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闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.1闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.2闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.3闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.4闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.5闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.6闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.13闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.14闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.15闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.16闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.17闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.18闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.19闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.20


  部队SRU的成员都不是一般的警察,他们有能力做一些普通警察所不能做的事情,包括:“拯救人质,打击黑帮,拆除炸弹,操作尖端武器,”他们将永远冒着生命危险去拯救别人的生命。他们往往会采用任何手段在非常短的时间内解决问题拯救生命。想成为一名SRU成员,你首先要有多年的在街头打击罪犯的经验,还要经受强烈的体能训练,以及射击枪法的训练。除此之外SRU成员还要有操作尖端武器的能 力,包括:“狙击枪,蛇形摄像设备,机器人,闪光弹,夜视仪和泰瑟枪”。但是最重要的武器,还是每个人的知觉和经验,能够应付各种危机所需要的技巧。热播电视剧最新电影城市24小时粤语金钱男孩二楼传来的歌声最后一人2019一善心光X战警(原声版)回首又见他网商不成问题的问题莱斯·诺顿第一季肮脏交易戈德堡一家第三季当男人恋爱时(国语版)杀手婚礼之路江户小姐 爱在令和步兵的崛起 复仇雪迷宫外婆的新世界游戏规则2022我们的黎明恶魔2019国宝奇旅曼谷爱情故事之纯真守望者2019奥斯曼帝国:欧洲的伊斯兰王室如果我是有钱人蛋头人的诅咒无法超度的她


 1 ) 1-5季的片尾曲清单~




Episode 507 – Below The Surface
"Too Many To Mend" by Libby Weaver

Episode 505 – Sons of The Father:
"Homage For The Suffering" by Matthew Perryman Jones

Episode 504 – Eyes In
"We've Got Something" by Adaline

Episode 503 – Run To Me
"Days To Recall" by Justin Hines

Episode 502 – No Kind of Life
"Cost Is Too High (Not To Love)" by Adaline

Episode 501 – Broken Peace
"My Heart Has Wings" by Aengus Finnan


Episode 401 – Personal Effects
"Build You Up" by Kim Taylor

Episode 402 – Good Cop
"Best Laid Plans" by We The Living

Episode 403 - Run, Jaime, Run
"Lonely" by Winston

Episode 404 – Through The Glass Darkly
"Black Winged Bird" by Emm Gryner

Episode 405 – The Better Man
N/A Library Score

Episode 406 – A Day In The Life
"A Song About Love" by Clé Bennett

Episode 407 – Shockwave
Library Score

Episode 408 – The War Within
"Emergency" by Pigeon Hole

"Stripes" by J. Banks

"Courage" by Justin Hines

Episode 409 – Cost of Doing Business
"Keep Dancin'" by Madcap

"Somewhere It's Beautiful" by Strada

Episode 410 – Wild Card
"Everyone Falls" by Beth Thornley

Episode 411 – A New Kind Of Life
"Ghosts" by Don Dilego

Episode 412 – Grounded
"Man Inside" by Shirock

Episode 413 – A Call To Arms
"You Can't Go Back" by Royal Wood

Episode 414 – Team Player
"Whose Side Are You On?" by Doubting Paris

Episode 416 – Blue on Blue
"Clearwater" by JR Richards

Episode 417 – Priority of Life
"Wait" by Broken Fences

Episode 418 – Slow Burn
"Safe Haven" by Royal Wood


'Unconditional Love' - First air date - July 16, 2010
End of episode montrage: "Sometimes" by Melanie Horsnell.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/melaniehorsnell

'Severed Ties' - First air date - August 6, 2010
End of episode montage: "Save my life" by Johnny BLK.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/twina

'Follow the Leader' - First air date - August 13, 2010
End of episode montage: "Will You Be There" by Richard Harris.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/richardharrismusic

'Whatever it Takes' - First air date - August 20, 2010
End of episode montage: "Catch Me When I Fall" by Daniel Cage.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/danielcage

'The Other Lane' - First air date - September 3, 2010
End of episode montage: "Gravity" by Golden State.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/goldenstatetheband

'Jumping at Shadows' - First air date - September 10, 2010
End of episode montage: "Lost and Found" by Kim Taylor.
Website: http://kim-taylor.net/

'Acceptable Risk' - First air date - September 17, 2010
End of episode montage: "Claire De Leah" by Amin Bhatia, Ari Posner, Leah Salomaa

