【谢绝任何形式转载】 By 菲尔(Ferre) 2012.12.12 目录 注:[ ]表示曲目所属,如无说明则表示音乐专辑<The Wall>和电影<The Wall>中都有。 【1】When the Tigers Broke Free Part 1 当虎式坦克冲破防线 [电影<The Wall>专辑<The Final Cut>] 【2】In the Flesh Part 1 现场 【3】The Thin Ice 薄冰 【4】Another Brick In The Wall Part 1 墙上的一块砖 【5】When the Tigers Broke Free Part 2 当虎式坦克冲破防线 [电影<The Wall>专辑<The Final Cut>] 【6】Goodbye Blue Sky 别了,蓝天 【7】The Happiest Days Of Our Lives 我们生命中最高兴的日子 【8】Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 墙上的一块砖 【9】Mother 妈妈 【10】What Shall We Do Now 我们现在该干点什么 [仅出现于电影<The Wall>] 【11】Empty Spaces 空虚之地 【12】Young Lust 年轻的欲望 【13】One Of My Turns 我的不适 【14】Don’t Leave Me Now 不要现在就离开我 【15】Another Brick In The Wall Part 3 墙上的另一块砖 【16】Goodbye Cruel World 别了,残酷的世界 【17】Hey you 喂,那个人 [仅出现于专辑<The Wall>] 【18】Is There Anybody Out There? 墙外有人吗? 【19】Nobody Home 无人接听 【20】Vera 维拉 【21】Bringing the Boys Back Home 带男孩回家 【22】Comfortably Numb 麻木得安逸 【23】The Show Must Go On 演出必须继续 [仅出现于专辑<The Wall>] 【24】In The Flesh Part 2 现场 【25】Run Like Hell 拼命跑 【26】Waiting For The Worms 等待蠕虫 【27】Stop 停下 【28】The Trial 审判 【29】Outside The Wall 墙外 【1】When the Tigers Broke Free Part 1 当虎式坦克冲破防线 It was just before dawn one miserable Morning in black Forty-Four. 那是在黑色笼罩下的一九四四年的一个惨淡的五更天 When the forward commander was told to sit tight when he asked that his men be withdrawn. 前线的指挥官请求允许他的部队撤离却被命令继续坚守阵地 And the Generals gave thanks as the other ranks Held back the enemy tanks for a while. 另一支部队牵制了敌人的虎式坦克片刻并因此得到了将军们的致敬 And the Anzio bridgehead was held for the price Of a few hundred ordinary lives. 最后,以上百位士兵生命的代价安齐奥桥头堡得以坚守 ———————————————— 1【Anzio bridgehead】 安齐奥桥头堡(盟军1944年1月在罗马以南安齐奥港建立的桥头堡) 2【tiger】The Tiger tank.在1943年1月的时候,德国就计划制造一种新的重型坦克以取代“虎”式重型坦克,1943年12月开始批量生产,定名为“虎王”(或者“虎”2)重型坦克。 ———————————————— 【2】In the Flesh Part 1 现场 "....we came in?" “…我们进来了吗?” So ya thought ya Might like to go to the show 嗯,你曾觉得你最好还是应该来参加这场演出 To feel the warm thrill of confusion, 去体验嘈杂混乱的现场带给你的快感 That space cadet glow. 偏执狂在那里异常享受 Tell me, is something eluding you, sunshine? 告诉我,是否有什么让你不解,亲爱的? Is this not what you expected to see? 这不解的现状不正是你不希望见到的吗? If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes 如果你想知道躲在冷眼后的是什么 You'll just have to claw your way through this disguise. 那你只得向前摸爬滚打地穿过这些让你困惑的伪装 "Lights!Roll the sound effects!Action!" “灯光!效果器!开始!” "Drop it on 'em!DROP IT ON 'EM!" “不提了,不说了,我们不谈这个了!” ———————————————— 1【in the flesh】in physical bodily form,in person; if you see sb in the flesh,you are in the same place as them and actually see them rather than just seeing a picture of them.活生生的; 亲自; 本人: 2【ya】pron.<口>你(=you) 3【drop it】(=stop talking about a subject) 4【space cadet】someone who behaves strangely.n. <俚>不现实的人, 行为古怪的人, ———————————————— 【3】The Thin Ice 薄冰 Momma loves her baby, and daddy loves you too. 妈妈爱她的宝贝儿,爸爸也一样 And the sea may look warm to you babe 宝贝儿,对你来说大海是那么温暖 And the sky may look blue 天空是那么的蓝 Ooooh babe 哦 宝贝儿 Ooooh baby blue 哦 宝贝儿,看,蓝天! Oooooh babe. 哦 宝贝儿啊 If you should go skating On the thin ice of modern life 如果你在这现代生活的薄冰之上滑冰 Dragging behind you the silent reproach Of a million tear-stained eyes 无数饱含泪水的眼睛带来的无声息的责备便牵制着你 Don't be surprised when a crack in the ice Appears under your feet. 当冰上的裂痕出现在你的脚下,请不要惊讶 You slip out of your depth and out of your mind 因为你要为你的幼稚和疯狂付出失足的代价 With your fear flowing out behind you As you claw the thin ice. 