S1, Ep1 Crew selection Part 1 06 Sep. 2021
S1, Ep2 Crew selection Part 2 06 Sep. 2021
S1, Ep3 The Training Begins 13 Sep. 2021
S1, Ep4 Prepare for Launch 13 Sep. 2021
S1, Ep5 The Return Home 30 Sep. 2021
第一季 第一集 船员选择(上) 2021年9月06日播出;
第一季 第二集 船员选择(下) 2021年9月06日播出;
第一季 第三集 训练开始 2021年9月13日播出;
第一季 第四集 准备发射 2021年9月13日播出;
第一季 第五集 归来之家 2021年9月30日播出;
Space X灵感4号绕地飞行任务——由38岁的亿万富翁Jared Isaacman发起并担任指挥,另外三名成员分别是51岁的地球科学家Sian Proctor、圣祖德儿童研究医院29岁的医师助理Hayley Arceneaux,以及42岁的美国空军退役军人、航空航天数据工程师Chris Sembroski,他们四位分别坐在象征着Leadership、Hope、Generosity、Prosperity的座椅上,凭借科技的力量问鼎苍穹。故事讲到这里已经非常inspiring,如果翻开Hope座椅上的Hayley你会发现,她是童年在癌症的阴影中坚强走出来的阳光女孩;翻开Prosperity座椅上的Sian Proctor,她的父亲是为阿波罗11安全着陆做出卓越贡献的NASA工程师。
一个科技富豪Elon Musk和一个商业富豪Jared Isaacman互相成就,通过Netflix的前沿摄制技术,最终成为绽放在荧屏上的经典美国故事,纪录在册。而这部纪录片的导演正是Jason Hehir,相信很多人跟我一样,都对这位导演在2020年推出的纪录片《The last dance》念念不忘。
标准的美式宣传片。四位平民航天员个个能言善辩,有着旺盛的表达欲,短短3天的飞行也被赋予众多神圣使命和光荣的意义,片中Space X 和Elon Musk反而成为了陪衬。
乘员选择上,Hayley应当说是最符合任务预期的了,幼年战胜癌症,学成归来在St.Jude工作,成为有史以来最年轻的女性航天员,以及首位植入假肢上天的人类;Sian则感觉给乘组赋予了更加多元化的元素,父亲作为少有的有色技术人员为阿波罗11号登月任务保驾护航,并赢得了Neil Armstrong的签名致谢,而她也成为第四名进入太空的有色人种。
借助此片,有机会近距离观察Space X的载人设施,无论是龙飞船的造型、功能、内部设备、硕大穹顶,亦或是航天员穿着简洁得体的航天服乘坐Model X前往发射架、走过金属质感通道登船的所营造的未来感,无不在宣示Space X的与众不同。与预想的飞天前专心训练、与世隔绝不同,四位航天员在出发的前一刻还在与亲朋用餐,仿佛只是要开启一次普通的长途旅行。返回之后似乎也没有需要专门歇息或隔离恢复的意思,就与家人相聚。
不可否认这样一次任务的正面积极效应,尤其是对于St.Jude那些正在与病魔抗争的患者,见到与自己有过相似病症、如今每天帮助自己战胜病魔的小姐姐能够进入太空,应该能够让他们有更多的信心和勇气。只是,除此之外,更多的意义似乎都是参与者自己所赋予的(全平民,最高入轨高度...),难说作为一名普通民众看到这样的一次“壮举”能有多少代入感,是感叹Space X技术的精良?还是感叹天上四人的情怀?Inspiration 4之后,平民与宇宙的距离似乎近了,又似乎没近。
this is all about how you tell the story
Begin dancing
一件曾经离你很远的事是怎样一步步getting real 的
🎥Countdown:Inspiration4 Mission to Space
原以为纪录片会聚焦在“亿万富翁上太空”或者太空旅行的噱头上,没想到前三集都是在讲述space X——为了让人类成为多星球物种,及这四位“普通人”的平凡故事。
飞船发射的最后时刻,萨拉在通讯机里说:“很荣幸帮助你们,为这次历史性的飞行做准备,今天你们是全世界的榜样,祝你们任务成功,祝你们好运,一路顺风,玩得开心。”然后Space X呼叫龙飞船,准备发射升空。
Hayley对她的朋友说:“你们是我在地球最好的朋友。” 这大概就是宇航员们总提到的“总观效应”吧。 弗兰克博尔曼,阿波罗的8号指挥官曾说:“这一定是上帝见到的景象。” 无论你是否信上帝,或者不确定是否信上帝。如果不上太空,就产生不了“总观效应”,你就没法以另一种角度观看世界。
看这个纪录片几度掉眼泪的原因是,我清楚地意识到——这不是科幻电影。 (看到space总控室掌声雷动的感觉和在看电影颁奖礼的感觉好像是一样的。)谁不想在三十岁的人生里,就有机会接到一通电话,然后电话那边抛出一句“你想上太空吗?”这样一个其实是你不可能拒绝的邀请呢?
