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面具之内 剧照 NO.1面具之内 剧照 NO.2面具之内 剧照 NO.3面具之内 剧照 NO.4面具之内 剧照 NO.5面具之内 剧照 NO.6面具之内 剧照 NO.13面具之内 剧照 NO.14


 1 ) Feminism not just does good for female but also male

Gender(masculine&feminine) is cultivated by society. "Once I got out of the man box, I feel whole, worthy , the right to be loved and a sense of belonging with the peers."

Feminism is not only beneficial for female but also male. Only when male can be what they like rather than cater to what society wants, they can treat female as companion rather than object.

When I asked a 8-year-old boy what he likes to be when growing up, he said A venture capitalist, I know there is too much problem.

Lies every boy learns are we associate masculine with athletic abilities, economic success and sexual conquest. If men chasing these all their lives, they will never feel authetically themselves.

Men are taught not to talk about sadness so they are inclined to use alcohol and drugs to deal with their emotions. This also answers my question why men are more likely to addicted to cigarettes.

It astonished me that this documentary is directed by a woman. This poetry by Nancy Smith convey very similar belief as this director so I would like to share.

For Every Woman By Nancy R. Smith, copyright 1973 For every woman who is tired of acting weak when she knows she is strong, there is a man who is tired of appearing strong when he feels vulnerable.

For every woman who is tired of acting dumb, there is a man who is burdened with the constant expectation of 'knowing everything.' For every woman who is tired of being called 'an emotional female,' there is a man who is denied the right to weep and to be gentle. For every woman who is called unfeminine when she competes, there is a man for whom competition is the only way to prove his masculinity. For every woman who is tired of being a sex object, there is a man who must worry about his potency. For every woman who feels 'tied down' by her children, there is a man who is denied the full pleasures of shared parenthood. For every woman who is denied meaningful employment or equal pay, there is a man who must bear full financial responsibility for another human being. For every woman who was not taught the intricacies of an automobile, there is a man who was not taught the satisfactions of cooking. For every woman who takes a step toward her own liberation, there is a man who finds the way to freedom has been made a little easier.

 2 ) 撕掉面具,迎向自由







 3 ) Stay true to ourselves with courage and conviction.


无意中码住的一部纪录片 题材很有意义

其中某些人物的讲述 也能够使我产生共情



令我最印象深刻的是对父亲形象缺失的介绍 这也给了我时常会思考的问题一个更清晰的答案


不知该感谢自己身边的同学还是感谢自己早早思考人生懂得了如何保护自己 庆幸自己不曾因stereotype受到过校园霸凌

最后想说从影片来看 虽然通过了同性婚姻法案 诞生了许多女强人 美国的男女平等并没有天朝做得好 可能是以不同于传统观念束缚的方式受到压迫

美国暴力文化也一直使我不敢苟同 但我现在起码知其原因

总体来说片子干货很多 值得一看



 4 ) 摘抄些语录

He wears a mask,and his face grows to fit it.--George Orwell

We've constructed an idea of masculinity in the United States that doesn't give young boys a way to feel secure in their masculinity,so we make them go prove it all the time.

The first lie every boy learns in America is we associate masculinity with athletic ability.Size,strength,or some kind of skill set.Those boys that can catch a down and out,or hit the hanging curve,are elevated.They're set up for a tremendous failure and frustration in life,because being a man doesn't have a single thing to do with athletic ability.You think about all the other boys on that playground,they don't just want to play sports,they want to do computers or music or drama or debate.

Second lie every boy learns,is that we associate masculinity with economic success.You know,it's been said that comparison is the thief of all happiness,so if you're building your sense of masculinity based on power or possessions,there's always going to be someone that has more,that leads to an incredible empty life of striving for things at the expense of what's really important in life.

Then the third criteria is that as a culture,we associate sexual conquest with masculinity.Associating that with masculinity is so dehumanizing.Those words are designed to keep boys silent,to keep them conforming to the construct.

There's a dominance hierarchy,there are tough guys who are on the top and there are weaklings,girls,who are the bottom of the heap.Now this is the origin of sexism and homophobia.In sexism,it's that a girl isn't as strong as a boy.With homosexuality,the gay man,becomes the most stigmatized version of weakness and sissiness.What happens in your relation with other kids,is that you pick out someone who appears weak in that way,you maybe bully him,but maybe it's just a more subtle kind of demeaning.And you start hating that thing about him that you're afraid of in yourself.

