This part beginning from a dark movements, From the back view, a group of students entered the painting, and the protagonist followed the paintings of everyone. The director's handling of this picture deliberately makes the backlight of the scene brighter than the foreground, so that the audience can shift their attention away from the students who have passed the foreground.Then the lens is very slight, and it is very imperceptible to push to the Jake.
Other students have a good exchange and itobviouslyseems that he is lonely and quiet. From Jake's back shot to Tony in the middle of others and withclassmates for a lively communication, andwith just previous shot thatJake just walked quietly in stark contrast.
The director gave Jake a reaction lens that placed him at one-third of the picture. At the edge of the picture, he formed a protagonist with a sense of inner crisis, and the state of the protagonist looked up, which added to the expression of the protagonist'semotion.After the camera washorizontalshaken to the left, after Tony and the others walk out of tjepicture, Jack returned to the center of the screen.Using painting as a transition, it seems that the character's emotions are cut off here, making the emotions extremely restrained and the lens expressionseemsmore objective.
With the beginning of background music,director added a close-up of Jake's classmates with four different scenes and different positions. Finally, it is a close-up of the main character. It is very interesting to convey that the people around Jake have changed, just like the people around everyone in the real world are constantly changing, sometimes spreading outand getting together.
The background music is only repeated for a whilein the same way, and it can clearly hear its editing points, as if it implies that everything is actually circulating.
I am very appreciatethat the director described the emotions of the characters with an extremely cool lens movement.Most of them are fixed lens.Using a fixed lens can make the audience move away from emotions and turn into thinking.The friendship of Jake and Tony in "Little Men" carries that kind of bittersweet weight. Jake and Tony hold hands over the growing abyss between their parents. They're only 13 years old. Do they know that relationships are fragile and need protection? Do they understand how precious their friendship is, how much they need to hold onto it, how much they will miss it if it ends? These questions carry intense reverberation long after the film ends.
In the class,wealsoreadthis part of the script. In the front part of the script, the screenwriter used the enthusiasm of the guest to describe the alienation of their relationship, echoing the scene of their mother's first meeting.From the lens or the script are deliberately creating a distance between them.But after the script, it was too straightforward. The director simply used the movements and the lens to sublimate the whole movie.Using gestures to describe mental activity is the most difficult task in terms of scriptwriting.I thinkfilmsmainly needs to use the lens language to show the theme and emotions. I think this is the place where fabulous in <Little Men>.The director knows how to do appropriate subtraction in the film.Its smallness makes it grand and moving. These are the things, these little moments, decisions and consequences that most human lives are made of, after all.
This film is very different from the general run of ingratiating middlebrow indies that pop up on screen periodically, drenched with implausibility, sentimentality and lame bet-hedging humour.It is composed with scrupulous observational intelligence and Care. It is really engaging.
Checking out of the genderqueer bracket, American indie urban aesthete Ira Sachs’ LITTLE MEN continues with his concern of Brooklyn’s gentrification, in LOVE IS STRANGE (2014), a senior gay couple cannot afford their apartment and has to live separately, a temporary arrangement eventually plunges into a precipitate farewell, here, it centers around a nuclear family, Brian Jardine (Kinnear), a seasoned thespian struggling to pay the bills, his wife Kathy (Ehle), a full-time psychotherapist, and their 13-year-old son Jake (Taplitz), move into Brian’s father’s two-story building, inherited after the latter’s death. They have a tenant, the Chilean immigrant Leonor Calvelli (García), a single mother who operates an artisanal dress shop in the ground floor, by dint of a very low monthly rent arranged between her and Brian’s father for many years.
Brian and his sister Audrey (Balsam), both need money to support their families, revises a new lease demanding a treble amount of fee (still, considerably cheaper than the ballooning market price), which builds a tension between the two families, and what is also at cost is the newfound friendship between Jake and his coeval Tony (Barbieri), Leonor’s son, when their quotidian proximity is discontinued.
