• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧







主演:Anastasiya Vedenskaya



燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.1燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.2燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.3燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.4燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.5燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.6燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.13燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.14燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.15燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.16燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.17燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.18燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.19燧石行动第一季 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) H,他不能倒下啊!


 2 ) 一句不落

日期 # 集名† 原名
2002/09/23 101 致命航班 Golden Parachute
2002/09/30 102 私人恩怨 Losing Face
2002/10/07 103 自由的代价 Wet Foot/Dry Foot
2002/10/14 104 金钱与权力 Just One Kiss
2002/10/21 105 尘归尘 Ashes to Ashes
2002/10/28 106 童女之死 Broken
2002/11/04 107 断了气 Breathless
2002/11/11 108 家庭暴力 Slaughterhouse
2002/11/18 109 城市猎人 Kill Zone
2002/11/25 110 青出於蓝 A Horrible Mind
2002/12/16 111 青春休止符 Camp Fear
2003/01/03 112 挑战司法 Entrance Wound
2003/01/27 113 地下工厂 Bunk
2003/02/03 114 强行入侵 Forced Entry
2003/02/10 115 命在旦夕 Dead Woman Walking
2003/02/17 116 移民之死 Evidence of Things Unseen
2003/02/24 117 天人交战 Simple Man
2003/03/10 118 清者自清 Dispo Day
2003/03/31 119 家族秘密 Double Cap
2003/04/14 120 与时间赛跑 Grave Young Men
2003/04/28 121 春之祭 Spring Break
2003/05/05 122 玩火焚身 Tinder Box
2003/05/12 123 峰回路转 Freaks & Tweaks
2003/05/19 124 自作自受 Body Count

日期 # 集名 原名
2003/09/22 201 外交风云 Blood Brothers
2003/09/29 202 藏宝疑云 Dead Zone
2003/10/06 203 九死一生 Hard Time
2003/10/13 204 网球情迷 Death Grip
2003/10/20 205 最佳辩护 The Best Defense
2003/11/03 206 安东尼飓风 Hurricane Anthony
2003/11/10 207 致命赛车 Grand Prix
2003/11/17 208 老大哥 Big Brother
2003/11/24 209 愿者上钩 Bait
2003/12/15 210 极限快感 Extreme
2004/01/05 211 青春永驻 Complications
2004/01/12 212 终极证人 Witness to Murder
2004/02/02 213 血海深仇 Blood Moon
2004/02/09 214 野火燎原 Slow Burn
2004/02/16 215 人怕出名 Stalkerazzi
2004/02/23 216 入侵家园 Invasion
2004/03/01 217 金钱无用 Money for Nothing
2004/03/22 218 冒牌货 Wannabe
2004/03/29 219 真相追击 Deadline
2004/04/19 220 警网疑云 The Oath
2004/05/03 221 翱翔梦想 Not Landing
2004/05/10 222 致命保镳 Rap Sheet
2004/05/17 223 纽约传奇 MIA/NYC NonStop
2004/05/24 224 情色迷云 Innocent

日期 # 集名 原名
2004/09/20 301 失落的儿子 Lost Son
2004/09/27 302 自我辩护 Pro Per
2004/10/04 303 借刀杀人 Under the Influence
2004/10/11 304 快闪谋杀案 Murder in a Flash
2004/10/18 305 合法掩护非法 Legal
2004/10/25 306 地狱之夜 Hell Night
2004/11/08 307 犯罪狂潮 Crime Wave
2004/11/15 308 大风吹 Speed Kills
2004/11/22 309 海上恶棍 Pirated
2004/11/29 310 危险性游戏 After the Fall
2004/12/13 311 积非成瘾 Addiction
2005/01/03 312 枪战疑云 Shootout
2005/01/17 313 杀警凶手 Cop Killer
2005/02/07 314 一夜情 One Night Stand
2005/02/14 315 真假卡拉 Identity
2005/02/21 316 猛虎出栅 Nothing to Lose
2005/03/07 317 空中运钞 Money Plane
2005/03/21 318 游戏结束 Game Over
2005/04/11 319 性与税 Sex and Taxes
2005/04/18 320 杀手之约 Killer Date
2005/05/02 321 恶有恶报 Recoil
2005/05/09 322 复仇记 Vengeance
2005/05/16 323 有样学样 Whacked
2005/05/02 324 死而复生 10-7

