Lola may be Daphné's sister, but the two girls couldn't be more different. If Daphne is naturally optimistic, joyful and ingenuous, Lola drags a darkness and a permanent unhappiness. This is one of the reasons why Daphne never spoke about her ... And then, a family drama will turn the existence of the two sisters upside down. Lola, isolated and self-destructive, completely lose herself. She will have to learn to open up to others: Eliott, Maya and La Mif, the newcomers, but also of course the gang and the crew.
热播电视剧最新电影巴比伦柏林 第二季新江湖情烽火地雷战纳尼亚传奇3:黎明踏浪号变种DNA2猎捕游戏兽道 獣道止杀令超清铁头皇帝见怪不怪2017冬蔷薇嗜血本性西部骑士末日战士我的钱我做主残酷夏天第二季远山的等待魅力四射:战斗到最后一刻第56年的失恋契妈不易做(国语版)死亡塔(国语版)大巴上的女孩第一季天方夜谭1942毒岛杀戮证书地牢女孩婚姻生活