I really don't like Fifty Shades of Grey (the original one), but I enjoyed this parody, and man, it has some damn hot scenes, not a movie to see with your family because it's almost porn sometimes, in my opinion. The actors doesn't perform too well, it's that kind of comedy filled with stupidity sometimes, especially from Marlon Wayans who likes to behave like a child in some of his movies, but I think the man it's hilarious the way he is.
People who hate Fifty Shades Of Grey (I bet there's a lot of you're out there} will be appeased. Here, you pi..ed off many, will be compensated for your suffering. This comedy spoof, ala, Wayans, almost outdoes itself, near up there on the comedy scale with films like Bruno. They'll be chuckles aloud, in continuity. And we know if the Wayans are involved, we're not gonna be disappointed, smart brothers who know comedy but smart comedy with some gags you never see coming. They have an original style of comedy that's always a winning formula. What this film does, is that is it surprisingly sticks to the story and scene structure as the other one, almost to the letter, with some cute changes, one I particularly liked. Here, this one really takes the p..s out of the 2015 bore snore. Exciting lead, Wayans, replaces our dull Dorman, really throwing spark into the role, in top gear as Christian Black, while this time, our English lit student/journo replacement/part time hardware shop worker, and ordinary, known as Hanna, not Anastasia Steele, is wonderfully played by Hawk. From comical whippings to dejected, non helicopter/jet rides, this Fifty Shades has it all. We have some really crude moments involving male anatomy, someone who's really well endowed, shall we say. Hanna Steele's more likable flatmate here, is a chubby Rebel Wilson type who craves sex and food, and food, and food. Again we have many movie references (something I'm not really impressed by) a bit too many here, with a little bit of Zero Dark Thirty and I Spit On Your Grave 3, thrown in as well, as well as the dropping of a famous Porky's (easy lay) character. A couple of surprising co stars show up in this, like a still radiant and refined, Jane Seymour, and shocking as it is surprising, a cameo by a much recently missed Brady. This one has better everything, better script, better acting, entertainment value and appeal, for a number of reasons, most of them, laughably related. Fifty Shade's haters will love this Fifty Shades, trust me. You want something done right, different and smart, get a Wayans to do it. Good show and well made pic too.
It's emotionally mature, capturing race and culture so insightfully and sensitively and it script really cleverly dissects racial stereotypes and turns it on it's head. Never since Birdman have I seen such a power-house of a film hilariously and truthfully mirroring Hollywood and the state it is in. By parodying Fifty Shades of Grey, one of the few masterpieces of 2015, not a year before it was made turns Hollywood's state of remakes on it's head. Marlon Wayans is fantastic, bringing his charisma, energy, and displaying the raw and powerful emotion we thought he had lost after Scary Movie 2. And how this film turned out to be the masterpiece of cinema it is is just an accomplishment. An insightful, hilarious and culturally sensitive film this is a special landmark and kicks off 2016 with art-house genius and style.
I cannot believe they rated this movie 7% on Rotten Tomatoes, 3.4 on IMDB, and 4.6 on 豆瓣. This was one of the funniest comedies I have ever seen in my life time!!! All the characters are hilarious and the script was really funny and well written. Please do not believe the negative reviews on this site or others. I usually never write reviews but after watching the movie and laughing hysterically, I was compelled to write one. There was a joke almost every 2 minutes or so which kept me engaged and I even missed out on a few jokes because I was laughing too hard. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed.
哈哈哈 自黑起来真要命
超黄,超雷,没节操,但是挺搞笑的 而且制作不可谓不精美,比一般的跟风调侃片精良太多 适合男生无聊的时候自己看,要跟别人一起看肯定会被鄙视
honestly, 这个绝对比原版好看又用心啊,至少人家是一本正经地在恶搞,而且有些桥段真的用得不错
Once you go black, you never go gray.