日期 # 集名 原名
2005/09/19 401 旧伤口 From the Grave
2005/09/26 402 渴望家庭 Blood in the Water
2005/10/03 403 猎物 Prey
2005/10/10 404 冤狱风云 48 Hours to Life
2005/10/17 405 各说各话 Three-Way
2005/10/24 406 头号嫌犯 Under Suspicion
2005/11/07 407 罪恶班机 Felony Flight
2005/11/14 408 钉枪疑云 Nailed
2005/11/21 409 城市破坏魔 Urban Hellraisers
2005/11/28 410 支离破碎 Shattered
2005/12/19 411 复仇 Payback
2006/01/09 412 泡妞高手 The Score
2006/01/23 413 死亡之舞 Silencer
2006/01/30 414 电影谋杀案 Fade Out
2006/02/06 415 抽丝剥茧 Skeletons
2006/02/27 416 恋童迷情 Deviant
2006/03/06 417 急速撞击 Collision
2006/03/13 418 双重危险 Double Jeopardy
2006/03/20 419 劫车案 Driven
2006/04/10 420 自由落体 Free Fall
2006/04/24 421 绑架疑云 Dead Air
2006/05/01 422 邮轮双尸 Open Water
2006/05/08 423 上流社会 Shock
2006/05/15 424 黑帮当道 Rampage
2006/05/22 425 实验室的间谍 One of Our Own

日期 # 集名 原名
2006/09/18 501 巴西风云 Rio
2006/09/25 502 卧底 Going Under
2006/10/02 503 死亡之赌 Death Pool 100
2006/10/09 504 红颜杀机 If Looks Could Kill
2006/10/16 505 名人之死 Death Eminent
2006/10/23 506 棺材的诅咒 Curse of the Coffin
2006/11/06 507 致命狂飙 High Octane
2006/11/13 508 失踪女模 Darkroom
2006/11/20 509 黑暗拍卖会 Going Going Gone
2006/11/27 510 召募风云 Come As You Are
2006/12/11 511 暗中陷害 Backstabbers
2007/01/08 512 内部风云 Internal Affairs
2007/01/22 513 猛爆热浪 Throwing Heat
2007/02/05 514 无人之地 No Man's Land
2007/02/12 515 坠落的男人 Man Down
2007/02/19 516 破碎的家 Broken Home
2007/02/26 517 灰熊谋杀案 A Grizzly Murder
2007/03/19 518 三面夏娃 Triple Threat
2007/04/09 519 血缘杀机 Bloodline
2007/04/16 520 明星死亡之谜 Rush
2007/04/23 521 挡不住的杀意 Just Murdered
2007/04/30 522 祝融之灾 Burned
2007/05/07 523 死亡开关 Kill Switch
2007/05/14 524 天生杀手 Born to Kill

日期 # 集名 原名
2007/09/24 601 危险的儿子 Dangerous Son
2007/10/01 602 网路明星 Cyber-lebrity
2007/10/08 603 抽丝剥茧 Inside Out
2007/10/15 604 轰隆, 轰隆, 您的债务' Bang, Bang, Your Debt
2007/10/22 605 深结冰 Deep Freeze
2007/10/29 606 Sunblock
2007/11/05 607 链式反应 Chain Reaction
2007/11/12 608 永恒的度假 Permanent Vacation
2007/11/19 609 坚守阵地 Stand Your Ground
2007/11/26 610 我的保姆 CSI: My Nanny
2007/12/10 611 游击队员在薄雾 Guerillas in the Mist
2007/12/17 612 迈阿密机要 Miami Confidential
2008/01/14 613 培养Caine Raising Caine
2008/03/24 614 You May Now Kill the Bride
2008/03/31 615 埋伏 Ambush
2008/04/01 616 All Inne
2008/04/21 617 To Kill a Predator
2008/04/28 618 隧道视觉 Tunnel Vision
2008/05/05 619 Rock and a Hard Place
2008/05/12 620 Down to the Wire
2008/05/19 621 Going Ballistic
日期 # 集名 原名
2008/09/22 701 Resurrection 复活
2008/09/29 702 Won't Get Fueled Again

