From this expanse of solitude, a great secret is soon to be revealed to the whole of man.
At the dawn of 1945, great minds toil sleeplessly.
Their tools-- the very principles of the universe. Their aim-- nothing less than a lasting peace for the world entire.
It would be a hulking task for a deity. But these are not gods. These are mortals. These are men. They have hopes and dreams, needs and desires. They have fears and misgivings for what the future may hold.
They are the makers of a coming history we are all headed toward.
History is too often not what happened, but what was recorded. A lie set down on paper with wet ink becomes a truth when dry.
Such is the case of this history, here in the quiet desert. Here we find men whose achievements will be snatched for the glory of others, whose sacrifices will be forgotten as detritus. The cleanest telling would draw one great man in whom we could find a teachable narrative, an exemplar of what, should we give it our all, we could become.
But those stories are myths. This is, as best I understand, that honest story. It is not simple, and few emerge untarnished. It is a story of the unknowable future and all the gnarled turns the present takes on its journey toward the world of tomorrow.
From this expanse of solitude, a great secret is soon to be revealed to the whole of man. At the dawn of 1945, great minds toil sleeplessly. Their tools -- the very principles of the universe. Their aim -- nothing less than a lasting peace for the world entire. It would be a hulking task for a deity. But these are not gods. These are mortals. These are men. They have hopes and dreams, needs and desires. They have fears and misgivings for what the future may hold. They are the makers of a coming history we are all headed toward. History is too often not what happened, but what was recorded. A lie set down on paper with wet ink becomes a truth when dry. Such is the case of this history, here in the quiet desert. Here we find men whose achievements will be snatched for the glory of others, whose sacrifices will be forgotten as detritus. The cleanest telling would draw one great man in whom we could find a teachable narrative, an exemplar of what, should we give it our all, we could become. But those stories are myths. This is, as best I understand, that honest story. It is not simple, and few emerge untarnished. It is a story of the unknowable future and all the gnarled turns the present takes on its journey toward the world of tomorrow.
小时候读《恐惧的总和》,觉得汤姆克兰西对核弹引爆的那段描写特别无聊晦涩——又是聚变增强。又是中子反射、裂变代数之类的,整个核爆炸几百纳秒的过程硬是说了一章,初中的时候跟逼看不懂。直到掌握了一些核物理知识以后再看,觉得精彩绝伦!于是在知乎,谷歌上查“二相弹”的设计资料,刚好知乎上有个人贴出了本剧的截图。 从第一季追到第二季,我的感觉是本剧不论从史实的演义和时代的还原、对人性的表现到演技都是一流水准。 我是边查资料边看的,frank winter的原型就是后来T-U构型里的“T”——“氢弹之父”泰勒。(U是乌拉姆) 在看这个剧之前,我是一个自以为是的历史军事迷,觉得自己知道的挺多。 诺依曼,乌拉姆等人为了模拟冲击波和中子在核弹内传播的方式时所使用的蒙特卡洛算法(第一季里各种一算算几周的那种工作)——是在没有电子计算机的时代发明的第一种有限元模拟算法。现在的大多数工业软件还在使用 现在我还知道,CNN拍的冷战纪录片讲到过曼哈顿的意义,frank那种一厢情愿想把核弹扔到无人区来吓尿日本的做法,很可能无法在战后建立稳定的核威慑。查理是对的,只有亲眼见过了魔鬼的威力,大家才会乖乖的不惹事。这点可以类比一下《三体》里的剧情。 未达临界的核装药电离辐射很低(比如稳定的贫铀和钚,只要不吃下去,揣一块儿玩一年都没事),钚没有毒.....什么是电离辐射,它损害人体的原理是什么....手机电脑发出的辐射根本不包含电离辐射,那些防辐射商品除了碘片都是为了骗你钱....等等等等 看了这部美剧,能联想到很多自以为熟知的东西其实一无所知,不要把自己仅仅局限在自己原来的那点爱好里,而且低调做人肯定有好处。感谢那些做出决定把核弹扔到广岛长崎的人,谢谢导演和编剧,还有所有辛勤的制作人员们。在下受益匪浅! 总之,Manhattan 是很喜欢的一部剧,可惜第三季被砍了,这部剧题材虽然在二战期间,故事需要你慢慢品味,这里面的角色颠覆性也是非常大的,可能会让你改变复对奥本海默认知,但是更能让你看到科学家不为人知的另一面故事。
The show has some of the most ambitiously creative depictions of scientists I've seen in a work of fiction. This alone qualifies for the five-star. The speech by Frank mid-season about why continuing to build the bomb was evil, right before FDR died, and the one given by Charlie in the penultimate episode as a reply, about why a demonstration of evil was necessary, are some truly powerful writing.
