简介: Herzog takes a film crew to the island of Guadeloupe when he hears that the volcano on the island is going to erupt. Everyone has left, except for one old ..详细 >
silence, inner world of reticence but wide open at such crucial moment empty city, tormented heart stopped beating and bygones let go catastrophe to come, everything due to be put an end
three black people unexpectedly waiting for death: "I'm not afraid of dying." "I'm under God's will." "Why should I leave? I would only have to come back. Where could I go?" "Nothing at all.I'm waiting for death." "You see that?How I am waiting..."(lying still on the ground, like someone already dead) Later he smiles and sings facing the camera,rather optimistic. "Look after animals,saving them." "We all have to die someday, just like that." "I'm here.I'm poor.I only have myself to look after." But he is the father of fifteen children!
"ARE YOU AFRAID?" "NO!" They are calm and resolved, nothing afraid to lose,like a saint in front of Armageddon.Yes,what difference does it make? We are nowhere to escape in this life, since death is sooner or later to come.
But what does Herzog,this crazy man,doing here?He is all the way there to wait for his death?He is gambling on his life just to witness what sympathy is?Or,what's more possible,he just wanna do it,from his nature as an adventurer .
However it did not explode,like a cruel joke. The city must be dynamic again, another man-made active volcano.
He said, it was embarrassing.I guess for him it was kind of pilgrimage,nothing related to religion though. He walked all his way to the holy place,and he had been so nearer to her,but only disappointedly to find the void.Maybe void exists everywhere. She lied. La Soufrière, once a story,would soon be forgotten,but not in Herzog's image.
3 ) Part of the Screen Play. Read by Herzog Himself.
Clear indication is about to erupt. Late August. 75 thousands inhabitants were evacuated. Excited.One peasant refused to leave.deserted. Traffic light, refrigerator, art condition, TV set. It was a comfort for us not having the law hanging around. Shops had been cleared. Scattered on the ground. Dogs...no more garbage to garvenge. A pier devoid of ships.
Seismic crisis. scientist fled in a boat. The disaster is inevitable within the next few hours. 25 miles camera. Flew the last hours of town and last pictures taken of it.
Tranquil and Serenity.
The quite and deserted atmosphere of the town was so intense that we became fascinated and eager to take a look at the source of the silence namely as the crater of the volcano itself. The greatest dangers came from toxic gas. For the first time became to get scared. Toxic gas Clouds. A few hours later, things look better because the wind turns. We decided to carry on. We are able to film for several hours without anxiety. The ground was hot and rather unsteady. Bottomless Fissures where the hot gas were pouring. Camera man left spectekies behind. pick up the next day.
People are aware of dangerous because there was a eruption on the neighboring island. Warnings were identical to those of LA. The population intended to flee. But since there are some elections that has already be postponed for other reasons that governor persuaded the people to stay. Only a few hundred had left, all others remained. The horrified rescue team found not a living soul. People had been chard to in cinder. No usual expulsion of larva. expelled a cloud of gas. The whole things could only have taken seconds.
It was a young thief. That he only survived because he was the baddest guy in town. In underground solitary confinement. Side show Attraction in circus.
The hours past, and the waiting began. Nobody knew the eruption is gonna happen the next minute or next day. Because no one can see a thing, the fear became anonymous.
MAN ONE with a cat.
I’m here because it’s god’s will. I’m waiting for my death. And I wouldn’t know where I’m gonna go anyway. I haven’t a cent. I am poor. Yes and no one knows when it will come. It’s as god as commanded. Like life, Death is forever. I haven’t the slightly fear. He is taken everyone to his “prison”. Death waits forever. It’s eternal. I am not the sli... why should I leave. I made peace with myself with what insides me. I have nothing at all and I am waiting for death. You see this is how I’m waiting. “Eyes closed and arms stretched, lying straight.” Talking became singing. I have lived through so many typhoons.
There is not a thing you can do.
I am not afraid of death. Here I am and I look after the ani all the times. They are kept behind. So I am looking after them I am saving them. And if gets much worse and really bad, maybe I will clear out today. I want to see my children. But I am not afraid of dying. I am fifty five now. I am not afraid. I have fifteen children. Waiving hands. I’m here and I am poor. I only have myself to look after. I can also walk to LA. But if you are gonna take me to XX, I will go along.
After some weeks, population drifted back in town. Never before in the history of volcanology where signals of such magnitude measured, and yet nothing happened. The volcano would pro be soon forgotten, in my memory it is not the volcano that remains, but the neglected oblivion in which those black people live.
There were something pathetic for us in the shooting of this picture and therefore it ended a little bit embarrassing.
Now It has become a report of an inevitable catastrophe that did not take place.
20120519 @ agnes b. cinema : waiting for an unavoidable catastrophe which did not happen... hah.
20110212 旁白是赫尔佐格亲自献声。相比灰熊人蹩脚的英语,这里是用他的母语,而且30年的光景果真不是盖的啊。不变的还是慢悠悠的语速,沙哑的声音,还有每次说到设问句奇怪的上扬的语调,就好像一个长辈坐晚辈面前不紧不慢地讲述自己的故事一般。这是赫尔佐格最吸引LZ的地方。
20220912@ Ozu|20201231精校中字已发布在线:BV1vy4y1U753 | 2021更新:火山四月九日在休眠四十多年后首次喷发,无人死亡但居民大规模撤离。不知现在岛上还有没有当年那种死也不走大不了同归于尽的人|荷索补完计划。摄影和色调引发强烈舒适。《我就是我的电影》里Herzog说:“这部片非常好笑,因为最后火山没有爆发,于是一切都变得非常荒谬。”
这一部的质感异常好 回归传统纪录片的单一视角辅以旁白 整个 Guadeloupe 岛上呈现了空灵 云雾吞吐萦绕 p.s. 如果说法语学习听力用侯麦 那么我建议德语用荷索 且甚至德味儿英语也用他的纪录片 2333
当人类消失了,而文明还在。私以为是最美好的。Death waits forever and for everyone.