What draws me into this episode is Rory's difficult decision on whether to continue pursuing her dream of a journalist. It was a shock to me when Michum Huntzburger said Rory was not suitable for the post of a journalist, and I was about to really believe that it was an objective judgement from an experienced news man. But, obviously, Michum just didn’t like Rory as his son Logan's girlfriend, and I have to say this man is so MEAN!
Michum’s word was a blow on Rory’s confidence and determination and lead to the yacht theft and school break. And this concerns the very important topic facing my life right now - the very decision on a teen's future.
To a senior three (high school) Chinese student, it seems that a college major determines one's lifepath and future condition - status, money, satisfaction and so on. The consequences act as a heavy burden on the consideration process. I was that kind of person who wouldn’t hesitate to go after my spiritual pursuits, but now I'm getting more and more realistic, worrying about being a drain on my parent's deposit and pension. As expected, life smooths the ambitions of a man. Even if I do pursue what I love, chances are that I would probably get bored of what was once my passion because, once again, life smooths a man’s ambition and so does repeated daily study and practice.
But seeing Rory getting back to Yale at last and stop wasting time on those meaningless DAR fundraising parties, it suddenly dawns on me that love and passion for a career is something that drives you pursue despite all odds and against all objections because you love it! For me, it about going against my hesitation of losing interest in what I love. For Rory, it’s about going against authority and prove one’s own value and potential and she absolutely bears that special quality.
Rory always brings me foods for thought in a way that Lorelai never does, and I feel like growing with this girl from her naïve 16 to the best glowing age of 21. She reads plenty, has eagerness for knowledge, writes well, is competence for everything that she strives to do well, that’s the brilliant picture of a girl who I have always longed to be.
Logan Huntzburger, Rory’s boyfriend, has great charm. His smile and hair prompt me to skip Season 3 and 4 right to 5 and 6. His deep look at Rory could indicate his love for his girl. At the same time, he was romantic, hiring coffee carts to follow Rory the coffee addict, tricking her into a kiss, planning the life and death party…
But he kind of has the common problem shared by sons from rich families, showing disrespect to others and being cold when he wasn’t in some mood. I think he really crashed Luke’s esteem when he suggest to give Luke a present on the Valentine double date. Also, his casual date and casual one night stand is totally intolerable. So, though deeply attracted by his charm and romance, I don’t think I will continue Season 7, plus the Lorelai and town chores really bores me.
第六季创意大不如前。Rory慢慢地成了一个知情达理、满腹诗书、正义感十足,拎着Birkin Bag的WASP。
Logan还是好好上学以后好好跟Alicia Florrick一起开律所吧。慢走不送。
Say hi to William and Harry for me.
印象深刻的EP22,Lorelai跟Luke甩出结婚now or never,Rory送别Logan, 就有生活大幕缓缓拉开,你准备好暴风骤雨了吗之感...
Gilmore Girls:花式演绎什么叫主角光环 aka privilege white girls又一天赢得一切
从辍学到背着妈妈跑去跟有钱外公外婆家哭诉然后住在豪宅里 Rory turning into an entitled prissy spoiled asshole 完全无法理解辍学这个选择 20岁了还不能面对一句负面评价?辍学以后跑去DAR跟一群从来没工作过的富太太过家家?这季只想看Matt Czuchry
「Say hi to William and Harry for me.」「I love you, Ace.」
Gilmore Girls Season 6 (2005)
对我来说S6和S5之间隔了一年,但是小镇生活,形形色色各样人物依然触动心底,Rory长大了,Logan变成Cary又变回Logan,只是看到Jess最后一次草草亮相就彻底离开,还是忍不住感叹,he deserves a second chance。
logan 给rory 买了一个柏金包,emliy小嫉妒地说“你爷爷都还没给我买这个包包呢!” 超可爱哈哈哈哈
God knows how much I love Logan!