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新大陆 剧照 NO.1新大陆 剧照 NO.2新大陆 剧照 NO.3新大陆 剧照 NO.4新大陆 剧照 NO.5新大陆 剧照 NO.6新大陆 剧照 NO.13新大陆 剧照 NO.14新大陆 剧照 NO.15新大陆 剧照 NO.16新大陆 剧照 NO.17新大陆 剧照 NO.18新大陆 剧照 NO.19新大陆 剧照 NO.20


  本片是导演扬•特洛尔1971年的名作《大移民》的续篇,两部电影均改编自Vilhelm Moberg的The Emigrants系列小说。本片取材此系列的后两部小说,The Settlers 和The Last Letter Home,讲述一批瑞典移民在19世纪中期的明尼苏达州建造家园的故事热播电视剧最新电影宁安如梦金银岛2012虹色病历簿大乱斗情人节篇美丽夜女郎甜水谣安全邻域替身闭眼第一季小心眼尼斯大冒险狼心屋顶足球七侠五义人间道人人都爱雷蒙德 第一季利刃出鞘国语叶问外传:张天志(国语版)巴黎前程未卜第七幻象2:重返阴阳界贵妃生存法则锦上添花沉默与谎言双瞳国语彗星来的那一夜(越南语版)罪恶之子花木兰2009


 1 ) [Film Review] The Emigrants (1971) 8.3/10 and The New Land (1972) 7.7/10

Swedish filmmaker Jan Troell’s categoricalpièces-de-résistance, a diptych, 7-hours long saga based on his fellow countryman, the literature titan Vilhelm Moberg’s THE EMIGRANTS ensemble.

Divided into THE EMIGRANTS and THE NEW LAND, this 19th-century epic holds a dear look at the travails of an ordinary Swedish household, the Nilsson family, resides in the Småland hinterland, when (mostly natural) adversity mounts against their livelihood, the eldest son Karl Oskar (von Sydow) mulls over the prospect of emigrating to the United States. A proposition deprecated by his wife Kristina (Ullmann) initially, but when poverty and hunger is aggravated by the premature death of one of their brood, she eventually accedes, joining their emigrating pack are Karl Oskar’syounger brother Robert (Axberg), his farmhand friend Arvid (Lindstedt), the family of Kristina’s uncle Pastor Daniel Andreasson (Edwall, a straight-up hard-hitter, brilliantly bringing about an air of smug virtuosity that treacherously verges on hubris), who is at loggerheads with the supercilious local parish clergy for preaching to the fallen ones (viz. those who are deemed not worthy of Christian gospel), among whom a former prostitute Ulrika (jazz chanteuseMonica Zetterlund), now a reborn woman, also partakes in the trek with her teenage daughter Elin (played by Monica's own daughter Eva-Lena Zetterlund).

THE EMIGRANTS itself can be bisected into two halves, before and after the family’s embarkment for the state of Freedom, during the former, Troell introduces the hardship and inequity (religious parochialism and mistreatment) with a pastoral equanimity (occasionally lard with invigorating drumbeats) and purveys his main characters with sufficient impetus for their longing for a reset button in an idealized country where everyone is (purportedly) being treated equally and fairly, especially for the young Robert, it is the California gold rush beckons him, and supports him against the cavalier abuse he receives on a daily base when working as a farmhand.

Once their journey kick-starts, a looming nostalgia begins to sweep the cohort, Troell (who is also presiding over the cinematography department) fixes the valediction shot with a subdued solemnity, no goodbyes, tear-infused eyes, lingering looks are deployed, just a long-shot of the elderly parents seeing their children off in front of their house, incorporating the place into their final adieu, and the impact is ineffable.

Tellingly, THE EMIGRANTS' most accomplished passage is theten-weeks trans-Atlantic voyageon a wooden brig, and Troell valiantly re-enacts its sordid state of affairs with swingeing maritime verisimilitude when most passengers are fallen victims of sea-sick, life is snuffed within a two-by-four space, by scurvy or even quinsy (a pertinent reference to today’s illegal immigrants’ ordeal on the sea). Here Liv Ullmann holds court in two magnificent scenes, one is Kristina'saltercation with Ulrika, both actress are emotively unsparing, and letting out their prejudice and retorts once for all, which also presciently serves as a catalyst for their eventually best-friends transition; the other is when Kristina, apparently in extremis, exchanges with Karl Oskar their fondness, as if for the last time, by confessing that they are each other’s best friends, a superlative affirmation that true love does exist thanks to the two players’ most poignant delivery.