 3 ) 碰到H的镜头我就把头转开不看他


 4 ) 剧集目录


1 Golden Parachute致命航班(9/23/2002)
Insurance agent Scott Eric Sommer's private plane crashes in the Everglades after his pilot was shot. Only Sommer himself is found alive. His accountant seems to have struggled and jumped out. The firm was under SEC investigation.

2 Losing Face(9/30/2002)
A Colombian importer is found with a 'necklace bomb' around his neck. The bomb explodes, killing a bomb squad officer, Al, who is Horatio's friend.

3 Wet Foot/Dry Foot自由的代价 (10/7/2002)
A man's torso is found inside a shark.

4 Just One Kiss金钱与权力(10/14/2002 )
A dead man is found on the beach. A wealthy family is implicated.

5 Ashes to Ashes尘归尘(10/21/2002)
A priest, Father Carlos, is found dead in his private office with gunshot wounds in his back.

6 Broken童女之死(10/28/2002)
A mother loses sight of her daughter Ruthie for a few seconds only later to find that her little girl is now dead at the hand of a pedophile. As the investigation continues, the detectives realize that they are dealing with a serial pedophile.

7 Breathless断了气(11/4/2002)
A man struggles on board a yacht and literally falls dead. On land, a male lap dancer is found dead after a night of partying.

8 Slaughterhouse家庭暴力(11/11/2002 )
A bloodied toddler walks down a street. Back at her house, her mother and three brothers are found dead. The only other survivor is her father who has a gunshot wound on his back.

9 Kill Zone城市猎人(11/18/2002)
A sniper shoots people during rush hour.

10 A Horrible Mind 青出于蓝(11/25/2002)
A horribly mutilated body of a professor is found lynched on a tree.

11 Camp Fear 青春休止符 (12/16/2002)
A teen model is found dead near a leech-filled swamp. Another body is found, seemingly burned from the inside.

12 Entrance Wound挑战司法(1/6/2003)
A prostitute is found dead and a tourist is killed in a rental car.

13 Bunk地下工厂(1/27/2003 )
A senior woman is found dead in her own blood-splattered apartment in a retirement community. Another case involves a body found inside an abandoned house used for cooking up recreational drugs.

14 Forced Entry强行入侵(2/3/2003)
A man is found dead, lying face down, gagged, the four limbs tied to the bedposts, with signs of anal raped. The house shows no signs of break in.

15 Dead Woman Walking命在旦夕(2/10/2003)
An environmental lawyer is poisoned with a radioactive isotope and has only one week left to help the CSI team find her murderer.

16 Evidence of Things Unseen移民之死(2/17/2003 )
A man is murdered at a peep show, and the suspects include his cousin, the stripper, her husband, and an ape.

17 Simple Man天人交战(2/24/2003)
At the start of the trial of Lorenzo Escalante, husband of city councilor Mercedes, for the murder of their equally Cuban housemaid Carmen Abregon, Horatio delays testifying while the hastily summoned team urgently examines a new corps. It's Bonita Cruz, another Latina maid, recruited and shot in almost exactly the same way, only while Lorenzo was in police custody. It looks like a copy cat or an actual serial killer, but neither theory works out, while the trail leads to the Escalante's devoted attorney and friend, Carl Galaz.