当你抓着脆弱的冰面而寻求救助时,恐惧从你颤栗的脊背不断流露 ———————————————— 1【out of one's depth】 not having the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with a particular subject or situation,unable to understand a subject or topic 不能理解: 2【out of your mind】 (infml 口) be crazy or mad 发狂; 发疯: 3【slip】 [slip]act of slipping; false step 滑动; 滑倒; 失足: [此处取失足意,即掉进冰窟] ———————————————— 【4】Another Brick In The Wall Part 1 墙上的一块砖 Daddy's flown across the ocean 父亲已经飞越大洋 Leaving just a memory. 留下的,只是一片琐碎的记忆 A snapshot in the family album. 只是一张收藏在家庭相册中的照片 Daddy, what else did you leave for me? 爸爸啊,你还给我留下什么别的东西了吗? Daddy, what d'ya leave behind for me? 爸爸啊,你到底给我留下了什么东西? All in all it was just a brick in the wall. 说到底,那只不过是墙上的一块砖 All in all it was all just bricks in the wall. 说到底,这一切只不过是墙上的一块砖 ———————————————— 1【d'ya】=do you ,美国口语 ———————————————— 【5】When the Tigers Broke Free Part 2 当虎式坦克冲破防线 And kind old King George sent Mother a note When he heard that Father was gone. 当得知我的父亲已经牺牲,老好人乔治国王寄给我母亲一封信 It was, I recall, in the form of a scroll,With gold leaf and all. 信的样子——让我想想——是张卷轴,里面是真真儿的金黄色的纸张 And I found it one day In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away. 后来有一天我在放旧照片的抽屉里找着了这封被藏起来的信 And my eyes still grow damp to remember His Majesty signed with his own rubber stamp. 每当想到老国王不经验证就在写有父亲死讯的信上盖章,我的眼睛就不禁变得湿润 It was dark all around, there was frost in the ground 那时候四周一片惨淡,地面上结满了冰霜 When the Tigers broke free. 当虎式坦克冲破防线 And no one survived From the Royal Fusiliers Company C. 没有人能够从皇家燧发枪手团的枪口下幸免 They were all left behind, 他们全都被抛弃在了战场 Most of them dead, the rest of them dying. 他们中的大多数战死了,侥幸的也是奄奄一息 And that's how the High Command Took my daddy from me. 盟军的最高指挥就是如此这般地把我父亲从我身边夺走了 ———————————————— 1【rubber stamp】 to officially approve a decision or plan without thinking about it:机械式盖公章,未经慎重考虑而正式通过 2【Company】1150年进入英语,直接源自古法语的compaignie,意为士兵的整体;最初源自后期拉丁语的companio ———————————————— 【6】Goodbye Blue Sky 别了,蓝天 Look, mommy. There's an airplane up in the sky. 看呀,妈咪,一架飞机上了天 Di' di' di' did you see the frightened ones? 你看到人们的惊恐了吗? Di' di' di' did you hear the falling bombs? 你听见炮火的咆哮了吗? Di' di' di' did you ever wonder why we Had to run for shelter when the Promise of a brave new world Unfurled beneath the clear blue sky? 你可曾想过为何在这新世界即将降临之际我们却要躲进防空洞里 Di' di' di' did you see the frightened ones? 你看到人们的惊恐了吗? Di' di' di' did you hear the falling bombs? 你听见炮火的咆哮了吗? The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on. 硝烟暗淡战火远去,伤痛却永远难以磨灭 Goodbye, blue sky 别了,蓝天 Goodbye, blue sky. 别了,蓝天 Goodbye. Goodbye. 永远别了 ———————————————— 1【promise of】a sign that something, usually something good, may happen,indication that sth may be expected to come or occur; likelihood or hope of sth 可指望出现或发生某事物的迹象; 可能性; 希望 2【brave new world】 n. 美丽新世界 A vision or the realization of a radically transformed human existence, especially one in which scientific and technological change has a strong, adverse impact on social, political, and economic structures: 美丽新世界:一种剧烈变更的人类生存方式的幻想或现实,尤指科技革新对社会、政治和经济结构带来强烈负面影响的一种 ———————————————— 【7】The Happiest Days Of Our Lives 我们生命中最高兴的日子 When we grew up and went to school 当我们长大后我们去了学校 There were certain teachers who would Hurt the children in any way they could 学校里一定会有想法设法要伤害孩子们的老师在等着你 By pouring their derision upon anything we did 无论我们做什么事情,他们都对我们冷嘲热讽 And exposing every weakness However carefully hidden by the kids 无论我们掩藏地多好,他们也要揭我们的伤疤 But in the town, it was well known 但在这小镇上,有个众所周知的秘密—— When they got home at night, 当这些老师晚上回到家 their fat and Psychopathic wives would thrash them Within inches of their lives. 他们那更年期的胖老婆准会把他们骂的狗血喷头 ———————————————— 1【within an inch of】very close to sth,almost to the point of sth 差一点,险些。 