More than anything, the two kid actors are phenomenal, both first-time actors, Theo Taplitz remarkably imbues an adorable appearance of sensitivity and androgyny to accentuate Jake’s painter’s disposition, not to mention his heart-rending plea in the climax. Whereas Michael Barbieri is totally on the opposite of the spectrum, with his convivial, animated verve and a naturalistic elocution that betrays his age, which is fit as glove as Tony’s aspiring actor identity. Their friendship seems very organic, albeit their polarized make-ups, mercifully and perspicaciously Sachs doesn’t make a heavy weather of Jake’s budding affection towards Tony, which is tacitly suggested but as in reality, like as not, those little torch-carrying secret is mostly saved for its originator to savor and wallow, bless Sachs for not sensationalize a young boy’s vulnerable, inchoate sexual awakening.
Grownups are also a cracking cluster, almost 20 years after his Oscar-nominated breakthrough in AS GOOD AS IT GETS (1997), Greg Kinnear matures with an understated complexity that is given a full range here, he is a grieving son, a frustrating breadwinner, a glowing actor on stage, a devoted, grateful husband and a caring father, who is saddled with a daunting task to negotiate an unpleasant business deal with a tough-nut in the form of a magnificent Paulina García, nothing is above her Leonor to get what she intends, emotional manipulation, outright humiliation, tactical evasion, even if a child’s innocent, heartfelt plea can do the trick, she has no qualms about leveraging it. García has so many strings to her bow, and each one adds a tangible layer to her character’s humanity, warts and all, which is such an exceptional achievement that defiantly flouts the atrocious typecast of a downtrodden immigrant woman struggling in the land of freedom, here, she fervently digs in her heels and brazens it out in fighting a losing battle.
Sending out a well-meaning message of “letting go the past”, Sachs’ LITTLE MEN is the whole package, a school of hard knocks for an adolescent, a critical looking into the miasma of gentrification and a hyperreal examination of ordinary beings’ interrelations.
referential entries: Sachs’ LOVE IS STRANGE (2014, 7.8/10), KEEP THE LIGHTS ON (2012, 6.8/10).
我们曾渴望过这样的感觉 我们曾拥有过这样的感觉 我们曾遗忘过这样的感觉 我们曾怀念过这样的感觉 那种感觉,一份缘一恍邂 重拾不起,一酿成醋一惚生涩 就这样,暮年响门,我们再度相逢 你好,我好,只叹那一段岁月不曾静好。。。
Ira Sachs跳出同志题材,拍摄寸土寸金的纽约两个家庭因为房租发生的睚眦。无论成人的世界多么现实,孩子们的感情永远真挚。结尾两个镜头可能是我想多了,不然也太美好了(问过导演了,居然还真是!)两个灵气逼人的小小人儿,未来前途不可限量惹~
Ira Sachs简直是美国版是枝裕和 他在Q&A的时候说:When a kid realizes there is a past in his life, that's the moment he grows up.
觉得Paulina García长得好像Catherine Keener啊我是不是脸盲。Tony跟戏剧老师对喊那段好玩。
与《爱很怪》异弦同谱,还差一部就能达成纽约飞地三部曲。虽然Ira Sachs继续致敬着小津,这次却更看出些杨德昌的味道来。视角在大人与小孩的twilight zone中游走,看见不断切换着共情立场的自己为导演暗自鼓掌着,这种纯粹干净的失落年纪过了便再不会有了。
导演QA说灵感来自小津 还拍了个类似y tu mama tambien的结尾 jacob原型是少年考进laguadia的自己老公
当Little Men 成长为真正的Man,他们还会纯真依旧么?童年是那么纯粹而又美好的。长大的我们会精于算计,慢慢的变成了不可爱的大人。两个孩子的友谊,受到两家大人不可调和矛盾的冲击,当我们诀别了昔日的小伙伴,也意味着我们将要长大了,以后的日子还是要继续啊!非常喜欢影片的配乐~
即使有表现优秀的Paulina García和全片最大牌Greg Kinnear都难以掩盖两位小演员(Theo Taplitz和Michael Barbieri)自然而又诚挚的表演所散发的光芒。片中用的为数不多的音乐和画面都真的好美,有种说不出来的清爽和干净。感觉导演能够用自己的视角拍出这个世界最美好的一面。