爸变装表演的酒吧找他,并请他参加婚礼。Monica不让Rachel开保时捷,Rachel偷偷从Ross那里拿走钥匙,超速被警察拦下但被放过,Ross太低速则被开罚单。Joey发现Phoebe男友穿女士内裤,也效仿。

S07E23 Monica和Chandler进行婚礼彩排,Chandler开始紧张。Ross发现Chandler离开,Rachel惊慌,Phoebe在浴室垃圾桶发现验孕棒。Joey捡漏电影角色,对手戏大咖总喷口水,Joey效仿。

S07E24 Joey剧组拍摄延迟,把对手戏大咖骗走后才脱身。Rachel拖住Monica,Phoebe和Ross找到Chandler并带回。婚礼前Chandler听到Phoebe和Rachel讨论Monica怀孕,再次惊恐但没有离开。Joey赶在婚礼刚开始时回来,终于顺利进行。Chandler谈到二人的孩子,Moncia否认怀孕。


147 S07E01 The One with Monica's Thunder





148 S07E02 The One with Rachel's Book




149 S07E03 The One with Phoebe's Cookies




150 S07E04 The One with Rachel's Assistant




Joey的新剧Mac and CHEESE播出,大家都觉得很烂,但不好意思告诉他。Joey同时又得到Days of Our Lives里新角色试镜机会,但他拒绝试镜想直接得到角色被拒绝,而Mac and CHEESE又被砍,无奈再去求Days of Our Lives剧组收留。

151 S07E05 The One with the Engagement Picture

Phee15-KyleDavid Sutchliffe客串) Ro18-Whitney




152 S07E06 The One with the Nap Partners





153 S07E07 The One with Ross's Library Book



Monica在餐厅遇到难缠顾客,没想到是Janice,Janice自说自话要参加Monica和Chandler的婚礼,还编了假男友,约了double date。Monica和Chandler烦恼不已,Janice又不请自来,二人编了很多瞎话想让她离开均失败。最后Monica谎称Chandler对她还有感情,Janice终于离开。


154 S07E08 The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs





155 S07E09 The One with All the Candy




156 S07E10 The One with the Holiday Armadillo





157 S07E11 The One with All the Cheesecakes



Joey和Phoebe约好一起吃饭,但Joey为了约会爽约,Phoebe十分不悦,二人重新约定时间。Phoebe在Central Perk遇到了几年前去了明斯克的David,他回美国出差只停留几个小时。Phoebe为了跟David再续前缘,也从跟Joey的约定上提前离开。

Monica和Ross的表姐妹结婚,Monica没有受到邀请,非常不满,让Ross推掉本来的plus one带自己去。Monica找新娘对峙,才发现新郎是她的前男友,场面尴尬。

158 S07E12 The One Where They're Up All Night





159 S07E13 The One Where Rosita Dies




160 S07E14 The One Where They All Turn Thirty







161 S07E15 The One with Joey's New Brain

Joe16-CeciliaSusan Sarandon客串) Phee16-Tom

Phoebe和Rachel在Central Perk看到一个帅哥,Rachel发现他落下了手机,就想拿走手机,等帅哥打电话回来取。Phoebe也想参与,二人为了争夺帅哥而发生争执。对方打电话过来,Phoebe约他来公寓,但真正出现的是一个大爷。Phoebe觉得大爷Tom比帅哥更帅,Rachel并不觉得但装作觉得,让给Phoebe。

Joey在Days of Our Lives里的角色Dr Ramoray终于将从昏迷中醒来,另一个角色将下线,Ramoray会接受大脑移植。Joey去向那个角色的扮演者Cecilia取经,结果二人发生一夜情。