2【(beat/thrash etc.) sb within an inch of their life】to beat someone very hard and thoroughly They beat him within an inch of his life他们把他打得奄奄一息 ———————————————— 【8】Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 墙上的一块砖 We don't need no education. 我们不需要(这没用的)教育 We don't need no thought control. 我们不需要(这不好的)思想禁锢 No dark sarcasm in the classroom. 不要教室里(老师对学生)阴暗的讽刺挖苦 Teacher leave them kids alone 老师们,不要来干涉孩子们 Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone! 喂!老师们!少来管孩子们! All in all it's just another brick in the wall. 说到底,那只不过是墙上的另一块砖 All in all you're just another brick in the wall. 说到底,你只不过是墙上的另一块砖 We don't need no education. 我们不需要(这没用的)教育 We don't need no thought control. 我们不需要(这不好的)思想禁锢 No dark sarcasm in the classroom. 不要教室里(老师对学生)阴暗的讽刺挖苦 Teacher leave them kids alone 老师们,不要来干涉孩子们 Hey! Teacher! Leave those kids alone! 喂!老师们!少来管孩子们! All in all you're just another brick in the wall. 说到底,你只不过是墙上的另一块砖 All in all you're just another brick in the wall. 说到底,你只不过是墙上的另一块砖 ———————————————— 1【don't need no】这是黑人英语的习惯性说法,双重否定还表否定,语气加强。 ———————————————— 【9】Mother 妈妈 Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb? 妈妈你说他们会不会给我臭脸色看 Mother, do you think they'll like this song? 妈妈你说他们会不会喜欢我这首歌 Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls? 妈妈你说他们会不会来找我的麻烦 Ooooo. Mother, should I build the wall? 妈妈啊,我要不要筑一道墙(把他们隔开) Mother, should I run for president? 妈妈我要不要去竞选班长 Mother, should I trust the government? 妈妈我要不要相信政府的鬼话 Mother, will they put me in the firing line? 妈妈他们会不会把我派去前线 Oooooh aaah. Is it just a waste of time? 妈妈啊,生命是不是只是一片虚无 Hush now, baby. Baby, don't you cry. 噢,乖!宝贝儿,别哭 Mamma's gonna make all your nightmares come true. 妈妈会使你所有的噩梦得以应验 Mamma's gonna put all of her fears into you. 妈妈还会把她全部的恐惧灌输给你 Mamma's gonna keep you right here under her wing. 妈妈会把你护在她的翅膀下恰到好处 She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing. 她不许你飞走,但没准会让你唱歌 Mama's gonna keep baby cozy and warm. 妈妈会让她的宝贝儿温暖舒畅 Ooooh babe. Ooooh babe. Oooooh babe, 宝贝儿啊宝贝儿 Of course mama's gonna help build a wall. 当然,妈妈也会帮你筑那道墙 Mother, do you think she's good enough -- for me? 妈妈你说她对我够不够好 Mother, do you think she's dangerous -- to me? 妈妈你说她是不是个红颜祸水 Mother, will she tear your little boy apart? 妈妈她会不会把你的儿子从你手上抢走 Ooooh aaah. Mother, will she break my heart? 妈妈啊,她会不会伤我的心 Hush now, baby. Baby, don't you cry. 噢,乖!宝贝儿,别哭 Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you. 妈妈会帮你挑选女朋友 Mama won't let anyone dirty get through. 妈妈会把臭婊子剔除在外 Mama's gonna wait up until you get in. 妈妈会一直不睡直到你晚上回家 Mama will always find out where you've been. 妈妈总会知道你之前去哪玩儿了 Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean. 妈妈要让她的宝贝干净健康 Ooooh babe. Oooh babe. Oooh babe, 宝贝儿啊宝贝儿 You'll always be baby to me. 你永远都是我的宝贝儿 Mother, did it need to be so high? 妈妈,这道墙真的有必要筑这么高吗? ———————————————— 1【bomb】something unexpected and unpleasant ― often used with drop 2【break my balls】字典里没查到,但在外国网站查到一句话: Don't break my ball I'm sleeping 3【president】adj.<古>首席的. ———————————————— 【10】What Shall We Do Now 我们现在该干点什么 What shall we use to fill the empty spaces Where waves of hunger roar? 我们要用什么填补那无尽欲望的深渊? Shall we set out across the sea of faces In search of more and more applause? 又是否要动身穿过那追逐掌声的人海? Shall we buy a new guitar? 我们是否要买个新吉他 Shall we drive a more powerful car? 或者开辆马力更足的车 Shall we work straight through the night? 我们是否该玩儿命工作 Shall we get into fights? 然后身陷无休止的竞争 Leave the lights on? Drop bombs? 要不要保全其他文明或者将其炸个粉碎 Do tours of the east? Contract diseases? 要不要开辟航路到东方,散布百日咳和天花 Bury bones? Break up homes? 