• 电影
  • 电视剧
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类型:电影地区:中国 / 中国香港语言:汉语普通话年份:2009




完美生活 剧照 NO.1完美生活 剧照 NO.2完美生活 剧照 NO.3


刚刚进入21世纪的某一个冬季,在中国东北的一座灰暗工业小城中,21岁的李月颖正为工作和未来而四处寻找机会。破碎家庭是她核心的现实写照。她在小城遇见一位肢体残缺的男性。他委托她带一幅中国画前往香港对岸的深圳,一个南中国的特区。她终于来到了外面的世界,却发现男人对她其实只有一个虚无的许诺,但是,即便处境艰难, 她没有回家, 而是选择留下…… 2008年的香港,即将离婚的谢珍妮(JENNY)正坐在律师楼里。她从内地乡村走出,到深圳打工,嫁给一位香港的厨师。虽然最终来到了香港,而眼下,却在真实纪录的镜头前为自己的命运潸然泪下。 JENNY决定回深圳看看,却在深圳的街头与虚构故事里的李月颖不期而遇。 她们在各自人生旅途的某一刻交错,却又完全不知道对方的存在。 她们是两个人,却有着互为可能性的前史和未来。热播电视剧最新电影寻找灵魂伴侣:逃离双生火焰宇宙篮子里的恶魔神兽男友驯服记时空大挪移完美超越吸血鬼的颤抖偷听的女人山巅之城 第二季破发点:大满贯之路寅次郎的故事35:寅次郎恋爱补习班宋飞正传第五季卧底2017人性艾米莉超萌特攻反贪风暴饿狼传说:满月杀手巨齿鲨2:深渊冲天小子国语版伏妖白鱼镇2斗室我的前半生女探长工人,农民穿越者之异梦空间


 1 ) 唐晓白的《完美生活》已足够锋利


  在威尼斯极冷的电影宫pala lido,看了唐晓白的第二个电影《完美生活》。一边缩着一边看两个女孩的挣扎对我来说很痛苦,我得忍受身体上的冰凉和心灵上的针扎的感觉。但好在,片子让我舒服到足够抵御寒冷。




  《动词变位》看不太出来是女性导演的作品,唐晓白和一般女性导演不同,你看她挺热情挺感性,但做东西的时候却在结构的把握上很圆熟。 比如,这次的《完美生活》也依然如是。片中的两个女孩,一个在北方的小城里积极地想跳出自己的小天地,一个在香港的现代都会里消极地想和前夫离婚。





 2 ) 生活深处的影像笔记









 3 ) 私人观影笔记

1.我是坚持用破手机也能拍出好看照片的那种人。所以,我非常反感,“我们用的是香港最好的摄影师,最好的灯光,都是王家卫的班底”,然后,是“故意追求影像的粗糙感。”这也是我之所以相对而言比较喜欢《马乌甲》的原因,至少《马乌甲》的画面很讲究。 这有点类似于红楼梦里贾母面对着螃蟹馅的饺子说“这会子油腻腻的,谁吃这个。”一种高高在上的腐败。另一种解释是,由于早期技术限制,新闻片都是黑白粗颗粒的,于是造成了一种惯性思维,黑白粗颗粒代表真实。于是大家故意为了追求真实感把画面弄得很糙很难看,并且人物基本不说话。这当然是伪真实。也是所谓独立电影的模式了吧?我每天过得也很惨,我目之所及的世界可没什么颗粒有时候也阳光普照可一点也不妨碍我心情郁闷得想离家出走或自杀。 另一种解释是怕视听语言分流掉观众对剧作的关注。这更是我所反对的:在电影学院,人们都嫌弃我不会讲故事。而我坚信电影除了叙事讲故事,当然应该有别的趣味。更何况大部分独立电影,你们那些故事实在无趣得很。我是相信细节的家伙。当然我可能是错误的。 2.如果没有纪录片的部分,《完美的生活》只能是很普通很常规的那种独立电影。纪录片部分太动人了。而它与剧情片对照所产生的那种人生如戏的荒诞感非常打动人心,沧海桑田红颜白骨的那种感慨。我倒觉得,与其剧情片的部分也在努力追求纪实效果,倒不如索性演个彻底,因为有纪录片的对照,剧情部分实在太假了。我也想拍纪录片。 3.关注社会的问题。嗯我还是更偏向于关注心灵而不是讲述具体的外部生存状况,当然我可能是错误的。《完美的生活》在这一点还是很好的,淡淡的,不具体,但很直接。社会背景并非隐于无形,心灵当然是跟外部相接的,不直接讲效果更好。 4.洗澡的全裸而不露器官的男人仿佛已经成了独立电影的标签。一般是背面全裸露个屁股,本片中变成了侧面全裸。 5.女人是最明白女人的。 我要拍:视听讲究的,有细节的,不直接讲社会问题的,没有洗澡全裸而不露器官的男人的(如果非要有就让他露出可爱的鸡鸡吧老天!),关注心灵的,真正真实而不是追求真实的东西。上帝保佑。