162 S07E16 The One with the Truth About London



163 S07E17 The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress




164 S07E18 The One with Joey's Award


Joey靠Days of Our Lives里的角色提名了一个不太有影响力的肥皂剧奖Soapie的最佳复活男角色,并带着Rachel一起去了颁奖典礼。Joey没能得奖,但同剧组的女演员得了最佳女配角奖,Joey替她拿了奖杯并偷偷带回家。Rachel让Joey把奖杯归还,但女演员对此不屑一顾,Joey和Rachel又把奖杯拿回家。


Phoebe在Central Perk遇到一个帅哥Jake,二人光速恋爱,非常甜蜜。Monica开始怀疑自己结婚是不是正确的选择,这样就失去了再次相识相恋的机会。Monica与Chandler交心,Chandler表示自己没有这样的想法,对Monica的感情很深,Monica感动,二人相拥。

165 S07E19 The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin




166 S07E20 The One with Rachel's Big Kiss

Ray18-MelissaWinona Ryder客串)




167 S07E21 The One with the Vows



168 S07E22 The One with Chandler's Dad

婚礼前两周。Monica得知Chandler没有邀请他爸爸参加婚礼,认为这样不好,就带着Chandler一起去Las Vegas找C爸。二人来到C爸变装表演的酒吧看表演,C爸在表演间隙走入观众席,Chandler本想离开,但正好被C爸看到,也发现了Monica的婚戒。Chandler有些尴尬,但还是邀请C爸去参加婚礼,C爸答应。



169 S07E23 The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding Part 1



170 S07E24 The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding Part 2





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 5 ) 分享一些有趣時刻

EP02: Monica的父母用了她的結婚基金,Chandler說他這些年存的錢可以拿出來辦婚禮,而且他還設想了他們未來的生活,有兩個男孩兩個女孩,一起住在郊區的小房子,孩子們可以在那學騎單車,再養一只脖子上掛著鈴鐺的貓咪,還有在車庫上蓋個可以讓Joey養老的房間。。。曾經的Chandler多麼的恐懼婚姻,現在卻願意和Monica共度餘生,太讓人感動了,他們能遇見彼此真的是最幸運的事情。 EP05: Chandler一看鏡頭就僵硬的笑讓我想到不上鏡的自己,每次拍照片都像是假笑男孩,尷尬到不行,真的蠻羨慕那些一到鏡頭前就散發魅力的人。 EP06: Joey和Ross兩人突然體會到了一起午睡那種享受的感覺,沒想到被眾人當場抓包hhhhhh,鋼鐵直男顏面掃地! EP07: Joey帶了女生回家過夜,本以為只是露水情緣,沒想到被Phoebe和Rachel撮合之後發現對方是挺不錯的女孩,結果沒想到這個女生目前不想要談戀愛,好心疼Joey,或許這是他為什麼做情場浪子的原因。。。 EP08: Chandler怕狗,Ross怕冰淇淋。 EP09: Ross在教兒子Ben騎自行車,然後眾人聊到第一次騎車時候的場景,Phoebe說自己從來沒有過屬於自己的車,Ross聽到之後就送了她一輛粉色的夢中情車,然後還教她如何騎車,好暖心的Ross! EP11: Joey因為有約會所以放了Phoebe鴿子,然後就被教育說男女朋友來來去去只有朋友一直在,結果第二天Phoebe為了約會也想要放他鴿子,但是Joey知道她是為了自己心愛的男人於是溫柔的原諒了Phoebe,這才是真正的好朋友呀。 EP12: 這一集四條線四管齊下可太有趣了,Ross和Joey看彗星被困在天台糾結爬樓下去,Monica和Chandler半夜睡不著鬧出一大堆趣事,Racheal和新男友Tag因為一份未发送的合同來回推脫,Phoebe則是和一個煙霧報警器死磕上了。 EP13: Phoebe按摩生意不景氣於是找了電話推銷服務的兼職,推銷的過程中發現了一個意圖自殺的透明人小職員,善良的Phoebe認真的勸導他,還專門找到他的公司告訴他其實現實生活中沒人理會他但是整個宇宙都在默默地關心他。 EP14: Phoebe偶然從Ursula得知自己已經31歲了,就這樣丟失一年的她覺得很不是滋味,她說許多目標都還沒實現,比如邂逅葡萄牙人,體驗一次完美的接吻等等。在她傷心難過的時候,Joey讓她閉上眼睛給了她一個溫柔且深情的吻,并告诉她說自己有1/16葡萄牙血統,Joey真的是小天使。 EP16: Monica和Chandler在倫敦好上的那個夜晚,原來Monica最初的目標是Joey,Chandler聽了很生氣。Joey追上去安慰他說,Monica對他的衝動只是一個念頭,但想和Chandler在一起生活卻是一輩子的事情,因為所有人都認為他們是天造地設的一對。 EP17: Chandler真的很會說情話 “當我和Monica跳舞的時候是我第一次知道餘生的所有舞都想要和這個女人一起跳。” EP19: Joey試鏡了一部新戲,但是導演要求演員願意接受全裸並且是未接受過割禮的,然後Monica就給Joey做了一個假的套,結果複試的時候掉了穿幫了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 EP22: Chandler快要結婚了但是沒有通知自己的变装皇后父親,Monica便帶著他去到了Las Vegas,在酒吧里他終於和父親見面並和解,然後鼓起勇氣邀請了他來婚禮,好讓人感動。ps爸爸好漂亮! EP24: 感動哭了,Monica和Chandler有情人終成眷屬,他是她的王子,是她的靈魂伴侶,也是她最好的朋友。Chandler曾害怕進入婚姻,可是當他看到嬰兒裝的時候又被那份柔軟打動,再沒有什麼能阻止他臨陣脫逃,最好的朋友變成最愛的人,Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Bing。