Once the survivors touches the terra firma but incognita, they are still miles away from where they will start life anew, hopping on the train and later a steamer, than on foot, when they finally reach their destination in Minnesota, their first dream is dashed by a boastful liar who never expect his lie will be debunked in his face, and THE EMIGRANTS finishes when Karl Oskar finds their new land under their new identities, American homesteaders.

Right picking up where its predecessor leaves,THE NEW LAND takes place entirely in the new land, where the Swedish emigrants forming a somewhat enclave, mostly living among themselves, which brings about a problematic issue about the story’s sense of locality and Troell’s inaction of alleviate this anonymity, if it is not for the random appearances of the indigenous Indians, one can safely surmise that the household is still live in their homeland, with very similar sylvan exuberance and harsh winter-time, and not much foreignness to interact with, in a way, it takes the shine off one of the story’s focal points: displacement.

Yet, what THE NEW LAND excels in, is that oater flashback of Robert, who manages to stay alive just long enough after a futile gold-digging attempt with Arvid, a sounding slap in the face to the wide-eyed daydreamers, the pair is saddled with the same drudgery and hardship (not to mention Robert'spotluck is rooked by deception)that ultimate will cost them both their young lives, here Troell launches a more hallucinogenic experiment in accentuating the pair’s delirium and exhaustion when wandering in the desert, to admirable effect.Eddie Axberg has weathered convincingly in honing up Robert’s tale of woe, and his final resignation with fate effectually brings a lump in one’s throat.

Life goes on, as Karl Oskar’s household finally prospers, a God-fearing Kristina turns out to be benighted enough to risk her own life for the sake of procreation, indoctrinated as a wife’s sacrosanct duty, even after receiving the doctor’s warning that another pregnancy would become her undoing, together with a less disinterested depiction of a wanton slaughter during the Sioux Uprising, by suggestion that it is at the expense of those white homesteaders’ hospitality upon which the Indians conducts their retaliation, THE NEW LAND’s luster starts to ebb away, notwithstanding a show-stopping Max von Sydow consistently radiates with plebeian bonhomie, sympathy and mettle from stem to stern of the entire roman-fleuve.

referential film: Ingmar Bergman’s FANNY AND ALEXANDER (1982, 8.5/10).

 2 ) 有份量的记录人类移民历史艺术作品

自从人类产生,便一直在移民和殖民,但是,北美大陆的移民具有划时代的意义,它既是移民,更主要的是开拓蛮荒的殖民,第一代移民筚路蓝缕终老在新开拓的土地上,却是一天都没有享到收获的福利,支持他们的唯有“我们的后代将不会对出生在这里感到失望”,—— 这是电影里令人动容的一句台词,为殖民者赋予了神圣的光辉。尽管,当时这些文盲也许仅仅朦胧意识到,他们连英语都说不好,准确的文字表达更加不可能。






Liv Ullmann和Max von Sydow演的史诗,我的豆瓣友邻居然没有人看过。也许比他俩演的伯格曼都更好,at least much closer to home。跟上部The Emigrants一起,估计是我今年看到最好的电影。RBG去世痛哭的一晚。

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Jan Troell拍戏剧冲突确实不大在行,其他倒是没太多可挑剔之处,结尾也有触动到。视觉上的精华毫无疑问被库神吸收到了Barry Lyndon。可惜看不到福特的版本

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The New Land (1972) Criterion (1080p BluRay x265 10bit Tigole).mkv 8.62G

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[192min] 我相信这部电影在影像风格上对泰伦斯马利克有影响,而且在处理宗教性的内容和展现生命之伟大等方面都有共同之处,大移民是呈现因,而新大陆则是揭开了果,自然朴素的镜头让整个电影浑然一体,然而在影片的内容上还是有很强的争议性,毕竟在故事上带有强烈的瑞典移民视角,加上了印第安人残忍剖腹孕妇的情节,还有关于女性的部分,克里斯蒂娜在被检出身体怀孕会危及生命时认为自己没有用处,最后还是因怀孕而死,这些情节还是没有超脱出时代的价值观。

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