最后,太空中,飞船巨大的穹顶之下,地球在上,Sian对Hayley说:“能跟你一起上太空,是我的荣幸。” 我在想,在人类唯一的共同命运面前,能够见证这样一场伟大的冒险,也是我的荣幸。
(插播一张Rick and Morty
忍不住记下来了。。最exciting的当然还是the actual mission. Godspeed, Go for launch!
听到这些不知道怎么的 就会想起高达 漫游太空的universal blues. 听着blues在星际穿梭中愣神。Radio里传来 let's dance的那种性感和浪漫!
那种宇宙游子 i'll see you around in this massive universe 的感觉
== Mission ==
Crew: SpaceX Dragon, Comm Check
Operators: Good morning Dragon. I have you load and clear. How me?
Crew: Hear you load and clear, Sarah.
Operators: Dragon SpaceX, Seats are in the launch position.
Crew: Four decimal 1-0-0, we are go for launch.
Operators: And copy that dragon, crew are go for launch.
Man: Crew access are retraction has started.
Man: Crew access are retraction complete
Operators: Dragon SpaceX, you are go for section 7 of 4 decimal 100. Close visors and are the Launch Escape System.
Crew: Closing visors and arming LES
Man: Propellant load has started.
Crew: SpaceX Dragon, our displays are configured for launch.
Operators: Copy that Dragon. And it has been an absolute honour to prepare you for this historic flight. Today you are truly inspiring the world. We wish you a great mission. Good luck, Godspeed and enjoy the ride. (Sarah smiles)
Crew: Dragon SpaceX. Go for launch.
Man: Inspiration4 Go for launch. Punch it, SpaceX.
Operators: T minus 15 seconds.
Operators: Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Zero.
Crew: And MECO. (Stage two separation confirmed)
Crew: Following SpaceX. Nominal orbit insertion. (Stage three separation confirmed)
Crew: On behalf of inspiration4, we just want to thank everyone at home for making this mission possible. We were just carried right to the doorstep of an exciting and unexplored frontier, where few have come before and many are about to follow. The door is open now and it’s pretty incredible.
Operators: Dragon, our environment are looking good in the cabin. At this time, I can give you a go for seat doffing.
Crew: Copy that SpaceX. We are go for 4.300. And the views are incredible.
Crew: Cabin configuration procedure is complete. And seat 1 and 3 are transitioning out of suits.
Operator: Copy cabin configuration is complete, and seat 1 and 3 are transitioning out of suits.
Man: Dragon for SpaceX for end of day briefing. Currently the distance that you guys have traveled today is 218,016 km. Or just approx. under five and a half circumnavigations of the globe. So good work for you all. You are go for 4.050 for those crew sleep preparations.
Man: Dragon SpaceX. We are a go to open the forward hatch for cupola use, per 4.030. And please enjoy the best view of the planet.
Crew: And copy that spaceX. We are in procedure 4.030. And we have a go for opening the forward hatch.
Operators: All right Jared. Everything’s looking good for your return to Earth. We are healthy and looking good for de-orbit entry. Landing will be approx. 7:06pm Eastern time, right before sunset. Regarding the recovery team, they are in position and ready to support. Currently launching fast boats.
Crew: And we copy all. We’re gonna have a good sunset over flight of Florida. We’re looking forward to seeing all you guys soon.
Operators: Dragon SpaceX is go for de-orbit, entry, and landing.
Crew: And copy that, SpaceX. Go for de-orbit, entry, and landing.
Operators: Jared, great read-back. We’re looking forward to bringing you home.
Operators: Dragon, de-orbit sequence start in 5 minute. You are now live.
Crew: And copy that, SpaceX. We show the same.
Operators: Go SpaceX.
Operators: Jared, you’re looking good. No deltas to timeline. Vehicle’s nominal. Tracking no issues. De-orbit is right down the middle with nominal landing site target. No deltas on weather or recovery. And we’re looking forward to having you home shortly.