 6 ) oh,man,come on,这还是一场好婚礼!



mc痛的死去活來 躲在家做一天病貓。但也終於有機會完成這個跨度長達兩年的漫长观看過程。依然昰笑點密集 有幾處看得幾乎笑出聲來。前段時間看了破產姐妹 但昰並不喜歡。我不喜歡那種充斥著各種金錢觀和價值觀的笑料 我喜歡的昰最好的朋友都在身邊 想愛的人就住在對面。這也是我喜歡老友記的原因。

  • 曼靑
  • 力荐

终于结婚了TAT 戴眼镜的Chandler简直太帅气>///<

  • 望仔放弃减肥了
  • 力荐


  • Orisonku
  • 力荐


  • 鬼腳七
  • 力荐


  • 一只野鸡
  • 力荐


  • Odair
  • 力荐


  • 菠萝
  • 力荐


  • 沉歌
  • 力荐


  • Memento Mori
  • 力荐


  • 米姐起飞
  • 力荐

= = 呃,怎么突然结尾是Rachel 怀孕了?

  • 赫克托尔
  • 力荐

Chandler真好 在他预想的婚姻生活里不仅有和Monica的未来还愿意把Joey养在自家车库啊哈哈哈哈

  • yakiya
  • 力荐


  • 大眼袋王
  • 力荐

for Monica and Chandler❤

  • 放开那个浪味仙
  • 力荐

看到chanchan不断成长,把自己从恐惧婚姻和责任的阴影中拽出来,愿意面对毫无波澜的未来,接受自己所恐惧的承诺带来的所有未知就太感动了...五味杂陈 还有friends贯穿每一集的包容 尊重 理解的精神很难不让人动容 这就是普通市民相互扶持的人性之光 啊TT

  • 根斯巴克连续体
  • 力荐


  • Merindigo
  • 力荐

sheldon对座位的执念 不就是是Joey对Rosita之爱的科学强化版么= =

  • 皮下真菌
  • 力荐


  • drunkenstain
  • 力荐


  • 涟立
  • 力荐

因为菲比说自己至今还没有一个完美的长吻,Joey就在街角温柔地kiss her,啊浪漫又感动。Joey就是小天使呀

  • Tronada
  • 力荐