'Collateral Damage' - First air date - January 4, 2011
End of episode montage: "Weightless" by Courtney Jones.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/courtneyjonesmusic

'Thicker than Blood' - First air date - January 11, 2011
End of episode montage: "Faded Lights" by Jordan Critz.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/jordancritz

'Terror' - First air date - January 18, 2011
End of episode montage: "Goodbye" by Amy Jo Johnson.
Website: http://www.amyjojohnson.com/home.html

'No Promises' - First air date - January 25, 2011
End of episode montage: "Revolution of the Sun" by Matthew Barber.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/mbarber

'I'd Do Anything' - First air date - Feb. 1, 2011
End of episode montage: "Wave Goodbye" by Mike Schmid.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/mikeschmid

'Fault Lines' - First air date - Feb. 6, 2011
Opening montage: "My Mistakes" by Hugh Dillon.
Website: http://www.hughdillon.com/

End of episode montage: "Bluff" by Pilot Speed.
Website: http://www.pilotspeed.net/


'Eagle Two' - First air date - January 9, 2009
End of episode montage: "I Am You," Performed by Kim Taylor, written by Kim Taylor, Mike Denneen and AJ Gundell.
Band Website: http://www.kim-taylor.net

'Backwards Day' - First air date - January 16, 2009
End of episode montage: "The World Won't Wait," Performed by The Dunes, written by Kevin Pullen and Paul Barry. Band
Website: http://www.theduneslive.com http://www.myspace.com/thedunesrock

'Haunting the Barn' - First air date - January 23, 2009
End of episode montage: "Make It Home Tonight," Performed by Jenn Grant, written by Jenn Grant.
Band website: http://www.jenngrant.com/

'Between Heartbeats' - First air date - Febuary 13, 2009
End of episode montage: "Weapon," Performed by Matthew Good.

'Business As Usual' - First air date - February 27, 2009
End of episode montage: "Search Party," Performed by Wintersleep, written by Paul Murphy, Tim D'eon, Loel Campbell and Jud Haynes.
Band website: http://www.wintersleep.com/

'Fortress' - First air date - March 6, 2009
End of episode montage: "Weightless," as performed by Black Lab, written by Paul Durham and Andy Ellis. Band website: http://blacklabworld.com/

'Clean Hands' - First air date - March 13, 2009
End of episode montage: "Days Like This," Performed and written by Kim Taylor.
Band website: http://www.kim-taylor.net/

'Aisle 13' - First air date - April 3, 2009
End of episode montage: "Help Me," performed and written by Daniel Cage.
Band website: http://www.myspace.com/danielcage

'The Perfect Family' - First air date - April 10, 2009
End of episode montage: "Rain," Performed and written by Jon Heintz.
Band website: http://www.jonheintz.com/

'Remote Control' - First air date - April 24, 2009
End of episode montage: "Shine," written by Brandon Chandler, Josh Schroeder, Hannah Georgas. Performed by Hannah Georgas.
Band website: http://www.myspace.com/bandhannah

'Perfect Storm' - First air date - May 1, 2009
End of episode montage: "All Roads Lead Home," Written by James Grundler, Performed by Golden State. Band website: http://www.goldenstatetheband.com/

Song plays while Billy gets beaten up at school: "Open Up Your Eyes," Written by Adrian Craig Blaney, Peter Boshart, Dennis Andrew Napper, Matthew Louis Rahn, Robert William Weir. Performed by TraceNine. Band website: http://www.tracenine.com/

'Last Dance' - First air date - May 8, 2009
End of episode montage: "Chopin Ballade, " Performed and written by Melanie Doane. Band website: http://www.melaniedoane.com/

Song plays in a restaurant: "Rialto," Performed and written by Kathleen Gorman. Band website: http://www.myspace.com/kathleengorman

'Exit Wounds' - First air date - May 15, 2009
End of episode montage: "Sun Is Shining Down," written by John Grey Higginbotham. Performed by JJ Grey & Mofro.
Band website: http://www.mofro.net/
Record label: http://www.alligatorrecords.com/

'Never Let You Down' - First air date - October 2, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Now The Struggle Has a Name," Performed by: The Tragically Hip. Written by: J. Fay, G. Downie, R. Baker, G. Sinclair and P. Langlois.
Website: http://www.thehip.com/
'Just a Man' - First air date - October 9, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Don't Be Fooled," Performed by: Hugh Dillon. Written by: Hugh Dillon and Chris Osti.
Website: http://www.hughdillon.com/

