Loren Carpenter (visualize)-> what the planes might look like in flight.
Fractals - Form, Chance, and Dimension by Benoit Mandelbrot
It's one of the keys to fractal geometry call iteration in mathematicians.
First Mountain and then "Star Trek II" the Wrath of khan.
Self-similarity always zoom in and out the object look the same.
People like the great 19th century Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai
the mystery of the monsters, a story really begins in later 19 century, Georg Cantor (German)
Created first monsters in 1883, call " Cantor Set."
Another by the Swedish Helge Von Koch, one of the classical Euclidean geometric figures.
in the 1940s, British Scientist Lewis Richardson,
Koch Curve he wrote a very famous article i Science Magazine called " How Long is the Coastline of British."
French Gaston Julia
Mandelbrot in IBM
one the combined all of the Julia sets.
f(Z)=Z2+C into a single image. The Mandelbrot Set
Late 1970s, Jhane Barnes
new book "the Fractal Geometry of Nature"
1990, a Boston radio astronomer Nathan Cohen
have been discovered back in the 1930s.
E=M 3/4
A General Model for the origin of allometric scaling laws in Biology
The film is about fractal geometry. Someone calls fractal geometry 'the natural dynamics of everything' (a video title, 2011, available at
//www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUM7e0tIFi0). Why? Because it explains the shapes of everything in the nature: why the British coastline looks like that, why mountains looks like that, why the trees look like that, why the vessels in the body look like that, ect., etc..
Fractal geometry was invented by Benoit Mandelbrot from 1950. In general, it is a combination of classical geometry (coined by Euclid) and algorithm. The most famous fractal - The Mandelbrot Set - derives from a circle and a generating function 'f(z) = z^2 + c'. (For more knowledge, visit
In reflection, fractal geometry could help us to understand the underlying order governed by simple mathematical rules. According to this theory, there must be a rule that governs the formation of the nature and all the living things/creatures. Perhaps the rule is set by the God. God is simple, straightforward and God seems not encountered complex things, thus God create everything as they assumed to be. A significance of fractal geometry might be that it finds out the rules of the nature, which implies that the nature is possibly created and ruled by something. So far, we may easily shift our thoughts to another interesting invention in the 20th century - the Artifical Intelligence. With the emergence of computer, multiple complex things can be handled by computer programming. Some people may say, artificial intelligence is God. (see
http://www.artificialintelligenceisgod.com/index3.html) If science explains the world created by God, then technology is the 'new God' that changes the existing world. Is it? If it is so, then there must be a number of Gods that mobilize the evolutions of all things in our history. On the other hand, however, like technology is rooted in science, science is rooted in the nature, and evolutions of all things are rooted in the earliest forms and the evolution of a certain thing follows a common rule. Therefore, this question seems unanswerable by philosophy of science, except acknowledging the existence of God. So I just want to stop here.
Drawing on the former argument, fractal geometry could help us to understand the underlying order governed by simple mathematical rules, I have another question: is this process reversible, i.e., could the setting of rules help generate complex ideal orders? In my own field, urban planning and design, I acknowledge that some scholars have studied how, or if it is possible, a set of simple rules may generate ideal urban form (Alexander, 1966; Marshall, 2009). However, city is formed by both controllable and uncontrollable, visible and invisible forces. And the urban form becomes more and more complex, and the urban problems continuously emerge with the increasing complexity of our society. In my view, the study of ideal urban forms, no matter by what means, is something similar to the system dynamics mentioned by Meadows et al. in their book 'The Limits to Growth' - a game of idealism.
6 April, 2014
Film available at
//www.youtube.com/watch?v=s65DSz78jW4 ;
Go with basic and simple purpose, conducting similarity and virable options which is callled EVOLUTION.
I do like it, from the smoothly math to the real change of the world around us. Similarity is not only a Math but sharing the same vision on physics, from Newton, to Einstein, to the parallel universe.
分形理论产生后,不仅影响了数码影片,海岸线测量,服装设计等领域,实际上EX的冠状网络地图也是利用分形原理产生的一种直观的统计方法。@神棍邓 @哀矜者福
非常棒的一部纪录片。不只揭开了大自然的几何,并说明大自然的几何与人类数学几何的关系。看完片子后,去找了一些关于FRACTAL GEOMETRY 的资料来看。发现这理论说明了次元空间的连贯,这我从没听过的。比如,一些FRACTAL是处于0.68元空间。
fractal could be found in everywhere
海岸线的长度是无法测量的 海岸线的长度取决于你选取的单位长度pbs.org