不要谈什么心灵美了,那是一个善意的谎言,满大街的广告上有多少只有心灵美的主人公?超级模特一年赚的钱足够养活成千上万的非洲难民。在充满欲望的世界中美丽无疑是强大的武器,拥有它的人拼命想保住它,没有它的人拼命想得到它,"Size really matters!" 这句话虽然残酷却异常真实。
第4季 第一集 Cindy Plumb
剧情 转自
We begin with Christian and Sean performing double face lift on an elderly couple. Christian has finished, and Sean calls him over to remind him that this is their 5,000th surgery by presenting him with a special scalpel. To celebrate, they go to a bar, where two attractive women approach them. They are Riley White and her mother Jill. While Sean opts to go home to Julia, Christian takes the two home. Cut to a montage of Sean trying to have sex with Julia, who is six months pregnant, while at the same time, Christian is with Jill and Riley.
Roll Credits
The next day, Burt Landau appears in the office with his wife Michelle (who is about 30 years younger than him)for testicle implants. Burt had testicular cancer, but he is unhappy with the size of his new ones. He would like to get bigger ones. Kiwi size, to be exact. Julia is visting with her doctor, who tells her that her baby boy has a problem. She does not say what is is, but Julia knew there was a possibility of it.
Christian is with a therapist (played by the lovely Brooke Shields). Before you know it, they are talking about how he only has sex with women doggy style, so he can\\\'t look at them. Christian gets defensive, and the therapist brings up the possibility that he is in love with Sean.
Meanwhile, Sean is consulting with Cindy Plumb, a phone sex \\"artist\\" who is in her mid-50\\\'s. Cindy\\\'s husband left her becuase she couldn\\\'t satisfy him sexually, so she got into the phone sex business to get over it. Since Cindy\\\'s voice is changing (due to alchohol, smoking, and her age), her regular clients have stopped calling. She asks Sean to lift her voice an octive, to which he sympathetically accepts.
Julia meets with a woman with
ectrodactyly, the problem that her baby boy will have. After a talk with her, she knows for sure that she wants to keep her baby.
After the appointment with his therapist, Christian decides to redecorate his apartment (which Riley commented on in the beginning of the episode).
Meanwhile, Christian can\\\'t seem to get over the flirtation between him and Michelle. They are even flirting during her husband\\\'s surgery, after which, Michelle offers to buy the business, to which Christian accepts, but Sean shoots down. To add to Sean\\\'s bad mood, Julia tells him about the baby. he is so upste, he goes to Christian\\\'s house drunk. Christian tells him to go home. He leaves to talk to Julia.
In the end, a patient waits outside a door marked \\"Faith Wolper, PhD\\". Inside, the room is a mess, and Faith and Christian are having sex doggy style. Later, while Sean and Christian are signign the papers, Christian continues to stare at Michelle. The episode ends with Christian in the same bar. A beautiful woman approaches him, but he turns her down.
肖恩的老婆真就是一傻逼。额 他儿子真的好像MJ
i've seen season 1 and i couldn't watched more of it. pretty bad and messed up family
剧情让我无力吐槽……喜欢的重口不在乎剧情的童鞋们come on!
Every aspect of life! 刺激你的所有社会问题= = 中年危机 婚外情 性瘾 变性人 同性恋 青春期 3P 贩毒 非亲生子平方 真是应有尽有。。。继续猛补ing
The script is wonderful, so many topics are discussed in this show, not only about plastic surgery, but also the attitude towards life and moral issues, marriage, drug dealer, transgender, gay, broken American dream, teenager problem, pro bono, dilemma...
不喜欢 2个医生都很讨人厌
血腥~不喜欢医务剧T T
make me beautiful,make me a perfect soul,a perfect mind,a perfect face,a perfect ...life.
整容室百集完,曲终人散,郁闷退场,最后看着自己在屏幕上的影子,仿佛也是他们纠结之家的,tell me what you don't like about yourself,i'm a plastic surgeon,再见,McNamara一家
即使剧情已经如此黑暗绝望了,我仍希望他们能过上简单安稳平静的生活,一如我对自己的希望。2009-0308 昨晚刚又看到明珠台的重播。虽然一直不太喜欢千奇百怪层出不穷的跑龙套们,但是属于你们的故事,你们的生活,还是无法让我轻易转身走掉。2009-0818结局是,生活能继续,无终结。