'Custody' - First air date - October 16, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Start Again," Performed by: Illyun. Written by: Samantha Powell.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/illiyun

'Coming to You Live' - First air date - October 23, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Sound of My Voice," Performed by: Jon Heintz.
Written by: Jon Heintz.
Website: http://www.jonheintz.com/
'The Farm' - First air date - Oct. 30, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Don't Fall Apart," Performed by: Royal Wood.
Written by: Royal Wood. Website: http://www.royalwood.com
'You Think You Know Someone' - Nov. 6, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Gonna Hurt," Performed by: Lee Hester. Written by: Robert Lee Hester.
Website: http://www.leehester.com
'The Good Citizen' - Nov. 13, 2009
Source music from Drug Dealer's van: "Hands in the air," Performed by: Matter. Written by: Richard Markmann, Christopher Wagner and Daniel Pinnella.
Website: http://www.fervor‐records.com/

Episode closing montage: "Defending our lives," Performed by: Jon Heintz. Written by: Jon Heintz.
Website: http://www.jonheintz.com/
'Behind the Blue Line' - Nov. 20, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Let it go," Performed by: Daniel Cage. Written by: Daniel Cage.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/danielcage


'Scorpio' - First air date - July 11, 2008
End of episode montage: "Fortress," Performed by Dala, written by Sheila Carabine.
Band website: dalagirls.com
Label website: bigboldsunmusic.com

Bar source music: "Alexandra's Home," performed by Major Grange, written by David Dalrymple and Taylor Knox.
Band website: myspace.com/majorgrange

'First In Line' - First air date - July 18, 2008
End of episode montage: "Precious Things," performed by Jonathan Seet, written by Jonathan Seet.
Band website: seet.ca

'Element of Surprise' - First air date - July 24, 2008
End of episode montage: "Psalm," performed by Hey Rosetta!, written by Tim Baker.
Band website: heyrosetta.com
Label website: sonicentertainmentgroup.com

'Asking For Flowers' - First air date - July 31, 2008
End of episode montage: "You Can Rely On Me," Performed by Kim Taylor, written by Kim Taylor.
Band website: http://www.kim-taylor.net

'Attention Shoppers' - First air date - August 14, 2008
End of episode montage: "Dancing In-Between" - Listen now! Performed by Amy Jo Johnson, written by Amy Jo Johnson.
Band website: http://www.amyjojohnson.com/

'He Knows His Brother' - First air date - August 21, 2008
End of episode montage: "We Made A Pact," Performed by Hey Rosetta!, written by Tim Baker and Josh Ward.
Band website: http://www.heyrosetta.com
Label website: http://www.sonicentertainmentgroup.com

'Never Kissed A Girl' - First air date - September 11, 2008
End of episode montage: "Lost At Sea," Performed by Hugh Dillon, written by Hugh Dillon and Chris Osti. Band website: www.hughdillon.com



  • 灰橙
  • 力荐


  • 豆友1484677
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嘤嘤嘤完结了TT TT Team One.

  • 琬雯
  • 还行


  • 暖暖旋风
  • 力荐


  • sixxis
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  • S
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  • 梦行30
  • 推荐


  • 赫克托尔
  • 力荐

追了四年,第一眼就爱上的剧!To: Team One!

  • 美貌大王
  • 力荐

you are the best,team one

  • bear.07
  • 力荐


  • 程小咪
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  • 阿邬
  • 力荐

好棒的故事 好温情的加拿大

  • 坐等1900
  • 力荐

剧终了 舍不得啊舍不得 最后两集很精彩 舍不得啊舍不得!

  • tuirt
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Team One.

  • 疏芸汐落
  • 力荐

拖了很久才来看最后三集,但还是在全剧终的时候控制不住眼泪……再见了,永远的Team one。

  • 栗一
  • 力荐


  • 打盹的拉布拉多
  • 力荐

team one其实没有了,居然连Greg都要走。。。。话说外国人是强劲,Jules怀孕前三月不稳定期居然还这样集训跟出警,身体素质是好呀

  • A-ya
  • 推荐

一口气看完。满分的最终季。To Team One.

  • 海獭星人
  • 力荐


  • 打铁·韦斯特
  • 力荐