We recognize more and more that adolescents are more likely to be depressed and suicidal,but we imagine that that will be female adolescence,because of the way we define depression,more removed,more quiet,not responding.What boys tend to do when they are getting depressed,is actually the opposite.Boys are more likely to act out,they're more likely to become aggressive using cursing words and screaming at people.But most people see it as a conduct disorder,or just the bad kid...and what happens?Before they see the other signs of depression,which will come in adolescent males just as females,that young male may become suicidal but no one has noticed it.

We have a rape culture.What that means is that individual rapists aren't just crawling out of the swamp,they're being produced by our culture.

We live in a world,right here in our country,where men 's violence against women is at epidemic proportions.

I call what we do to our little boys and men,"the great setup".We raise boys to become men whose very identity is based on rejecting the feminine and then we are surprised when they don't see women as being fully human.So we set them up,we set boys up to grow into men who disrespect women at a fundamental level,and then we wonder why we have the culture that we have.

One of the things that has provoked so much anger in American Society today,is this notion of "aggrieved entitlement"--that men feel entitled to positions of power and all that.But they don't feel like they're getting them as much anymore.That's the injury.Not that I was in power,but that I was entitled to be.

The father wound is any on-going psychological,emotional deficit or injury that would have been met in a healthy relationship.So the father wound is probably one of the most serious issues in this country.Wounding boys become wounding men apart from some kind of intervention.In my own healing process,I took myself as an adult man and myself as a five-year old boy,and I walked both of them back down my mother's basement steps and there I confronted my father.Five-year old boys are supposed to be loved,they're supposed to be tucked in at night.It's an amazing thing when I did that work,because it was the first time I ever had empathy for my own father.I started to think about who hurt him in a way that he would be so angry as he was?I think every man's journey is how do you reconnect that heart to the head.To start living out of the authentic you.

Everyone deserves to feel whole.And each of us can do our part in expanding what it means to be a man for ourselves and the boys in our lives.

Many of us are operating,from a place of tradition,just the way things have been.We need to get men into their hearts and out of their heads.There's freedom outside of these rigid definitions of manhood.

We need to redefine strength in men,not as the power over other people,but as forces for justice,and justice means equality and fairness,and working against poverty,and working against,you know,inequality and violence.That's strength.And we need more men who have the courage to stand up and speak out,even when it means taking a risk.To go into male culture,and say some things that are going to make other men uncomfortable.Because this is about leadership.

Empathy and caring for other people and being sympathetic toward people,these are not just feminine traits or behavior patterns,these are human patterns.

Take the challenge.

Exert your influence.

We all have a role to play in creating a healthier culture.

 5 ) “像个男人”是枷锁不是勋章






△ 我的硕士毕业论文课题: 关于中国儿童外语教学市场中的种族与种族歧视研究

尽管如此,我依旧必须承认自己在性别议题上知之甚少,探讨也可能只是基于个体经历出发,在真正的社会问题解决层面可能只是“隔靴搔痒”。不过,有一点我是清楚的,在社会性别的探讨中,只关注一方是不够的 - 偏见之下,没有赢家。正如李银河所言:“性别刻板印象不仅是对女性的压迫,同时也是桎梏男性的枷锁。”





该电影由Jennifer Lynn Siebel Newsom(1974 - )导演,她本人也是女性主义的忠实拥护者。

此前,她所导演的另一部纪录片Miss Representation(雕塑小姐 / 被误解的女性)探讨了主流媒体对女性狭隘的、偏见性的描述与刻画,向年轻女孩传达了这样的观念:一位女性的价值如果只是取决于她的青春、美貌和性感是如何使越来越多的年轻女性陷入身份危机的。



在本中,当不同年龄段的男孩都用“if you really knew me, you’d know that......(如果你真的了解我的话,你会知道……)“ 造句时,他们说:




本片基于美国社会背景,但对我们来说,那些性别刻板印象的话语和男孩/人们的心路历程想必也并不陌生。作为一个“实用主义者”,我更关心的通常是What&Why(是什么&为什么)后面的How(怎么做)。这也是本片非常吸引我的原因 - 它提供了对抗性别刻板印象的几个比较切实可行的方法。比如,一位老师向我们展示了一个面向青春期男孩的“摘下面具”活动,这个活动看得我破防了,我必须要特别分享一下:

STEP1 : 书写 | 面具的正反面


STEP2 : 大声念出来 | 同伴的面具背后是什么?



