The documentary tells a story about how Raf Simons, a newcomer, finds the balance between "inheriting the spiritual core of Dior" and "continuing his self-style", how he runs in with the artisans in the atelier, and how he breaks through his previous style to complete a whole collection of Haute Couture in a short period of time.
Christian Dior and Raf Simons were born in different eras, but they are similar in the way that they both uphold the idea that "contemporary women needs more release and freedom rather than bondage in clothes." Raf inherits this idea and shows his ambition of not being constrained by minimalism. After his innumerable insistent and alterations, his frowned face finally breaks into a smile. He said: “Sublime! Sublime!”
At the end of the show, everyone called out his name. He is indeed an excellent leader of the show. However, I believe the success is achieved by all people’s joint efforts -- himself, his assistant, and the whole studio of tailors. The tailors were suspicious of the newcomer at first because he was quiet and stubborn, and it is challenging for them to meet the requirements from both the clients and the creative leader at the same time. Fortunately, they are finally run-in with him and find the balance between the clients and the designer. But I know all along that Raf was carrying the most weight and under a large pressure so that I almost cried when he did at the end.
I strongly respect the designer Raf Simons and the tailors in the atelier, the old people with their craftmanship spirits dedicated their whole life to the brand. They work in the atelier with their dreams, feelings, insistence towards fashion, and the exquisite craftsmanship. By seeing their earnest expressions when threading needles, as well as the way they tease each other to relieve stress under heavy pressure, I feel that this is an atelier with full of human kindness. Their hearts and lives are connected to fashion and Haute Couture. Therefore, I strongly hope that the people who buy Haute Couture are those who can really appreciate them as works of art, rather than people who just want to show their status.
Raf是如何产生创作构思及高订runway作品的形成,像是没清晰的呈现出来。看下来像是工作坊的老员工一起"拼凑"出秀款,拿给Raf审批…… 当然,创作过程不大会是那样的,设计师是runway的灵魂。
说写的字数少了 不让发。 就再写这些。
看完了电影赶快去恶补了一下Raf Simon来Dior后的第一场高定,果然和人们的评价一样,和海盗爷相比Raf的设计朴素了点。但是!!!当年排斥Raf的设计有多狠,现在再看到Maria阿姨做的东西,就有多“真香”!!有了Maria阿姨,现在人们对Raf的评价都从“朴素”变成了“简单却闷骚”了呢哈哈哈哈...
我记得他在准备这场HC的时候讲了一句话,“The first runaway that I do at Dior, I want all the girls to be comfortable.” Raf还会考虑到模特穿着的舒适度,这还真的有暖到我,Raf小可爱太好了!!
#最后半小时。I came just for you. 我只为了看观众席中的那位小个子呀!阿姨生快❤
LVMH当年为了推Raf Simons真是不遗余力,他们成功了,从此对Raf路人转粉
当时没觉得,现在Maria Grazia Chiuri上马之后才发现Raf Dimons的简约风骚有多么高级
Raf Simons和迪奥工坊的匠人们。
Raf 在show开场前压力硕大的落泪了,后来show结束后又哭了感觉这点感觉好萌。他的搭档可真是好啊,各种耐心好脾气。dior里的那个premiere在show结束还对他说“干脆把让我做你旁边办公吧”真是太可爱了。有这么群个性的员工,真是好啊~~~那一屋一屋的鲜花我真替预算捏汗啊~
感觉我对raf simon这种性格的人蛮容易动心。
4.5穿插著Christian dior先生和Raf simons在不同年代,卻是同一年紀同樣處境的內心獨白。他們的童年都有各種「flowers dream」,一個影響著設計理念的大花園,以及那一望無際的海。我喜歡這樣悶騷的設計師,他在遇到困難時很絕決,在設計時很堅持,在秀前天馬星空,在秀中哭得像個孩子,真實如Dior。
裁缝奶奶们好可爱!睿智细腻不失少女心,永持对美好对优雅的渴望,这才是forever 21的真谛。
woooolalala wooooooo