18 Dispo Day清者自清(3/10/2003 )
A drugs transport to incineration is attacked by a well-armed gang, but a woman shouting for help for her baby rather distracts Horatio and Speed, whose gun is jammed, but a bullet-proof vest saves his life. Only SWAT sergeant Hollis is killed, but as ballistics later establishes from a distant spot. Horatio finds the woman isn't the baby's mother, she was hired by a drugs gang. CSI is suspected of tipping them off, especially after Calleigh tests positive for cocaine, but Horatio traces that to a nearby spot suitable for the sniper. The fiends even left one of their own, badly wounded Lester Cassidy, behind to die in Paul Tomassi's workshop after consulting suspended MD Guillermo Santoyo.

19 Double Cap家族秘密(3/31/2003)
The murder of a woman at a posh hotel has ties to the drug cartel, a bank robbery, and the witness protection program.

20 Grave Young Men与时间赛跑(4/14/2003)
Ex-con Pete Wilton begs Horatio to use the skill that got him arrested to find his missing son Jeff. The knave is found to be a habitual marijuana user and fired over 200 bullets on the yard tree with mates Nick Gordon and Jared Hatch, calling themselves 4.20 boys. Pete forfeits his parole to cover for Jeff, but Horatio and Delko soon discover sinister indications in the boys' lockers, which turn out sadly prophetic, yet prevent an ultimate tragedy.

21 Spring Break春之祭(4/28/2003)
Two teenagers die during a Spring Break trip to the Miami beach.

22 Tinder Box玩火焚身 (5/5/2003)
A crowded nightclub burns down, leaving many injured and dead. The ensuing investigation leads the detectives to suspect that the fire is not an accident.

23 Freaks and Tweaks峰回路转 (5/12/2003)
The body of a drug addict is found in a barn. Horatio, Eric, and Tim investigate the scene and nearly died when the place explodes. The case becomes personal to Horatio when one of the suspects claim to know Raymond Caine, his brother. Calleigh is working with Det. John Hagen on the case of a man shot dead to the heart in his car. The man turns out to be Alex's friend.

24 Body Count自作自受(5/19/2003 )
Three prisoners break out of prison. One of them is a child molester, previously caught by the CSI team, who is looking for his new victim as the detectives race against time to stop him. Another is out to get revenge against the people who got him convicted, one of whom is detective Calleigh Duquesne.

 5 ) CSI: Miami 与CSI: las.vqas


 6 ) 我已经是他们的超级迷了




  • 忘记
  • 推荐

这部剧的看点在于:美丽的滨海景色(虽然在Miami取景但实际上却是在加州拍摄)、帅气的男角漂亮的女角(Come on对比下LV和NY这部剧的角色不要太好看了)、还有高科技破案手段(办公室还有高科技的产品实在要领先LV和NY很多年) 所以即使H我不喜欢 我依旧追了8季

  • LORENZO 洛伦佐
  • 推荐

推荐,MIAMI系列的剧情都很好~都是很出人意料的那种,而且沙滩美女帅哥很过瘾呢.景色太美了,看看这里的蓝天白云 海水 太漂亮了@

  • sam
  • 推荐

哦 我们大卫~~想去学这个了~~

  • 筷喜旺
  • 力荐


  • nikki
  • 推荐


  • Toy
  • 推荐


  • 叶满楼
  • 还行


  • 流星飞绊
  • 推荐


  • 住在神乐坂
  • 力荐


  • S.Selina
  • 力荐


  • 隔岸之雨
  • 还行


  • Lu
  • 力荐


  • 司岱朴
  • 推荐

橙色滤镜!第一集搞了个大场面,但案件太无聊。后面的案件都意料外的不错。 团队少数族裔感觉很多,男主抢戏!

  • 刘建明
  • 力荐


  • 林小豆
  • 力荐


  • 泊衡
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  • Clothmelon
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  • 巴巴罗莎蠢猫脸
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David Caruso my favourite of all CSI heroes.

  • cosmicrays
  • 力荐


  • 淡定哥走路带风
  • 推荐