STEP 3:讨论 | 为什么我们隐藏痛苦?

在每个人都大声念完手上这张纸(面具)的正反面之后,老师问了大家一个问题:“你们觉得我们为什么要隐藏痛苦?” 在男孩们顺着问题小心翼翼地开始吐露自己的心声时,老师慢慢引导男孩们去正视和理解自己的现实处境——

STEP 4:赋能 | 我要你们每个人都说出心里话



看完本片后,立刻浮现在我脑海里的就是我8岁的亲弟弟。坦言说,我无法像“直升机”一样每天围着他,控制他去完美避开所有关于“狭隘男子气概”的信息,因为它们无处不在 - 它们出现在电视节目里、他玩的玩具里、他在B站刷到的视频里、他和同学的日常互动里、他穿的衣服颜色和图案里、长辈的话语评价里等等等等……作为半个家长,我也有过焦虑和犹豫:要不要给他断网?要不要把他的IPAD没收?要不要让他试试穿裙子去上学?……但这些终究看起来好像是有点矫枉过正了。到底怎么样的How是最合适的呢?很遗憾,现在我还没有答案。


*本文所有插图(除毕业课题海报)、音频和视频均来自Jennifer Lynn Siebel Newsom的电影《面具之内》和《雕塑小姐》



Miss Representation 雕塑小姐项目官网

The Mask You Live In 面具之内项目官网


 6 ) 刻板性别是对所有男性和女性的伤害

当我们谈论女权主义时,我们不可避免地会谈到那些给予女性压迫的男性。但是是什么使他们从一个纯真的孩子走向那样一个男性的形象呢? 男孩从小就被告诉be a man,be tough,be strong,be silent,于此相对的是don't be girlish,don't cry… 影片中所引用的例子来自美国,或许看起来more sharp than 中国的情况,但其中还是有很多共性的问题,比如说把男孩和女孩分得太开。 从儿时起,仿佛蓝色就代表男孩,粉色就代表女孩。Boys' stuff are always blue,while girls' are always pink。这就好像人为挖了一条深深的沟渠将两者区分开。喜欢蓝色对于女孩来说或许并没有什么,但喜欢粉色的男孩可能就会被认为奇怪。 但其实不论男孩还是女孩都首先是一名人类,而人类有喜欢任何颜色的自由,同时有拥有各种情感的自由,也有表达自我情感的自由… 所以在我看来女权主义的背后也是无数个被压抑,被糟糕对待,被迫带上面具的男性,而或许它们的本源在于社会文化环境对性别的刻板刻画。 虽然意识到这一点在短时间内或许不能改变什么,但反抗与改变的前提是我们至少要意识到。


女权课上看的 masculinity和patriarchal的社会对男生的伤害也是非常大的 主流媒体对于男性气质的定义 以及stereotypes 也影响了很多方面 很值得推荐的纪录片吧 特别是对女权癌和直男癌的人可以刷新三观

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真的很细致的在讲述性别暴力对男性带来的伤害 在这个男权社会中也认识到了男性从小到大所承受的隐形暴力 受益匪浅 但是片子里有的时候传达出的观点也不予苟同 在探讨社会性别方面的时候 总会有些隐隐的认为女性是弱者理所当然 这也是女权平权需要继续努力的方向 男性不易 直男癌原来也是社会逼出来的

  • III🌙
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Empathy, caring for other people, and being sympathetic toward people; these are not just feminine traits or behavior pattern, these are human pattern.

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每个人都有必要看一遍的纪录片。Alpha Male才是人类社会真毒瘤,性别暴力的伤害范畴亦包括其主体——男性本身。

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  • 闵思嘉
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  • 黄色动力伞
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片中的美国,男孩成长的地方,将男性定义为 alpha male,其余叫做卢瑟,女性无人格。男孩学习如何成为 alpha male 即是学习为一切内在诉求寻求侵略性的解答。片中同时展现了近 20 年来心理学从指向疾病到关注每个人的 mental well-being 和发展的转变。看向内心,在习惯了非黑即白的美国,会走多远呢?

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