要不要销毁历史,要不要独立分家 Send flowers by phone? 要不要叫几个妓女 Take to drink? Go to shrinks? 要不要借酒消愁,要不要找个心理医生 Give up meat? Rarely sleep? 现在我们吃不下也睡不安 Keep people as pets? 要不要网罗几个打手 Train dogs? Race rats? 训练他们成为走狗 Fill the attic with cash? 要不要把钞票堆满阁楼 Bury treasure? Store up leisure? 积攒财富却忘了闲暇 But never relax at all With our backs to the wall. 我们背靠墙壁,我们从不休息 ———————————————— 1【Bury bones】figuratively burying one's past indescretions from sight, akin to the saying about hiding one's skeletons in the closet 比喻掩埋对某人过去的描述 2【rat race】n.商业竞争;事业上竞争 3【flowers】《金陵十二钗》英译<The Flowers of The War> ———————————————— 【11】Empty Spaces 空虚之地 What shall we use to fill the empty spaces Where we used to talk? 我们要用什么填补那些过去闲谈时所身陷的空虚之地 How should I fill the final places? 我要如何填补这最后的缺口 How should I complete the wall? 我要如何完成这最后的墙 ———————————————— ———————————————— 【12】Young Lust 年轻的欲望 I am just a new boy, 我只是个奶油小生 A stranger in this town. 这个小镇对我是如此陌生 Where are all the good times? 快乐的时光都到哪儿去了? Who's gonna show this stranger around? 谁来带我去见识见识? Ooooh, I need a dirty woman. 我需要个风尘的女人 Ooooh, I need a dirty girl. 一个风流的女孩 Will some woman in this desert land 有没有女人在这饥渴的土地上 Make me feel like a real man? 让我能感觉自己像个真正的男人 Take this rock and roll refugee 接受我这个摇滚难民 Oooh, baby set me free. 宝贝儿,让我释放欲望 Ooooh, I need a dirty woman. 我需要个风尘的女人 Ooooh, I need a dirty girl. 一个风流的女孩 ———————————————— ———————————————— 【13】One Of My Turns 我的不适 Day after day love turns gray 日复一日,爱意渐退 Like the skin on a dying man. 就像那将死之人皮肤的温度 And night after night we pretend it's all right. 我们却夜夜装作任何事情都没发生过 But I have grown older, and 我已不再年轻 You have grown colder, and 而你变得更加陌生 Nothing is very much fun any more. 过往的乐趣都已消失殆尽 And I can feel one of my turns coming on. 我能感觉到我开始有些不适 I feel cold as a razor blade, 关系生疏地如刀锋一般 Tight as a tourniquet, 胸闷憋气地如邦迪一般 Dry as a funeral drum. 感情冷淡地如丧鼓一般 Run to the bedroom, 冲向卧室 In the suitcase on the left 在左边的衣柜里 You'll find my favorite axe. 你能找到我最心爱的斧子 Don't look so frightened, 不要显得那么害怕 This is just a passing phase, 这只是一个很短的过程 One of my bad days. 比起我所有糟透的日子 Would you like to watch TV? 你想看电视吗 Or get between the sheets? 想去睡觉吗 Or contemplate the silent freeway? 想审视那条寂静的高速路吗 Would you like something to eat? 你想吃点东西吗 Would you like to learn to fly? 你想跳楼自杀吗 Would ya? 想吗 Would you like to see me try? 你想看我跳吗 Would you like to call the cops? 你想叫警察吗 Do you think it's time I stopped? 你觉得我该停停吗 Why are you running away? 你别跑啊! ———————————————— 1【turn】(infml 口) feeling of illness 疾病的发作; 不适: She's had one of her turns. 她的病犯了. 2【tight】feeling painful or uncomfortable because of illness or emotion 由于疾病或情感带来的不适、憋气、疼痛 3【dry】not showing emotion 不动感情的 冷冰冰的 ———————————————— 【14】Don’t Leave Me Now 不要现在就离开我 Ooooh babe, don't leave me now. 宝贝儿啊,不要现在就离开我 Don't say it's the end of the road. 不要说这就是路的尽头 Remember the flowers I sent. 想一想我送给你的那些花儿吧 I need you, babe 我需要你,宝贝儿 To put through the shredder 指责我吧 In front of my friends. 当着我朋友们的面儿 Ooooh babe, don't leave me now. 宝贝儿啊,不要现在就离开我 How could you go? 你怎么可以要走呢 When you know how I need you 你可知道我有多需要你 To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night 虽然周六晚上你已把我的心深深戳伤 Ooooh babe, don't leave me now. 宝贝儿啊,不要现在就离开我 How can you treat me this way? 你怎么能够这样对我 Running away. 就这样一走了之 Ooooh babe. 宝贝儿啊 Why are you running away? 你别走啊 ! Oooooh Babe 宝贝儿啊 ———————————————— 1【pulp】If someone is beaten to a pulp or beaten to pulp, they are hit repeatedly until they are very badly injured. 2【put through the shredder】严厉地批评指责 ———————————————— 【15】Another Brick In The Wall Part 3 墙上的另一块砖 I don't need no arms around me. 