“I believe we are all more than the worst thing we have ever done. We are a slave state but we are more than enslavers. We are a lynching state but we are more than lynchers. We are a segregation state but that’s not all we are. The other things we are create an opportunity to do things that are restorative, that are rehabilitative, that are redemptive, that create possibilities of reconciliation and repair. I get frustrated when I hear people talking about how if I have been living during the time of slavery of course I would have been an abolitionist. And most people think that if they had been living when mobs were gathering to lynch black people in the court house lawn they would have said something. Everybody images that if they were in Alabama in the 1960s they would have been marching with Dr.King. And the truth of it is, I don’t think you can claim that if today you’re watching these systems being created that are incarcerating millions of people, throwing away the lives of millions of people, destroying communities, and you’re doing nothing.
“I think that there’s something better waiting for us in this country, than another century of conflict and tension, and burden ‘cause we won’t face the legacy of our past. I think it’s important that we understand all the brutal, all the ugly details, ‘cause those are the things that actually give rise to what might allow us to one day claim something really beautiful.”
The title seems inadequate or at least too comprehensive for this film. The story has a lean and glass-cutting voice, singing a tune abt racial bias & nation's legislative evolvement. So the accent is not on TRUE but true to ALL. And that's where sentiment may cloud judgement, in which I mean this doco'd benefit from more legal-wise exhibiting
True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality
在圣经里受到诅咒的黑人,在获救之后仍然虔诚地说着“thank you,Jesus”,太令人难过了
Stevenson真是伟人。关于lynching和死刑冤案形式的legal lynching的讨论真的还远远不够,既然还有人在亲身体验那样的血腥残酷,我们旁观者至少能做到睁开眼见证吧
People would ask you that do you still trust the system which convict you ,he answered ,but it’s still the system that get me out ,so it’s no good or bad for the system ,it’s those people that controlled the system we should watch out
If you fight for the poor,if you push against systems that are rooted and heavy,if you keep pushing and you keep fighting and you keep doing,you’re going to get broken.when I realized,is that I am part of the broken community.And you realize that you don’t have a choice,in standing up for the rights of the other broken.