1 ) 命中注定
而rockwell falls这个小镇的名字也恰好有13个字母。
Biblical Meaning of Numbers - The List Teaser
One : 1 - Biblical Meaning of Number: is the number of God. Independence is also attached to this number as well, for it excludes all things that are different.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number one is also used when marking the beginnings of things. Unity is very common when defining this number, for it stands alone and cannot be divided.
Two : 2 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with separation, things that are divided, or things that bring about division.
Added Christian Viewpoint: By it being the first number that can be divided, it is often look at as the fundamental number for division. The number two is attached to the term "Revelation" as well. It has also been used when referring to discord and even war. Ruin and death is also within its context.
Three : 3 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with approval, viewing things within its entirety, and things that have become solid and complete.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number three is also used when describing the Trinity or the Godhead (divine perfection). The number three has also been associated with the concepts of spirit and life.
Four : 4 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with God's creative works or Earth Creation (material completeness).
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number four is always used when referring to God's creation. This number has also been used when describing the vastness of space.
Five : 5 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with grace and redemption - God's grace or life that's moved by the spirit.
Added Christian Viewpoint: This number has also been used to describe freedom and completeness.
Six : 6 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with the number of man. This number is also used when referring to (human labor) or (secular completeness)
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number six is also attached when describing the constant battle between spirit and flesh.
Seven : 7 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with spiritual perfection and spiritual completeness.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number seven has also been used when describing the covenant between man and God.
Eight : 8 - Biblical Meaning of Number: One who abounds in strength.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number eight is also used in reference to fertility. It has also been used when referring to the Resurrection or new beginnings.
Nine : 9 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with judgment or the finality of things. Basically, it's used when judging man and all of his works. (The 'United States Supreme Court' comes to mind when I think about this number.)
Added Christian Viewpoint: This number has also been used to describe the perfect movement of God.
Ten : 10 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with completeness that happens in a divine order or completed during a course of time. There's nothing that is left wanting within the complete cycle the number ten has just completed.
(In today's society this number is looked at mostly when referring to some kind of ranking or describing something that's close to perfection)
Eleven : 11 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the things of imperfection, disorganization of systems, and the disorder or chaos of things.
Twelve : 12 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with placing things within perfect order or achieving governmental structural perfection.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number twelve has also been used to describe the twelve tribes which is the major civilization foundation of God's chosen people (Jewish Nation). Plus anything that is made up of rules or laws has this number associated with it.
Thirteen : 13 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the rebellion of things, corruption, abandonment, defection, revolution, to break or destroy.
Fourteen : 14 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with spiritual perfection that is doubled measured in strength or spiritual completeness that is twice over.
Fifteen : 15 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the energy that is found within the acts of divine grace.
Sixteen : 16 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to the things that deals with love. To have passion and hold dear. To cherish and have devotion towards things
Seventeen : 17 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the perfection of some type of spiritual order
Eighteen : 18 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to things that deals with bondage, slavery, captivity and serfdom
Nineteen : 19 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the perfection of divine order that is in relation to judgment.
Twenty : 20 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the expectancy of things happening with a great magnitude
Twenty One : 21 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with a Divine Completion of some sort
Twenty Two : 22 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the disorganization of things to a great degree, corruption and disintegration are magnified as well
Twenty Three : 23 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference towards things or situations that involves death or extinction
Twenty Four : 24 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to a heavenly government and a heavenly worship.
Twenty Five : 25 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the expectancy of receiving divine grace and redemption from the almighty God
Twenty Six : 26 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Twenty Seven : 27 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the expectancy of getting divine approval or divine redemption
Twenty Eight : 28 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the expectancy of divine strength and courage
Twenty Nine : 29 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the expectancy of Judgment
Thirty : 30 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to the marking of the right moment.
Thirty One : 31 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with things that deal with the name of God or Deity.
Thirty Two : 32 -Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with having a covenant or agreement with a certain person or party
Thirty Three : 33 - Biblical Numerology Meaning - deals in reference with the making of a pledge or promise to someone.
Thirty Four : 34 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the naming of a son
Thirty Five : 35 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with having hope, trust and confidence towards a person or thing
Thirty Six : 36 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference in regards to a particular enemy or opposition
Thirty Seven : 37 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the Word that comes from the almighty God
Thirty Eight : 38 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with slavery or having complete control or dominance over an individual or group
Thirty Nine : 39 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with people having a sickness or disease
Forty : 40 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with some sort of probation or trial.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number forty has also been used to describe a divine period of judgment.
Forty Two : 42 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to the Antichrist.
Forty Four : 44 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with things that bring about a worldwide divine judgment against humanity
Forty Five : 45 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with maintaining, preserving or protecting the things that matter the most to you.
Fifty : 50 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with deliverance or restoration of things.
Fifty One : 51 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to having or experiencing a divine revelation.
Sixty : 60 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the sin of pride or conceit
Sixty Six : 66 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with secular or idol worship.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number sixty-six also deals with - Fallacy, trickery, guile and deception
Seventy : 70 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with a time of judgment against God's people.
One Hundred : 100 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with some sort of an election process of God's chosen
One Hundred and Nineteen : 119 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with having success or mastery over something
One Hundred and Twenty : 120 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to a divine probation period.
One Hundred and Forty Four : 144 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with having a personal spiritual guide
Two Hundred : 200 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with things within a state of insufficiency.
Four Hundred : 400 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to a divinely perfect period in time.
Six Hundred : 600 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with extreme conflict or war
Six Hundred and Sixty Six : 666 - Biblical Numerology Meaning - deals with the number that refers to the name that is in relation to the Antichrist.
Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven : 777 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the name of Jesus Christ
Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight : 888 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the name of the Holy Spirit
One Thousand : 1000 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with having or achieved some sort of divine completeness
Four Thousand : 4000 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with a divine worldwide salvation
Six Thousand : 6000 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the deception of the Antichrist that he will bring against humanity
Seven Thousand : 7000 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with a divine final judgment
One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand : 144,000 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with those that came out of the great tribulation in which the book of Revelations is referring to in chapter fourteen.
2 ) 假装悬疑片看
3 ) 绝命数字
4 ) 我曾设想过这样的一个地方
5 ) 逃出,逃不出!
6 ) 这部影片不应该作为恐怖片理解
这部影片蕴涵了一个很深刻的道理。影片中的小镇上的居民反复强调的Solidarity, Steadfast,Equlibrium,Peace。实际上,从哲学来说,均衡应该是宇宙中普遍存在的一条法则。一个方面多出来,在另一个方面必然会减少。这个小镇的居民一直在人为的维护着这个均衡,直到被Mr. Kady的逃跑扰乱。但是很不幸的是,Mr.Kady最终在逃亡的路上死于车祸。这让人突然有了一种凉飕飕的感觉。是否宇宙的自然法则就在支配着人们的行为?主观上认为自由的意志,是否最终无法破坏宇宙的法则而获得完全的自由?或者,所谓自由意志最终不过是个幻觉,是人们站在物质意识二元论这一本来不存在的二分法理论上得到的错误?于是,最终,人们的意志不过是宇宙中一些毫无生机的自然律,而无论人们以为自己多么自由的主宰自己的行动时,他们最终都无法逃脱这种自然律的支配,或者,他们原本就是没有任何“自由”的。
太平静太和谐 很恐怖
小制作 立意还不错
这这newwave? 主角声音不错
印象中 这部好像还不错哎
创意不错,可惜拍的很一般,436 一个不能多,一个不能少。