我不需要别人的拥抱 And I don't need no drugs to calm me. 也不需要通过吸毒来安抚自己 I have seen the writing on the wall. 我已知道我要大难临头 Don't think I need anything at all. 但别以为我什么都需要 No! Don't think I'll need anything at all. 对,不要以为我什么都需要 All in all it was all just bricks in the wall. 说到底,那只不过是墙上的砖 All in all you were all just bricks in the wall. 说到底,你只不过是墙上的砖 ———————————————— 1【the writing (is) on the wall】(there are) clear signs that warn of failure, disaster or defeat (有)失败﹑ 灾祸或覆灭的清楚的徵兆: 源自《圣经》此处不细表 ———————————————— 【16】Goodbye Cruel World 别了,残酷的世界 Goodbye cruel world, 别了,残酷的世界 I'm leaving you today. 我今天就要离你远去 Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. 别了,别了 Goodbye, all you people, 别了,所有的人们 There's nothing you can say 你们说什么也没有用 To make me change my mind. 我不会改变我的心意了 Goodbye. 别了 ———————————————— ———————————————— 【17】Hey you 喂,那个人 Hey you, out there in the cold,Getting lonely, getting old, 喂,那个走在寒风里,变得又老又孤独的你 Can you feel me? 你懂不懂我? Hey you, standing in the aisles,With itchy feet and fading smiles, 喂,那个站在岔路上,强颜欢笑而又想生活在别处的你 Can you feel me? 你懂不懂我? Hey you, dont help them to bury the light, 喂,求你别再与他们一道葬送希望 Don't give in without a fight. 别轻易妥协,我们还有一战 Hey you, out there on your own,Sitting naked by the phone 喂,那个独自一人,只身坐在电话旁的你 Would you touch me? 你倒是说句话? Hey you, with you ear against the wall,Waiting for someone to call out, 喂,那个把耳朵贴在墙上,等着某个战斗号角的你 Would you touch me? 你倒是说句话? Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone? 喂,请同我一起拆下这内心的迷墙 Open your heart, I'm coming home. 敞开心扉,我这就进来。 But it was only fantasy. 可惜我们总要接受现实 The wall was too high, As you can see. 这墙太高,你也知道 No matter how he tried, He could not break free. 再多的尝试,他也不愿从墙内出来 And the worms ate into his brain. 他已彻底物化 Hey you, standing in the road,always doing what you're told, 啊!那个停在路上,接受命运的你 Can you help me? 你倒是帮帮忙? Hey you, out there beyond the wall, Breaking bottles in the hall, 啊!那个躲在墙后,摔着酒瓶整日发泄的你 Can you help me? 你倒是救救我? Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all, 啊!请千万别对我说根本不抱什么希望 Together we stand, divided we fall. 夜空总会汇聚所有同路人的眼睛。 ———————————————— 1【itchy feet】 an informal expression meaning the desire to travel, which makes it difficult for you to stay in one place for very long [n plural] If she stays too long in one country she finds it boring and begins to get itchy feet. 2【call out】to order or advise workers to stop work as a protest ———————————————— 【18】Is There Anybody Out There? 墙外有人吗? Is there anybody out there? 墙外有人吗? Is there anybody out there? 墙外有人吗? Is there anybody out there? 墙外有人吗? Is there anybody out there? 墙外有人吗? ———————————————— ———————————————— 【19】Nobody Home 无人接听 I've got a little black book with my poems in. 我有本黑色的小册子,里面记着我的诗 Got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in. 我还有个书包,里面装着牙刷和梳子 When I'm a good dog they sometimes throw me a bone in. 当我还是个好孩子,他们时常戏弄我 I got elastic bands keeping my shoes on. 我勒紧鞋带 Got those swollen hand blues. 用水肿的手指弹奏布鲁斯 I've got thirteen channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from. 我有十三个垃圾电视频道可以选 I've got electric light. 我有电灯 And I've got second sight. 我能预见未来 I've got amazing powers of observation. 我还有敏锐的洞察力 And that is how I know 这就是我如何知晓 When I try to get through On the telephone to you 当我想要给你打电话时 There will be nobody home. 总会无人接听 I've got the obligatory Hendrix perm. 我有亨德里克斯的烫发 And the inevitable pinhole burns 还有不可避免地烫孔 All down the front of my favorite satin shirt. 都留在了我最喜爱的绸缎衬衫上 I've got nicotine stains on my fingers. 