He has a jaguar. British car but it said shaguar. Shag means have sex. Hump means have sex too. Ivona humpalot(I wanna hump a lot) 😂 His base is a Starbucks. Je ne sais quoi = I don't know what (in French) He claps to turn the lights on. She said "when did u get the clapper?" he said "November 1964" (the clap is a sexual disease) His 60s car Swinger means married but have sex with others lol 😂 Good joke again He asked "how do u get into those pants baby?" he means they are tight, how does she put them on? She replied 'u can start by buying me a drink" how to get into those pants. Felicity shagwell Shag can mean sex lol Funny. He said "it's remarkable England looks in no way like Southern california"Theyr filming in the USA So it looks like california and not England It's set in England but some was filmed in the USA So he made a joke it looked nothing like England during that part lol Bad jokes again, I don't know your name but your fez (the hat) is familiar, Instead of your face. I laughed at the damn dirty apes thing too. 😂 Lower He lowered his voice. She mean slower on her Sexy man 😏. 😂 Death star is in star wars Lol a band name His names for the plan are all taken before. 💩 ☕ 🤮The Alan parsons project lol. That's an 80s band, He's using 90s slang in 60s now 😂 Nobody knows what he's saying 😂 The song Doesn't know the words He said he wrote it. Its a 90s song. Get the baby! Why the bike to there? 😅 Other side of the table Lol the rocket All were names for dick 😂 Wang. Johnson. Willy. Dick. Pecker Moonunit zappa The daughter of a rock musician 😂 I need a priest. Like it's a demon The chair again Yes he's treating it like a demon possessed the chair cus he can't control it Made me laugh It's just a joke that's what he said cus he can't control it 😂 The mic in the suit Star wars again 😂 Why he turned it off and on for a full stop.? 😂 Yes woody harrelson Woody can mean hard dick
最好笑的就是小鸡鸡名词接龙,多得没完没了,WILLIE nelson出场我懂但WOODY harrelson是怎么回事?速查俚语词典,习得新用法一枚(语意源于木头,据说还是英国传过来的)。不由对二人友谊产生新的认识。
★★★★ 够搞,能不能再搞一点
第二部竟然Tim Robbins和Woody Harrelson都客串了= = 一如既往地恶搞,只不过加了不少屎尿笑话
我就记得我好像记得看过这个,以前看完忘标了,然后看了那个皮影的截图,oh yeah I so definitely watched it。简直是污到不行了,太搞了,荤段子这已经是,so dirty,so低俗,但是真的好搞笑啊(成人来说)。。。本来这个系列就是极其恶搞的,然后演员我记得这个blonde超漂亮的,然后AP还是种马那种。。。另外Dr Evil给我印象也超级深,那个很creepy但是又很不聪明还有点evil的样子,
only watched the beginning
大板牙回归,傻的浑然天成。Dr. Evil一家越来越招人爱了
本来只是想看看各种黑,鸡鸡叫法合集,小马串场还有听一下I'll Never Fall in Love Again,结果Elvis Costello居然像musical guest一样出!现!了!还一边唱一边猥琐兮兮笑着看男女主跳舞,简直made my day
I LOVE DR EVIL SO MUCH!!!ONE HUNDRED BILION DOLLARS! 呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!呵哈哈!