1 ) 不被爱的才是第三者??The Monologue of Ken
My name is Ken Allen. I am a successful businessman who owns an enterprise empire but I am a loser in love. I fell in love with Terry at the first glance several years ago in a restaurant, where she served as a waitress. The moment I saw her, I felt the world seemed stop its movement. She was blonde and slim, so charming and graceful. I thought she could never be just a waitress and I was right, like I said, I am a successful businessman and I am acute.
Terry turned out to be a singer and an artist. I appreciated her gift and talent. I thought I knew her and I could help her to find her own stage. We dated a lot and we fell in love. I bought many houses and let her to decorate them. I didn’t care about the money. I just wanted my beloved woman to feel satisfied and successful after she finished her creation. One day, I proposed, and she said yes. I was so happy that we found true love from each other. But, this time, I was wrong.
In order to decorate a sailboat, Terry flew to Sydney along. I was supposed to get her call from Sydney very soon but I did not. I was so anxious that I could not even sleep. Thank god I finally got her telegram which said that an unexpected storm had forced her plane to land on an island in the ocean and she had to go on her trip by boat. I worried her so much that I sent her a telegram: forget Sydney and come back. She didn’t come back until several days later.
With delight full in my heart, I went to the airport to pick her up. She stepped from the plane later than usual. When I saw her and kissed her, I knew something went differently.
Terry broke up with me. I was totally lost and I didn’t know what was going on and or what I should do to bring her back. Three month later, I woke up from a dream, I suddenly realized she was always my true love and I could not leave her. Immediately I went to her workplace to apologize but she just escaped from me in a hurry. I was heart-broken but an hour later, a more heart-breaking message came to me: Terry was caught in an accident!! I rushed to the hospital only to find this young energetic woman became disabled.
Terry sank into a desperate situation. She could burst into tears every now an then. I knew her so I knew the loss of walking ability could never destroy the brave woman like that. So I asked her, “Terry, do you have some one in your heart?” She said, “No.” I felt relaxed.
I knew we could not be together again and I dated someone else. But I still cared about her. I loved her. Though she did not love me back, at least I could stay with her and take care with her even just like a friend. I just wanted to accompany her.
And I am wrong again. When she appeared with the man, Mike, on Christmas, she wore a happy smile which I had not seen for a long time. I knew, I would lose her forever. I was betrayed by my fiancée. I am totally a loser.
Ken is my favorite character in the movie Love Affair. He is not the hero but he deserves the true love for his deep concerning and thoughtfulness. As to Terry and Mike, I have to say they are so selfish and show no responsibility to their previous promise. If you are not sure about the true love, why do you agree on the engagement? Do not use the so-called true love to cover the fact that you are unfaithful. You are just staining true love because true love won’t hurt other people.
2 ) 感人的爱情故事
喜欢Annette Bening!
3 ) 命中注定的爱情是需要两个人的坚持
4 ) 风景片
5 ) 爱情观
#观影手记# 2297 爱情来的太突然,我实在是没反应过来,姑姑说的那番话,至少前半部分,简直羞辱人,我就是闲着没事来逛逛,我俩还没双双出轨呢嘿!沃伦·比蒂和布鲁斯南角色对调下还行,一见钟情是要看脸的,留个大胡子,导演为了拉低布鲁斯南魅力值也是努力了的。"马不是一夫一妻,他们俩是被困在这小岛上了.",立马脑补张学良和赵四哈哈哈。贝宁美的惊人,拍她全用大柔光。凯瑟琳·赫本竟然不是大高个儿!
男女主机场告别时,相互不断确认帝国大厦之约那一刻,特别让我感怀。。。时隔19年后重温,觉得Before Sunrise 和铁达尼号 都有参考这片吧?贝宁韵味十足,背景音乐也柔情无比。
为了看一眼凯瑟琳最后一个银幕形象。比起1957版,AnnetteBening 比Kerr大不如。莫纳科内依旧很给力,最意外的是竟然还有雷查尔斯
千禧年之前我们似乎还坚定地相信爱情有奇迹。布鲁斯南演前男友必须是女主口中的徒有其表没有内涵,否则男主比不过。一开始看到Ennio Morricone为爱情片配乐有点不思议,音乐的确很煽情。华丽、优雅和美人cliche标配,这终究还是一个童话故事。适合圣诞节看的温存片。我要去刷原版《金玉盟》了。
要不要这么虐/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ 贝宁美翻了><
完全翻拍“an affair to remeber",演员阵容虽然也比较强大,但犹如鸡肋,唯一的欣喜是片头曲居然是 I will,当然,幼儿版
「The trick in life isn't getting what you want. It's wanting it after you get it.」「It doesn't have to be a miracle. If you can paint, I can walk. Anything can happen, don't you think?」