我的手指沾有尼古丁 I've got a silver spoon on a chain. 我有个吸食可卡因的银勺子 I've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains. 我有台支撑肉体的大钢琴 I've got wild staring eyes. 我有双狂野凝视的眼睛 And I've got a strong urge to fly. 我渴求飞翔 But I've got nowhere to fly to. 但我又能飞往何处? Ooooh, Babe. When I pick up the phone 宝贝儿啊,当我拾起电话 There's still nobody home. 还是无人接听 I've got a pair of Gohills boots 我有一双登山鞋 And I've got fading roots. 却没有立足之地 ———————————————— 1【throw someone a bone】给某人东西,但并不合乎他的期望 2【second sight】the capacity to see remote or future objects or events 3【silver spoon on a chain】is one of the more direct drug references of the album, instantly recognizable as a popular method for freebasing cocaine ———————————————— 【20】Vera 维拉 Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn? 这儿还有没有人记得维拉林恩? Remember how she said that 记得她曾说过 We would meet again 我们将再相见 Some sunny day? 届时阳光明媚 Vera! Vera! 维拉啊维拉 What has become of you? 你还好吗 Does anybody else in here Feel the way I do? 这儿还有与我一样有同感的吗? ———————————————— ———————————————— 【21】Bringing the Boys Back Home 带男孩回家 Bring the boys back home. 带男孩回家 Bring the boys back home. 带男孩回家 Don't leave the children on their own, no, no. 不要让孩子一个人待着,不要,不要 Bring the boys back home. 把男孩带回家 ———————————————— ———————————————— 【22】Comfortably Numb 麻木得安逸 Hello, is there anybody in there? 喂,里面有人吗? Just nod if you can hear me. 你只需点头,如果能听见我说话 Is there anyone home? 家里有人吗? Come on, now, I hear you're feeling down. 来吧,就现在,我知道你感觉很糟糕 Well I can ease your pain 没关系,我可以缓解你的痛苦 And get you on your feet again. 并让你重新振作起来 Relax, I'll need some information first. 放松,我需要先了解一下情况 Just the basic facts. 只是一些基本的情况 Can you show me where it hurts? 你能指给我哪里疼痛吗 There is no pain you are receding. 这儿并没有疼痛,而你却离我越来越远 A distant ship, smoke on the horizon. (我就像那)远方的轮船,在地平线上冒烟 You are only coming through in waves. 可你却乘着波浪过来(接近轮船) Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying. 你的嘴唇在动,我却听不清你在说什么 When I was a child I had a fever 当我还是个孩子,我曾发过一次烧 My hands felt just like two balloons. 我的双手感觉就像两只热气球 Now I've got that feeling once again 现在我又一次有了这种感觉 I can't explain, you would not understand 我无法解释,你也不会懂 This is not how I am. 这不是真实的我 I have become comfortably numb. 我已麻木得有些安逸 Ok, just a little pinprick. 好吧,只是一小针 There'll be no more...aaaaaaaaah! 不会再有更多的剂量……啊,疼! But you may feel a little sick. 也许你会感觉有点不适 Can you stand up? 你能站起来吗 I do believe it's working, good. 我敢保证药效正在起作用,好的! That'll keep you going through the show 它会保证你完成演出 Come on it's time to go. 来吧,是时候该走了 There is no pain you are receding. 这儿并没有疼痛,而你却离我越来越远 A distant ship, smoke on the horizon. (我就像那)远方的轮船,在地平线上冒烟 You are only coming through in waves. 可你却乘着波浪过来(接近轮船) Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying. 你的嘴唇在动,我却听不清你在说什么 When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse 当我还是个孩子,我曾匆匆瞥见一个东西 Out of the corner of my eye. 用我眼睛的余光 I turned to look but it was gone 我转过身再去看,它却消失了 I cannot put my finger on it now 我现在已无法描述它 The child is grown, the dream is gone. 孩子已经长大,梦想也已远去 I have become comfortably numb. 我已麻木得有些安逸 ———————————————— 1【put one's finger on sth】 identify precisely or point out (an error, the cause of a problem, etc) 准确地看出或指出(错误﹑ 问题的所在): I can't quite put my finger on the flaw in her argument. 我看不出她的论点有何不妥 ———————————————— 【23】The Show Must Go On 演出必须继续 Ooooh, Ma, Oooh Pa 妈妈啊,爸爸 Must the show go on? 演出必须继续吗? Ooooh, Pa. Take me home 爸爸啊,带我回家 Ooooh, Ma. Let me go 妈妈啊,让我走吧 There must be some mistake 这里一定是出了什么差错 I didn't mean to let them 我的意思不是让他们 Take away my soul. 