爭取同性戀權益的三藩市監視委員會(Board of Supervisors)的米爾克(Harvey Milk)於1978年被殺,30年之後,到2008年才有以他生平為題材的電影面世,可知道處理政治敏感的題材要經過重重困難才能完成。電影裡提及的多位當事人,現仍在世,要把作品完成而不惹某方面的抗議,事前必定已做了很多功夫。
這部電影拍得小心、謹慎,基本上可說是部docu-drama(紀實式劇情片),而具備創意才華的導演Gus van Sant,今回無疑要保守一點,老老實實、巡規蹈矩,順著史實資料,來刻劃一個歷史人物。幸好,米爾克的奮鬥經過和其結局,本身便已有戲劇性,其感動人心的成份和力量相當充足,所以編劇和導演,也不需要怎樣花腦汁構思甚麼盪氣迴腸的場面來令觀眾有刻骨銘心的印象。
爭取同性戀權益的三藩市監視委員會(Board of Supervisors)的米爾克(Harvey Milk)於1978年被殺,30年之後,到2008年才有以他生平為題材的電影面世,可知道處理政治敏感的題材要經過重重困難才能完成。電影裡提及的多位當事人,現仍在世,要把作品完成而不惹某方面的抗議,事前必定已做了很多功夫。
這部電影拍得小心、謹慎,基本上可說是部docu-drama(紀實式劇情片),而具備創意才華的導演Gus van Sant,今回無疑要保守一點,老老實實、巡規蹈矩,順著史實資料,來刻劃一個歷史人物。幸好,米爾克的奮鬥經過和其結局,本身便已有戲劇性,其感動人心的成份和力量相當充足,所以編劇和導演,也不需要怎樣花腦汁構思甚麼盪氣迴腸的場面來令觀眾有刻骨銘心的印象。
3 ) Your differences are medicine for the world even if the world doesn't know it
Just got back from BHS. I felt lucky to watch this masterpiece on big screen despite the quality of the tape. What's more special about tonight was that followed by the screening, Stuart Milk, the nephew of Harvey was there to host a Q&A session. Stuart Milk is the president of Milk foundation which does devoted work to support LGBT community internationally.
The time is late 70s and the place is San Francisco. After a short bio of Milk who is originally from Long Island New York, then moves to SF with his partner, the movie shifts its focus onto his campaigns, which made tremendously sense out of the title of the movie ---- the times of Harvey Milk. After three unsuccessful attempts, Milk is elected to the San Francisco Board Supervisors. As the first openly gay man to be elected, it's understandably controversial and considered to be one of the biggest breakthroughs on LGBT right in the history.
I like how this movie isn't all about Harvey Milk's personal life and his tragic ending. But a good chunk of the movie is documenting the changes in the acceptance of homosexuality in the United States. As of one of Milk's biggest accomplishment, together with George Moscone, the defeat of California's Proposition 6 was a huge win and great encouragement to gay people. However, among all the interviewees throughout the entire film, the most intriguing one was Jim Elliot. His words were candid and indicative of working class Americans at the time. He famously said, if he hadn't met Harvey Milk he had no problem with policemen beating gay people and throwing them out of the bar. "What's wrong with that?"
The movie itself is really touching and powerful. It waves through the story of this formidable man's involvement in the political process. I was surprised that it was made in 1984, not that far from the infamous assassination of Milk and Moscone. The movie well captures the mood and moment of the community, the city and the history. The audience tonight was deeply moved when we saw the candlelight vigil on the evening of the tragedy that consisted of thousands of thousands of people marching from Castro to City Hall in San Francisco. There were 5 doctors and 17 lawyers in the march publicly without worrying about being fired from work, all thanks to Milk and his defeat of Prop.6. Nowadays the number seems to be ridiculously trivial, but imagine that was almost 40 years ago when homosexuality was still considered a mental illness let along openly gay people come out to the world and protest on the street.
In the Q&A session, people asked all sorts of question about Harvey Milk himself, like what inspirations or what happened to him that made him became who he was, what kind of support he received internally from the close family etc. Mr.Stuart Milk was definitely one of the finest speakers I've ever seen, he answered those questions with witty analogies and adorable anecdotes between he and his uncle. He said the death of his uncle was the bullet to the "closet door" to him. He came out right after the murder and became a human right activist to carry on his uncle's wish.
"I was 17 when Harvey was killed. He gave me this book when I was twelve. On the first page he wrote 'Your differences are medicine for the world even if the world doesn't know it. The fact that you're different makes it even more important. Never give up'".
好电影………从电影中看到了很多,理解、宽容、不偏激不偏见、文化的多样性and so on....................
标准纪录,实用为主。不是每个人都付得起希望的代价,自卑去了...-03/08/12\I left my heart in San Francisco-01/10/17 at MoMI
好电影………从电影中看到了很多,理解、宽容、不偏激不偏见、文化的多样性and so on....................
标准纪录,实用为主。不是每个人都付得起希望的代价,自卑去了...-03/08/12\I left my heart in San Francisco-01/10/17 at MoMI
没想到这里还花笔墨说明了当时华人社群运动,米尔克也将之与同志运动联系了起来。暴力永远是暴力的源头,政府当然就是最好的防御墙——本该是如此的,但当防御墙不再中立,也成了暴力的帮凶,人民怎能不愤怒呢?(btw听太多Dan White已经想把他叫成Damn White了)
“You have gotta give ‘em hope.” 再一次令我词穷的感动,有米尔克作为模范的我是无比幸运的。是时代成就一位伟人还是伟人成就一个时代?米尔克留下的不仅仅是这个无解的命题,还有希望,最纯粹的希望。那些从这部纪录片中借用的历史影像也是《米尔克》的神来之笔。
【150909】"I know that u can't live on hope alone,but without it,life is not worth living."不是很喜欢这种非人物为中心的传记纪录片,哈维本人的访谈也太少了点吧。
“I know that you cannot live on a hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living.”
8.5 宣告Harvey和Moscone之死的影像明明就在开头,犯罪嫌疑人的姓名也毫无保留的道出。但仅20分钟后,这个名字就被彻底淡忘,毫无印象。新闻/信息总是那么容易忘记,但为所想努力前进/抗争的人永不停息。
75/100 中规中矩的精彩的好莱坞英雄主义纪录片
前半段呈现的哈维米克尔的个人魅力远超西恩潘主演的电影,后半段对杀人凶手丹怀特的审判则尽显美帝司法所代表陪审团制度的争议,所谓的司法公正是个笑话 。“在美国社会里,文明不重要,尊重他人的权利也不重要,只要你是白人,并且你遵循某些白人中产的价值观。因为你因此杀人而不被制裁,你会获得原谅。”在白人至上的主流社会,LGBT和少数裔群体为自身争取平权的道路险阻漫长。
作为传主,感觉哈维牛奶的戏份还是少了点,最后被刺也不是因为同性恋的问题。现在大家都记得基佬米尔克,谁记得一起死的直男莫斯康内。他推动了同性恋的权益,而且看起来也是个挺不错很nice的基佬,但看到了在no more violence的呼声中打砸烧的示威者,怎么又能说他是成功的呢。