I had to say goodbye. I just needed to say it, I think. We have a choive, don't we? We can live in the past. We can look forward. Or we can live now. Because we can't change what's happened. We can't predict the future. None of us knows what's around the corner. That's the truth of it. All we can do is keep a long view and hold a steady course.
最后一集,两个女人离他而去,幸好还有Mrs M和探长他老婆。最后一集见证了德国兵、多个退伍兵和他的战友以及自杀的罪犯的死亡,其晦暗程度不言自明。好在一切都以回归结尾。友人得之不易,且行且珍惜。
http://www.lofter.com/tag/%E7%89%A7%E5%B8%88%E7%A5%9E%E6%8E%A2Are you getting tired of hearing how brilliant ITV’s new murder-mystery programme Grantchester is yet? Thought so. Well now that everyone has calmed down a bit (it wasn’t that good was it?), we’ve had a chance to rewatch Episode One and tear it apart. Here are some of the things they got wrong:
- Firstly, as many of you noticed, the vicar in Grantchester was also the rapist in recent BBC drama Happy Valley. It took us all a little while to adjust to his new persona but once we did, national swooning over vicar Sidney Chambers (James Norton) began in earnest.
- During the railway station scenes, if you stuck your head out of the window for some air (as we did), you’d have heard a resounding chorus rising above the rooftops of “That’s not Cambridge! There’s no underpass at Cambridge station! Fake! Cheat! Where is the Upper Crust?!” For some reason they actually filmed those scenes at Horstead Keynes Railway station in West Sussex. Clearly the multiplatform metropolis that is the new Cambridge station was not adaptable to a 1950s location.
- And similarly, if you were squinting very hard through the German widow’s net curtains, and trying to work out where her house was, then you’d have been forgiven for not recognising it as the private house scenes were filmed in a variety of places including Watford, Rickmansworth, Sarratt and Kings Langley. Cambridge residents must have been reluctant to allow huge film crews to take over their living rooms, although some probably regret this now that they’ve seen the vicar is played by hunky James Norton.
- There were frequent shots of James pedalling furiously from Grantchester to Cambridge, each time culminating in a little cruise down King’s Parade, which had been marvellously transformed into a 1950s street. However, eagle eyed viewers noted that if Sidney was indeed pedalling from Grantchester then he was very much going in the wrong direction. The only thing we can think is that maybe he’d travelled from Grantchester by punt and then cycled from Bridge Street.
- Something that really got on our nerves was the incessant offering of sherry to the vicar, (“fancy a sherry vicar? Groan”) which was presumably some kind of allusion to Monty Python’s Sherry Drinking Vicar sketch but, as the programme pre-dates Monty Python by almost 20 years, it was a bit confusing. Do vicars drink sherry? Was this to do with Monty Python or was it something else? We’re not sure. If you have any information regarding the very pressing issue of vicars and sherry, we’d like to hear from you.
- Finally, Sidney’s urge to fight crime leads him to the police station where Robson Green is the Detective Inspector. There’s been a suicide (but it’s a really a murder) and Sid asks Robbo if he can check out the evidence. And why not? After an initial refusal, the inspector just hands everything over and Sid has a good look through. The urge to fight crime is strong in lots of us but, while we’ve never actually tried to, something tells us that if we were to pitch up now at Parkside police station and offer to help, we’d be told to go away.
http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/Grantchester-got-wrong/story-23122035-detail/story.html#ixzz3I65LMIMI Vicar跟Sherry那個是怎麼回事啊? 完全不懂這個梗哎。。。Apparently,這記者也搞不懂。。
牛剑周围还能不能太平了!Robson Green演起了拖家带口的糙汉探长,和心理追凶比简直是翻身农奴把歌唱啊。Norton真是剑桥神学院毕业的(不会怀疑人生吗?)他这牧师当得真风生水起,都分不清是侦探还是言情了。相比之下Morse师徒几代简直恨不得一人发一个“孤星入命”的纸条贴脸上。
最无法接受的就是robson greene,才从心理追凶过来,他死理性派学术派天才社交无能的设定还印象深刻呢,就让我接受这样一个随性但是无能陪衬?但是总的来说,每集其实都挺有心,故事还是很值得看的,重点确实不在于推理,而在于每集结束后的反省。
中译名真的不忍吐槽,其实就是一个Grantchester里一个牧师兼职做侦探的故事,并不是很神。自从神夏火了之后,所有的侦探中译名都要跟着神探xxx来,也挺烦的。破案的部分真的不足,充其量就是灵光一闪然后破案了,也没啥技术含量,牧师个人感情篇幅也占比一半。看过Norton和女主的很多很多很多剧了,但这是第一次get到他俩,诺顿憨憨的,女主扮相真的很美(适合复古剧,不适合现代剧)。德国太太简直是全剧亮点,毒舌吐槽简直笑死人。What the Dickens?
这次轮到侧写顾问做差佬了,哈哈 / 推理部分实在太弱鸡,破案基本靠猜,抓人基本靠撞,可是主角主配人设都好可爱,当做下饭的小点心看还是不错的。莱纳德和狄更斯萌哭。
- People feel they can tell me things. - You're lucky. No-one feels they can tell me anything. 就这样,无所不知牧师和什么都打听不到警察联手了……
每部剧都有自己的特色和专注点,这虽然也算是一部探案剧,不过更侧重对小神父心理变化表述,内心总是迷茫的思考也好像是被动的。风景美如画,喜欢这样的乡村生活,但是就算是移民却也就丢失了心灵的归属感,毕竟不是自己的家乡,只有遗憾。喜欢Robson Green透明的眼睛,有吸引人的魔力!