拿走我的灵魂啊 Am I too old, is it too late? 我是否太老了?这是否太迟了? Ooooh, Ma, Ooooh Pa, 妈妈啊,爸爸 Where has the feeling gone? 这感觉去哪了? Ooooh, Ma, Ooooh Pa, 妈妈啊,爸爸 Will I remember the song? 我能记住这首歌吗? The show must go on. 演出必须继续 ———————————————— ———————————————— 【24】In The Flesh Part 2 现场 So ya thought ya Might like to go to the show. 嗯,你曾觉得你最好还是应该来参加这场演出 To feel that warm thrill of confusion, 去体验嘈杂混乱的现场带给你的快感 That space cadet glow. 偏执狂在那里异常享受 I've got some bad news for you sunshine, 亲爱的,我有一些坏消息要告诉你 Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel 平克今天感觉不太好,他回到旅店休息去了 And they sent us along as a surrogate band 所以为了弥补,他们派我们乐队来演出 We're gonna find out where you fans really stand. 现在我们就来看看你们是怎么作为粉丝的 Are there any queers in the theater tonight? 今晚这里有人是同性恋吗? Get them up against the wall. 把他们揪出来,让他们面壁站着 [choir: 'Gainst the wall!] 合唱:面壁站着! There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me, 聚光灯下那个人,我觉得他看上去很不对劲很有嫌疑 Get him up against the wall. 把他揪出来,让他面壁站着 [choird: 'Gainst the wall!] 合唱:面壁站着! That one looks Jewish! 那个人不是个犹太猪吗! And that one's a coon! 还有那个黑鬼! Who let all of this riff-raff into the room? 是谁他妈让这些王八羔子进来的? There's one smoking a joint! 那儿还有一个在吸大麻! And another with spots! 还有个长着一脸雀斑! If I had my way, 要是我可以为所欲为 I'd have all of you shot! 我早就把你们全都毙了! ———————————————— ———————————————— 【25】Run Like Hell 拼命跑 Run. Run. Run. Run. 跑 跑 快跑 You better make your face up in Your favorite disguise. 你最好用你最喜欢的方式把你的脸伪装起来 With your button-down lips and your Roller blind eyes. 用你那世故的嘴唇和目空一切的双眼 With your empty smile and your hungry heart. 用你那空洞的微笑和欲壑难填的内心 Feel the bile rising from your guilty past. (你最好)忏悔因你罪恶的过去所激起的民愤高涨 With your nerves in tatters 用你那支离破碎的神经 As the cockle shell shatters 当躯壳被砸碎 And the hammers batter down the door. 当锤子猛击房门 You better run. 你最好跑 You better run all day and run all night. 你最好整日整夜地跑 And keep your dirty feelings deep inside. 把你肮脏的想法深深埋葬 And if you're taking your girlfriend out tonight 如果你今晚正要带着女友外出 You better park the car well out of sight. 你最好把车停好在我们的视线之外 Cause if they catch you in the back seat 因为如果他们抓住你们在后座调情 Trying to pick her locks, 他们一定会揪她的头发 They're gonna send you back to mother In a cardboard box. 他们会把你装在纸箱里寄给你的妈妈 You better run. 你最好跑 ———————————————— ———————————————— 【26】Waiting For The Worms 等待蠕虫 'Eins, zwei, drei, alle !' 一、二、三,所有人! Ooooh, you cannot reach me now 啊,你现在不能触及我 Ooooh, no matter how you try 啊,无论你怎么尝试 Goodbye, cruel world, it's over 别了,残酷的世界,结束了 Walk on by. 继续走吧 Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall 坐在我墙后的战壕里 Waiting for the worms to come. 等待蠕虫到来 In perfect isolation here behind my wall 在我墙后完美的隔离下 Waiting for the worms to come. 等待蠕虫到来 Waiting to cut out the deadwood. 等待屠杀冗员 Waiting to clean up the city. 等待清除城市 Waiting to follow the worms. 等待追随蠕虫 Waiting to put on a black shirt. 等待穿上制服 Waiting to weed out the weaklings. 等待剔除弱者 Waiting to smash in their windows 等待击碎窗户 And kick in their doors. 还有闯进房门 Waiting for the final solution To strengthen the strain. 等待增强旋律的最后方法 Waiting to follow the worms. 等待追随蠕虫 Waiting to turn on the showers 等待开启淋浴 And fire the ovens. 还有烧毁烤炉 Waiting for the queers and the coons 等待同性黑鬼 and the reds and the Jews. 还有红军犹太 Waiting to follow the worms. 等待追随蠕虫 Would you like to see Britannia Rule again, my friend? 想看英国佬的再一次覆灭吗,我的朋友? All you have to do is follow the worms. 所有你要做的就是追随蠕虫 Would you like to send our colored cousins Home again, my friend? 想送有色人种再一次回家吗,我的朋友? All you need to do is follow the worms. 所有你要做的就是追随蠕虫 ———————————————— ———————————————— 【27】Stop 停下 I wanna go home. 