 4 ) 中港的前世今生



 5 ) Mobility and Identity

After watching this perplexing and puzzling film, I would like to discuss two things about this film: the purpose of adopting “docudrama” style into the film and the mobility and identity of Chinese female figures associated with the transitional process of Chinese modernity.

I would like to briefly clarify the content of this film. This film includes two stories: a fictionalized story and a documentary story. The fictionalized story depicts a girl, Li Yueying, who is from a provincial town called Fushun in the Northeastern part of China, who wants to work in an entertainment trope in Shenyang but ends up as a hotel chambermaid. Her father ran away with other women and her mother took different men back home. Li does not get along well with her mother. However, her life totally changes after she meets a disabled guy at the hotel. This guy is an art dealer who smuggles paintings from Mainland China to Hong Kong (maybe). He asks Li to take a painting to Shenzhen. However, this disabled guy is killed by other dealers and Li never returns to her hometown. After six years, she gets married but secretly becomes a mistress of a rich Hong Kong middle-aged man. She also gets pregnant but this film does not indicate who is the baby’s father. The documentary story uses a handy video camera and documents a mainland female figure called Jenny Tse, who is in the process of getting a divorce from her Hong Kong husband and her daily life in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. She tries to find a job at a Hong Kong restaurant but is turned away because she cannot write traditional Chinese characters. She returns to Shenzhen and wanders on the street, shopping and dancing with other people on the street. She regrets to go to Hong Kong and declares she would rather stay in a local factory as a Dagongmei (Factory girls).

The genre of this film fits into the definition of “docudrama” that was addressed by Steven Lipkin. It features “as a hybrid form, wedding ‘documentary’ material with ‘drama’(Lipkin, 1). This creative narrative style is very unique among contemporary Chinese films, which break the traditional way of film production. However, the rapid shiftiness of the narrative form featured with a double narrative thread destroys the integrity of the film, fragmentizes the structure of the two stories, and disrupts the narrative rhythm of the film, which disturbs the audiences’ aesthetic experience to some extent. Due to the mixture of these two parts, the audiences sometimes cannot tell which part is fictionalized, or which part is a documentary. Nevertheless, rather than say the fiction part ostensibly departs from the documentary is not necessarily true, they essentially complement each other. Li’s life experience is the past of Jenny’s, her present suffering probably will be the future of Li, that is to say, Jenny is the prefigure of Li, and Li is the exact copy of Jenny. The film poster of this film also reaffirms this concept. This poster is divided into two parts. The top part portrays Li’s image in the background of the industrialized town that features several factory chimneys. The bottom part looks like the inverted image of Li but depicts Jenny’s image in the background of the commercialized metropolis that features hundreds of tall buildings near Victoria Bay in Hong Kong.

