有时我在想,那些精神分裂者们也许都只是固执地用一种奇特的方式努力维持着内心里的一点点自我。 因为这个世界总是在不停同化着每个人,用那些自成体系其实强词夺理的所谓传统观念、道德约束。 我们迷失在这个世界不断投射向我们的陨石般的各种冲击之下,有多少人是不带着面具游走在这个社会之中的。面具之下的自我,是不是离面具也有91cm之遥,或者更多? 我们试着勇敢地去面对那些冲击,就像短片里的圆脑袋主人公张开双臂迎接陨石,但是我们却已经找不回真正的自我,在这次冲击之后只有愈加地迷失。 短片最后唯有主人公无奈的声音在那里喊着“我在这儿”,但这只是徒劳了,主人公的肉身早已遨游陨石宇宙去了。 自己的灵魂留在了最深最深的地方,连自己都找不到了。想到fight club里Pixies的那首where is my mind:With your feet in the air and your head on the ground. Try this trick and spin it. 于是就分裂吧!hiahia~
I haven't always been here. I mean, before...I was normal. Before it happened, I would have been there, on the couch, not over here, in mid-air, 91 cm from the couch... precisely 91 cm from where I should be.
(OK. Go on:)
It's all because of that thing! A 150-ton meteorite, for god's sake... It's bound to leave a mark.
So, there was no actual damage after all, is that right?
(No damage? What do you mean?)
Well, just the aerial on the building opposite mine. And me. And me.
91 centimetres... I am exactly 91 centimetres from myself... Now, it's just a question of organisation. Got to be organised, that's all.
At home, I've just about got things under control. It's OK. It's not so bad. But of course, you can't foresee everything. If this goes on, I can say goodbye to my job. I can't go on. Not like this.
(Alright, next time we'll come back to the asteroid.)
Meteorite, not asteroid! It's totally different! It's not that hard to grasp, an as... an as... an asteroid is when.. An asteroid is when the... whatever... It's a whole different thing! It was a meteorite that crashed into me, nothing else! And all I want is... to get back to where I was. And quite clearly, you can't help me.
Yes Mother...
No, no, I can't hear you very well either.
Listen, I've been thinking... Perhaps it's not such a good idea you coming to visit me now...
No, I didn't say I wouldn't like to see you!
It's just that...
I've really got a lot on my plate... I'm absolutely swamped...
Where do you think you're going? I'm not going to let you slip away.
(How are you feeling today?)
What brings you here, Mr. Debrus?
(Ah, I see, yes, indeed...)
So, there was no actual damage after all, is that right?
(How many centimetres did you say? Alright, next time... we'll come back to the asteroid...)
(Hello Henry?
I don't know what's got into you, but I'm starting to worry. Your Uncle John said he passed you in the street and you didn't even say hello! He got you your job, you konw...
They say it strikes one person in a hundred. One person, just like that... at random. That's all they told me.
They never tell you how crazy you are. Just that you've lost it, that you're beside yourself...out of your mind.
So a little bit more, a little bit less... what's the point of knowing... knowing how many centimetres you've slipped...
The only thing I'm sure about now... is that from where I'm standing, it's not a bother anymore. Not anymore...
I'm here!
I'm here!
Over here!
No, not there...
Over here!
I'm here!
Je suis là.
Je suis là。。一切的偏离、错位。。无法恢复,当渐渐没入黑暗之中,奋力呼喊也无用。。谁能听见谁能看见我的存在
Je suis là.
Je suis là。。一切的偏离、错位。。无法恢复,当渐渐没入黑暗之中,奋力呼喊也无用。。谁能听见谁能看见我的存在
I‘m over here
看过这部短片后,我以前看过的几乎所有短片平均都要再降1星,能刷新认识的短片就是好短片。最受不了片子结束了、还有画外音在那里伴随着片尾曲呐喊⋯⋯《漫长的两天》如此,《精神分裂症》也是,就好像他们在天堂一样,发出最孤独的求助和呼唤。08戛纳Kodak Short Film Award
逻辑有不理解地方。 下没。下没。“没人能够懂我”。
关于偏移和矫正的动画短片 结果却是矫枉过正导致的绝望 陨石导致实在和现象之间发生91cm的偏移 但故事却显然不是在讲这些 而是在讲人格与“正常”间无可回避的差距 细想 被陨石击中错位的可能性又怎可能是百分之一 错位又怎需去看不能解决问题的心理医生 片子实际是拍给抑郁症或分离症患者看的 值得看