1 ) 与主题无关
2 ) 软性的励志
首先是一部运动题材电影,橄榄球继承的“硬碰硬,软技艺”的全民兴奋剂,成为剧情片的一大出品保障。其次,是一部关于种族矛盾和民权主义的带有“社会反光镜”意识的电影,带有回照历史的溯源性。但是,相比《美国X档案》《十二怒汉》《卢旺达饭店》的“种族”关照面的纯一性,这部《光辉岁月》从片名到剧情都有太多的美式英雄主义,任何一个阴暗现实面都会稍纵即逝的被后来紧罗密布的人性发现所打压,导致励志意味浓厚的让人忽略它是由真实事件改编。毕竟30年后的我们仍然处于一个争端的时代,民权沦没与捕获的更迭,种族纠纷起起灭灭的繁复,都让现实的阴霾迷乱了我们的眼。所以说,这更是一部励志片。不过,既然定向成一种类型,如果在励志片上勤力的做到完美,又何尝不是件鼓舞人心的好事。毕竟,开始启发心灵的都是软性电影。片中的歌都很好,特别是那首灵歌《ain't no mountain high enough》。
3 ) 感谢那段光辉岁月
4 ) 还是作业。 欢迎改错❤
About Remember The Titans
It was an encouraging movie based on a real story happened in 1971. In 1971, a court order forces three high schools (two white, and one African-American), to integrate their student bodies and faculties for the first time. Because of that, Bill Yoast, the longtime head-coach in T.C. Williams high school football team, had to quit his job or became an assistant coach. The team added a half of black players and needed a black coach. As a result, Herman Boone, a distinctive black coach, became the head-coach of this football team, and Mr. Yoast became an assistant coach. Firstly, the white and black guys always fought against each other, but later, after a special and extremely tough camp, they started to be a real team. They were harmonious and extraordinary in that time, but the amicable relationship between the white and black players seemed hard to be accepted by other people. Finally, they used their perfect grade, the state championship, to be a soul leader of the integration.
I like this film and I don’t know which part I like most exactly. I have to say I like the whole film. I like Yoast’s little girl named Sheryl. She loved her dad so much that she kicked the man who came to tell her father somebody would take his job. She was so lovely.~~ I am fond of Coach Yoast, because he gave up the opportunity of entering the Hall of Fame in order to get the game victory. He was always playing a key role in the games, especially when the Titans were almost defeated, like showing up the judge’s cheating. I love Coach Boon, too. Though he was kind of mean to his players, he was mean equally to everybody. He was confident, even a little bit vain. When he first met Mr. Yoast, he said he came to win and he would be the head-coach. But he was really great, because he did it. I also enjoy the parts of team members. Julius and Gerry, they could lead the whole team well and played an important part in the bond of two sides. Besides, I was impressed so much on their firm friendship. Petey and Lewis were also appreciated by me because they made the team vigorous and energetic. What’s more, I like their special style of entering the football field, I like their making fun on each other, I like their dancing and singing and so on. In a word, everybody in this team was great and the whole film made me warm-blooded!
“Alice, are you blind? Don't you see the family resemblance? That's my brother.” It was said by Gerry. At that time he got to be paralyzed for a car accident and Julies walked into the patience room while the nurse said “only kin’s allowed in here.” Gerry called Julies brother and then smiled. That segment totally touched me. Gerry was a great football player and was the captain. Being paralyzed was considered as a huge disaster. It meant the end of his football life. But what surprised me most was that he was even able to play jokes. He said the family resemblance existed between him and Julies. He took Julies as a brother. It reminded me of the terrible situation when this two guys firstly met. They were quite indifferent and felt disgust to each other. At that time, no one was able to imagine their relationship later. Because Julies was a black people, Gerry’s mother banned Gerry to go out with him, also, Gerry’s friends, including his girlfriend, were opposed to his new black friends. In that period, discrimination was still rooted in some white people. So in this aspect, the friendship between Gerry and Julies was quite amazing. I really wish they could “get old and get fat together.”
Here are some examples of how they changed.
When Coach Boone first visited Coach Yoast, little Sheryl opened the door and rejected him immediately. But later, after getting along with him for a long time, she started to compromise. She even went to Coach Boone’s house talking about the football team with him.
When the first day Coach Boone’s family moved there, the neighborhoods discriminated him as if the black family would disgust them. But later, Titans won several games, and Coach Boone won a lot of reputation. They gave a warm applause to Coach Boone when he turned back home. They started to respect this family.
Gerry’s girlfriend was one of the impressive roles in this film. At the beginning, when Gerry told her that he had some black friends, she was astonished because in her mind, color was strong enough to divide friends. She thought they were living in a totally different world and they would never cross the line determined by color. However, she finally realized that it was her own fault. The society was changing. In the last game, she also came to the football field to cheer the Titans.
What can be learnt?
As far as I am concerned, the most important thing can be learnt from the organized sports is the cooperation. In the last game, the State Championship Game, when Titans was going to lose, Julies said to Coach Boone, “I am not perfect, and I will never be. None of us are, but the team is perfect. ” Football is a team work, it needs everyone’s effort. There are many different positions in games. In this movie, it has the quarterback, halfback, running back, wide receiver and so on. Someone belong to offence and someone belong to defence. Having a good cooperation is the key to win. The other thing can learn is, being confident. In a team game, every player must have confidence in teammates and also in himself. And the last one is, never give up. A dream will not end until you stop trying. In a game, every second should be grasped till the ending whistles. Don’t give up, and you will succeed.
5 ) 不多说,强烈推荐!
从先起就喜欢Denzel Washington这个奥斯卡影帝了,这样一部反种族歧视的影片感觉就是为他量身定做的一样,情节励志感人,实在是一部难得的励志影片,看后真是非常激励人
6 ) 魔鬼的外表,天使的心灵
Actions speak louder than words.
Goodbye Na Hey Him唱哭我~热血+感动!用了三张纸巾!ost大赞~
细节决定主旋律励志片的力度;OST用得恰到好处;暴力萝莉控忍不住多给了Hayden Panettiere半星~
awkward formular artificial & propaganda-like, 倒是CAST了几个之后大红的配角.
Just love football for no reason. (Now I look back, yes, there is a reason. Ben. I didn't understand how much I liked him until later on. 8/10/2016.)
励志,青春 ,热血
8分。让我想起了《光荣之路》,真人真事改编,都是体育化解歧视的励志片。不过相比《光荣》,我觉得本片里对黑白阵营的融合表现得更好,很多时候,未必只有白人表现出歧视,黑人自己何尝也不是竖起高墙?Denzel Washington本次表现并不是很出彩,看到年轻的高司令不禁让我有些出戏呢~~
PPS 英文中字 1520 外公家 http://movie.douban.com/review/3578978/