Some flaws:
1. The mixing of real and fictional characters can be a bit bizzare. The show did not seem to figure out what to do with the real larger-than-life character of Robert Oppenheimer. There's plenty of biographical material to make up for it now. Let's hope Christopher Nolan does a good job.
2. The character of Liza Winter, Frank's wife, is a creative failure. You can tell that the writers tried to give her story, plenty of lines, plenty of screen time, but it just didn't work. It also did not help that they cast a British actress with a half-baked American accent for the role. I have a good ear for stuff like this. More of a curse than a blessing.
3. In fact, Liza ties in to a bigger problem: although Helen Prins and Frank's daughter had some interesting moments in the show, overall the female characters were just not written well. I understand the creative choice to make women interesting in a period drama by focusing on how some are finding ways to independence and feminism, but there seems to be a lack of imagination as to what those ways can be. Mad Men has been done before, and we don't need another one.
4. For all the talk of "The Gadget," the clearly not-so-cheap set and props, the show never really showed us that many gadgets of the era. For example, the "IBM machines" they kept referring to during the first season; even the desert itself, surely could've been featured more to have some say in the broad theme of "man and nature," right? I don't know, it could be that I associate the New Mexico desert a bit too much with modern classics like Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.
Show creator Sam Shaw did say he knows what story a third season would tell, but it also sounds like he does not expect there'll ever be a chance for it. I hope after he retires at a ripe old age, maybe he can turn it into a novel?
和第一季相比造原子弹的过程被削弱,斗智斗勇的戏份有增加,但是人物塑造反而觉得单薄, 没有第一季那么真实了?依然最喜欢Paul Crosley,现实又聪明的一个人。
Charlie和Frank的人物弧光处理很好,前者从反对核武器到被野心吞噬费尽心思要保护自己的pet project,后者从支持研制核武器到发现了政府和军方的阴谋,不愿再做傀儡,成为了反核武器者。就是总感觉很短,集数不够,最后一集意犹未尽,还有很多地方感觉是没预算了,本来可以多拍一些画面。一些人物最后的结局也很仓促。讲原子弹的部分远比不上人物关系和谍战多,我感觉抓间谍比造原子弹的进度快多了。。。
Murder under a higher cause. Do you ever believe in it?这么棒的剧,为什么会被砍?!
#私人影记# 那一天他们造了一个太阳。特别喜欢这类小众历史剧,它让核聚变、中子反射、裂变代数等变得亲切可爱。frank那种一厢情愿想把核弹扔到无人区来吓尿日本的做法,很可能无法建立稳定的核威慑。也许查理是对的,只有亲眼见识过魔鬼的威力,大家才会乖乖的不惹事。
说好的13集呢 等了一个月啊ToT
【和数学有关的影视作品45~46】美国曼哈顿计划主要领导人为奥本海默, 原子弹成功投弹后美国发表了一份“史麦斯报告“,让蒋介石很眼热,也想搞原子弹,于是整了个“种子计划”,领军人物为物理学家吴大猷、化学家曾昭抡、数学家华罗庚。后来因内战不了了之。