Do you still remember that one night sleepover, When you and her rolling in her rose-patterned bed sheet, Giggles about the one that you have crushed on, Until burst out of laugh for those awkward moments you both shared, The sweet scent of the lovely rose and hormone chemical mixed in the summer air, Silence…..When you thought this is the moment, She brings up the sentence like: “Do you know that one night…” Yes, The girl sex talk. That is the GIRL SEX TALK. (Oops, guys..;) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girl sex talk is exactly the moment that defines the best friend, because sex is such an intimate and magic topic to talk about, and if my words remind you of someone, congrats! When watching the movie “For a Good Time, Call…”, I was getting excited by all those girl sex talks, but then I wondered :Who can I share Sex Talk with??? So I start check the girls on my list: Oh, she is my study buddy, she wouldn't be comfortable with this, I doubt if she ever had sex…Oh, she is so experienced with sex, might make her laugh at me once I start the topic…It actually upsets me acknowledging the fact that I might have no girlfriend to talk about sex, and for how many times I have dreamed of the sex talk with my girlfriends! However on that night, I gave my first to a boy, specifically, a gay. “So…I want to tell you something…” We were sitting in the dining table enjoying our Friday night. “Say it.” I stared at his eyes getting a bit nervous. “Guess.” He couldn’t even hide the little smirk from his face! Oh God I got this. “You are a gay.” Right after I said it, he chuckled from the cranberry juice. “What the f.. How did you know it? I hide it well.” “From the moment when you were so gross out seeing me naked.” Apparently I am confident with my body. And it was an accident. “Okay…” “And there are a whole lot more moments that telling me you are a gay, but most time, instinct.” I look him straight. Here I see myself being the lie detective on the show “Lie to me” who smashes the fancy words only truth left behind. Right after that, both of us burst out of laugh. 1 mins after, “Sooo…tell me, how do you guys do it?” I thought it was a perfect timing to bring it up. “What?” “You know, SEX.” His wide opened eyes suggest he didn’t expect this coming. “Like what are you? A up or bottom?” I tried to hide my excitement. He turned aside to cover his blush and finished half of his drink, then cleared his throat… I still remember the moment, the way it set up, at this dining table surrounded by strangers, with the orange lighting from the reflection of his eyes, the way he uses his fork to played with his leftover meatballs, talking sex with me like a little girl. I thought it was sweet. It turns out that I am the first one he told me about his crazy wild sex stories, and he is my first one to share with my ex boyfriends penis size and so much more…I seriously enjoyed our talk. It’s like we have never be so much happy and close before. All of the conversations turned our relationship to a new page. And now I finally can cross out“Talk sex with girlfriend” from my bucket list. Please, girl, talk dirty to me, will you?
just so so,没热得起来~~
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so adorable!so gay!
贾斯丁朗和塞斯罗根很亮,其他很平淡,炮友之后,Phone Sex成了新话题。
最后拍的怎么那么烂 Justin Long 是我的新宠