[blackout period]
Operator: Dragon SpaceX. Comm check.
Operator: Dragon SpaceX. Comm check.
Crew: Dragon hears you loud and clear. How me?
Operators: Dragon, loud and clear. We have your visual on the aircraft. You’re looking great.
Operators: Dragon, expect automated chute deployment.
Crew: Copy that SpaceX. We’re bracing.
Operators: Dragon, visual on two drogues.
Operators: Dragon, descend rate nominal. You have visual from recovery forces.
Crew: Copy that, SpaceX. Good news.
Crew: 1000.
Operators: Copy 1000.
Crew: 600
Operators: Copy 600.
Crew: 200, we are bracing.
Operators: Copy 200.
Operators: Dragon SpaceX sees splashdown and main release!
Crew: SpaceX we have splashdown.
Crew: And inspiration4 is mission complete.
Operators: Inspiration4, on behalf of SpaceX, welcome home to planet Earth. Thanks for sharing your leadership, hope, generosity and prosperity. I congratulations on your incredible journey.
Operators: Dragon, standby for side hatch opening and egress. This will be our last call from you. Congratulations, Inspire4 crew. Signing off.
== Training ==
Crew: SpaceX Dragon, we are ready for a suit-leak check.
Operators: Copy, Dragon, you have a go to initiate the suite-leak check.
Operator: Dragon SpaceX Comm Check
Crew: SpaceX Endeavor, and I hear you load and clear. How you doing Sarah?
Operator: Copy that, I am doing well. Looking forward to supporting you guys today.
Operator: For awareness, we have identified a late-breaking possible conjunction with a fairly close miss-distance to Dragon. We do need you to immediately proceed with suit donning. Securing yourself in s eats.
Operator: The time of closest approach for this event is at 17:43. Please ensure visors are closed and zippers are closed prior to TCA in aprox. 15 seconds.
Crew: SpaceX Endeavor we are visors closed and zipped up.
Operator: Dragon SpaceX, We have passed TCA with on impact.
Coordinator: Sarah, I think you said that we passed the object. Is that correct?
Operator: Affirm, Megan.
Operator: Dragon SpaceX. Nominal trajectory.
Crew: Copy nominal trajectory.
== Fighter jets ==
Back seat: How are you doing?
Front seat: Doing good Commander.
Back seat: 5Gs.
Front seat: Rocking and rolling.
Back seat: We are going to get some Gs on.
Front seat: Roger that.
Back seat: Okay G-monster, lets do this.
Front seat: I am ready.
Front seat: Holly shit.
就...你明明知道是个大型广告,有一套完整的宣传技巧糅合在里面,有些“台词”、音乐还有镜头甚至令人不适... 但还是会看得很兴奋。毕竟,谁不喜欢“梦想”呢
有太空梦的孩子 也许可以梦想成真 :) 超喜欢Jared 真Leader标杆 Hayley也真的太inspiring了
Jared不是心血来潮去太空溜达一圈的billionaire, 他充分展示了leadership. 看到他组织四人组坐fighter jet, 爬mount Rainier,准备的非常充分。inspiration 4 代表的message也很strong,四个人也都很勇敢,乐观。看得我这个小平民连连激动地热泪盈眶。而且给纪录片音乐组加鸡腿,配乐配的恢弘至极,感觉人类去征服星辰大海。
大型宣传片 但还是几度泪目
难以置信 无与伦比 真的太羡慕了 看着美国的商业火箭在过去20年飞速发展 Netflix和各种摄影技术让航天迷也饱享眼福 但国内的体制却又把各种信息封闭 连个像样的宣发都没有 甚至看胖五的发射居然要靠外国人的YouTube平台 现在又把各大爱好者论坛整改 内容下架 真的意难平 。。
太牛了!Multiplanetary Era!
作为一个连海报都是用 Elon Musk 大头照 clickbait 商业广告性质的宣传片,确实拍得蛮激动人心的,就是音乐有点用力过猛。看的时候全程在想,这一周前才上的天半周前才回的地面,片子里就有 live 画面了,Netflix 的剪辑师是加了多少班。
想去学engineering!专业拉小提琴的太空科学家也太迷人了!羡慕人家有钱人可以跳出framework玩,真心任性。虽然Elon Musk前后一共只出现了几十秒,但真是很成功的广告片了。
Enjoy the ride