According to an interview with Tang, she did not intend to put a documentary part into this film. When almost 60% of the fictionalized part was finished, she met a mainland woman who was in the process of getting divorce with her Hong Kong husband. Tang thought it would make good documentary material and could be used in the film. However, when Tang decided to shot a film about that woman, she got married again and refused to take part in the filming. Then Tang met another woman who was also trying to get divorced from her husband who was a Hong Kong chef. In my opinion, Tang purposely puts these two parts together in order to reveal the reality and shorten the distance between artistic production and history. The documentary part not only can be a direct resource of the fictionalized part, but also can verify the authenticity of the migrants’ situation that is put on the screen. Moreover, the organic organized structure of this film leads audiences to have an overall view of a migrant’s preexistence and experiences later in life. If we only narrated Li’s story in a very matter-of-fact way, a completely fictionalized account of her life experiences, the dramatic effect of this film would be greatly reduced. Indulging in reality and fiction, we find ourselves involuntarily feeling pity on the figures, no matter if it is the protagonist or the real figure. All of the emotions are simulated by the director even if we cannot figure out how to tell the differences between fiction and reality. But who is responsible for their fate? The disabled guy? The Hong Kong husband? Or anyone else?

As mentioned above, this film clearly shows Tang’s sympathy toward these female migrants. In my opinion, Tang neither wants to contrast or complement these two figures. She attempts to deliver more on the screen. As we all know, all the film productions can be considered an artistic representation of reality. As Lipkin says, “docudrama is using narrative structure to advocate its view of its subject.” (Lipkin, 4) But what is the subject of this film? In my opinion, this film shows the female migrant’s marginal social identities reshaped by the modernization and globalization process in China. Along with the implementation of the opening and reform policy, China has experience dramatic changes in different aspects. As a result, Chinese, especially rural people are amazed by the rapid transformation of social systems and global capital flows. Tang declares she is not interested in the “half and half” experimental creative practice; instead, she is concerned with “the tension that is formed by the interconnection of these two stories. This film is not merely an individual’s story, or even a story about two people, but the construction of a very special world.” What kind of world in Tang’s eyes? It is a world full of lust, desire and commercialized lures. Although Li goes to Shenzhen not based on her own decision (she does learn English and is eager to see the outside world), she does indeed settle down in this city and does not want to come back. But Jenny regrets her move to Hong Kong and says she would rather work as a Dagongmei in a factory. Compared to her life in Hong Kong, the life of a Dagongmei is much simpler. This film shows the tension between an undeveloped provincial town and modern metropolitan cities and the tension between the lure of the western commercialization and traditional provincial life in a town in Mainland China. Tang sharply points out the modernization process in China has a great impact on reshaping people’s identity and life. Differing from the female protagonist Qin Yan in Durian Durian who goes to Hong Kong on a tourist visa but finally goes back to her hometown, the female roles in Perfect Life never return. Their identity is marked as a migrant who seeks to find a better life in a “New Society”. However, their life turns out to be a failure to some extent. Tang does not want to condemn the modernization process in China but inexplicitly criticizes the dramatic and rapid change in mainland China. Moreover, the inferior female figure is a signifier of cultural identity and China itself, who is eager to join the whole modernization process and incorporate itself into western discourse, ignoring its own identity. The female figure metaphorically represents the unequal relationship between China and the West.

I have two questions regarding this film. First, one thing is very obvious in this film: the male figures are absent, weaken, or disabled. Li always mentions her father but her father never appears on the screen, as well as her husband in Shenzhen. From Li’s words, we know her father leaves town with another woman and nobody can find him. Li’s younger brother studies in a vocational school and sells lascivious magazines to his classmates. The film ends with a shoot that Li takes a photo with her wedding photo on the couch. Why does Tang portray the male figures in the film in a negative light? Second, the title of this film is very problematic. What is the meaning of “perfect life”? Why does Tang Xiaobai want to use this as the title of the film? It is obvious Jenny’s attempt of searching for a perfect life has failed, and Li’s future is also unpredictable. Tang shows us the female figures’ dreams were shattered in the harsh reality. Does this mean seeking a perfect life will end in failure?


★★★半 ~ !

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人物刻画很不错 姚芊羽很像陶虹内 爱这种挖掘平凡人生活心理的味道

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太压抑了 女主角演技很棒~

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