我想回家 Take off this uniform 脱下这身制服 And leave the show. 离开这场演出 But I'm waiting in this cell 但我仍在这间单人牢房继续等 Because I have to know 因为我必须要知道 Have I been guilty all this time? 我是否一直有罪 ———————————————— ———————————————— 【28】The Trial 审判 Good morning, Worm your honor. 早上好,尊敬的虫子大人 The crown will plainly show 王冠将清晰地展现 The prisoner who now stands before you Was caught red-handed showing feelings Showing feelings of an almost human nature. 现在站在您面前的这个罪犯是在流露一种人性的感情时被当场擒获的 This will not do. 流露人性是没有用的 Call the schoolmaster! 把校长唤来 I always said he'd come to no good In the end your honor. 我早就说了,他来了不会干什么好事儿,我亲爱的王上 If they'd let me have my way I could have Flayed him into shape. 如果让我用我的主意来收拾他们的话,我就能把他们都调教好 But my hands were tied, 但我的手被束缚住了 The bleeding hearts and artists 悲悯的人们和艺术家 Let him get away with murder. 让他侥幸地逃脱了 Let me hammer him today. 今天就让我用锤子凿他吧 Crazy...toys in the attic I am crazy, 疯了,楼上的玩偶,我疯了 Truly gone fishing. 真的去钓鱼了 They must have taken my marbles away. 他们一定拿走了我的弹珠 Crazy, toys in the attic. He is crazy. 疯了,楼上的玩偶,他疯了 You little shit you're in it now, 你这个小废物,现在困在这里了 I hope they throw away the key. 我希望他们扔掉钥匙 You should have talked to me more often Than you did, 你早就应该多跟我经常交流交流, but no!You had to go your own way. 但你没有,你总是一意孤行 Have you broken any homes up lately? 你近来可曾打扰别的家庭 Just five minutes, Worm your honor, 再给我五分钟,尊敬的虫子大人 Him and Me, alone. 让我和他单独谈谈 Baaaabe! 宝贝儿 Come to mother baby, let me hold you in my arms. 到妈妈这儿来宝贝儿,让我用手抱着你 M'Lord I never wanted him to get in any trouble. 大人,我从不希望他陷入麻烦 Why'd he ever have to leave me? 为什么他要离开我 Worm, your honor, let me take him home. 尊敬的虫子大人,让我带他回家 Crazy, over the rainbow, I am crazy, 疯了,彩虹之上,我疯了 Bars in the window. 窗上的铁栏 There must have been a door there in the wall When I came in. 当我进来时,墙上一定一直有一扇门 Crazy, over the rainbow, he is crazy. 疯了,彩虹之上,他疯了 The evidence before the court is incontrovertible 庭上的证据已是无可争辩 There's no need for the jury to retire. 陪审团无需休庭重判 In all my years of judging I have never heard before 在我做审判的这些年我从没有听说过 Of someone more deserving of the full penalty of law. 这么罪有应得的人 The way you made them suffer, 你让他们受苦的方式 Your exquisite wife and mother, ——你的贤妻良母—— Fills me with the urge to defecate! 使我迫切地要澄清 Since, my friend, you have revealed your deepest fear 因为,我的朋友,你已展露出你深深的恐惧 I sentence you to be exposed before your peers. 我判决你在公众的面前曝光 Tear down the wall! 把墙拆掉 Tear down the wall! 把墙拆掉 ———————————————— ———————————————— 【29】Outside The Wall 墙外 All alone, or in twos, 所有孤独的一个人或一对人 The ones who really love you 那些真爱着你们的人们 Walk up and down outside the wall. 在墙外走来走去 Some hand in hand 一些人联合起来 And some gathered together in bands. 一些人聚集成群 The bleeding hearts and artists 悲悯的人们和艺术家 Make their stand. 捍卫着他们的底线 And when they've given you their all 当他们把他们的一切都交给你 Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy 他们中的一些踉跄跌倒,这毕竟不容易 Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall. 面对那些疯子的墙时,请扪心自问。 ———————————————— 1【make a stand (against/for sth/sb)】be ready to resist, fight, argue, etc 准备抵抗﹑ 格斗﹑ 争论等 ———————————————— By 菲尔(Ferre) 2012.12.12 【未经允许,请勿转载】
Pink Floyd The Wall,大型魔幻秀MV。集权主义人肉工厂,花的交媾,恶魔母亲,肉肠、锤子、蠕虫,对纳粹主义的讽刺,颇具孤独逼格的中二宣扬,歇斯底里地,仿佛只有砸了全世界才能终止。关于墙的概念,古今中外皆然,一直在打破在向外翻。8.4
Pink Floyd乐队的超长mv,小学3年纪的一个深夜在中央电视台看到的
#SIFF#;重看;All in all it was all just bricks in the wall.作为摇滚史上最伟大的概念专辑之一,足以留名青史,增加叙事性的影像化,剪辑眼花缭乱,插入动画更增强意识流效果;涵盖主题极广,具有时代意义。
一部后现代主义的超长MV。-13.08.10 → 17.06.19:初次观影是因为《迷墙》乃豆瓣电影TOP 250之一,那时候我还不认识「平克·弗洛伊德」,如今已成为他们歌迷。上影节重温的小感想:对动画部分的印象远超真人部分,So,是我当年还比较单纯没能看懂动画里的性隐喻?还是时间过了好几年而记不太清呢?……