• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧



主演:Annette Wozniak,Geoff Almond,Keegan Chambers,Brent Baird,Nicole Kawalez






  Secret Santa is a feature length film that tells the story of a group of eccentric college kids, struggling to get through the hectic exam period. This Horror/Comedy is a tribute to B-Movie Slashers but also takes the conventions and turns them upside down. A liquor filled party is planned. Adding a Secret Santa exchange for fun. Little do our characters know... A killer is in town and has a special present for all the good (and bad) girls and boys. Dare to open your present? It might be your last!热播电视剧最新电影SPEC完结篇:渐之篇梦中的她古埃及十大发现佛陀 国语版海盗电台鬼吹灯之巫峡棺山零八三七假面病房侠肝义胆百日告別驻院医生 第五季河东师情陪你到世界终结双生花自鸣鼓他们在岛屿写作:削瘦的灵魂枪访要塞春1942大话西游之大圣娶亲大唐游侠传最高安全射杀英雄毒爱旧恨猎战

