I wanna share this film with you.This is a film tells us a plain story accompanied with the rhythm of the music . Two simple people who deeply care for their own dreams and be kind to others and the world.They encounter the love , the pure simple love between them is very rare. Danny is the Male leading role , he is a struggling songwriter who actually in reality is an ordinary restaurant waiter,but optimistic as he is, every day is a good day to be alive.He loves music, he will work hard to save money to buy a secondhand acoustics.His friend tells him it's unworthy,but he thinks this is meaningful and that is his dream.He created his own music, recording the demo.In his ideas,a lot of things will lose, but some things will stay.He says to his friend ,when we leave this world, music will stay, but the supporting actor do not understand at that time. Love doesn't always need to be told, sometimes it's just so obvious .Danny fell in love with Sam at the first sight with no reason, just the right feeling between them. Sam has a hearing impairment, but this does not prevent their mutual communication.Sam inspires Danny to create music ,Danny encourages Sam to do the thing she likes,to determine their own life.Of course, their love is not completely smooth. When actress and actor fall in love, Sam's mother keeps stopping them.The mother is a woman who has a strong possessive instinct, her love to Sam is exclusive. She gave Sam material basis, but failed to tell her the passion for life and the happiness of living in the world.Fortunately, actor helps actress get that point.The mother's love is suffocating, sometimes not children cannot live without parents, is parent unwilling to let them go.I like that scene when Sam stood up to fight her mother.And I know how hard it is for her to fight her control-freak mother.As Danny said “You can't miss something great just because it might be uneasy. Life is too short to waste.” Although the end of the film is a tragedy,Danny only lives to 24 years old,but in fact, longer than many people.In the world, the most beautiful love is one who firmly guard you , believe you and love the real you.As at the end of the movie, Danny said ‘how many people can say they are truly in love.’Yes.They are the lucky ones, in the boundless huge crowd found each other. After the movie,I feel moved not only the love between Danny and Sam, but Danny's sincere love to friends,even to a stranger.I think the most touching scene is Danny in cancer and nearly to be dead,but he escaped from the hospital and came to the man who sells newspapers, booked 500 newspapers he never read .This reminds me of the past plot, once his friend asked him, if not read, why buy ?His answer was, he liked the guy.That man could choose to beg, but he didn’t.He supported himself by selling newspapers.Indeed, every people in the world is worthy of respect and admiration. In the end, Sam chose surgery to restore hearing.When she stepped on New York avenue,she was more confident than before.Danny wrote a letter to Sam, a warm passage: hey babe, its a first day of your brand new life, but don’t take life 's blessings for granted away most people do, go outside and hear the world, and its a beautiful place...Love with all your heart, where there's love, you will find me. I hope you guys could listen to your heart,and do things you really want.
平淡的故事在音符的缠绕间娓娓道来,没有太多惊喜一切顺理成章。简单的两个人,用心呵护着自己的梦想善待别人和这个世界,他们相遇相爱离别-这份纯真很美好love doesn't always need to be told; it's just so obviously there.
Listen to your heart.Music is powerful thing,one song can change your hole life.Everyday is great day to be alive.
靠 女主的第一个镜头就把我吓着了 你说好看的人难找 那起码好看的演员不难找吧 吓死我了!更何况男主长得也不赖 更显出女主的猪头样了•••这样的弄成一见钟情真不现实!男主缺爱么