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虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.1虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.2虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.3虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.4虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.5虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.6虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.13虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.14虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.15虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.16虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.17虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.18虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.19虫子:热带雨林冒险 剧照 NO.20



  貌似介绍东南亚热带雨林里的一种螳螂和凤蝶的生活史。Discovery HD频道曾经播出,年初国内各大HD论坛均有发布,但因为打着Discovery的旗号,所以未曾注意到是IMAX影片
  Explore the extraordinary hidden world of insects, where a leaf weighs more than a car, rain drops feel like exploding hand grenades and a blade of grass soars like a skyscraper. Shot on location in the Borneo rainforest, Bugs! brings the beautiful and dangerous universe of its tiny stars up close and personal with cutting-edge technology that magnifies them up to 250,000 times their normal size. Don't miss this unforgettable, stunning film that reveals the dramatic, savage and awe-inspiring lives of these fascinating

热播电视剧最新电影雷霆掃穴地平线系列:猫咪观察科搜研之女2022鬼屋欢乐送 第三季征服者安娜玛德莲娜-粤去唱卡拉OK吧!初恋这首情歌生化危机2:启示录洛阳桥野良猫目击超自然第一季太阳总在左边西北西凯文·詹姆斯:管他三七二十一死亡低语天外来客念书的孩子办公室斗战胜佛之大圣之泪山姆·克莱默克的时间机器开心乐园(国语版)红旗渠1971传奇校园

